Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School -- February 8th, 2024
Dearest Heavenly Father,
I want to thank You for the precious gift of love You have given to the world and to me. Thank You for blessing me every day with this love and the power and strength that I get from You every single day. Without Your love for me I can’t be … I can’t function … I can’t even breathe … because I need Your love to sustain me. It’s like food and medicine for my soul Lord.
Please continue to let me feel Your comforting love in my life and Lord I give myself over to You to perfect in me this gift of love … that I may be able to express it and share it with others. Lord, I have not always been good at this … forgive me. Lord, some people are harder to love that others, but I want to be like Your Son Jesus, so please continue the work You are doing in my heart so my heart will be like Yours. In Jesus Name I pray,
A Note from Mrs. Longden
Social Media
Many parents (especially of middle schoolers, but it filters down to the elementary) know the pressure kids can put on you to allow them to join various social media platforms. While there are some incredible opportunities for evangelization through social media, that is, unfortunately, not how most kids use it. I hope that all parents are aware, first of all, that the minimum age for all the major social media outlets (Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok) is 13. If your child has their own account, they are not practicing the virtue of honesty/integrity that we are trying to encourage at our school, and I know you value at home. Through these platforms students can be exposed to many ideas and people that you would never let in your home otherwise. We want our students to be safe, to be virtuous, and to be Christ-centered.
Ash Wednesday
This coming Wednesday we will celebrate Ash Wednesday and mark the beginning of the forty days of Lent. Each of our students will have the opportunity to receive ashes on their forehead in the shape of a cross. These ashes are a symbol of our mortality and a call to complete trust and reliance on God. They remind us that no one is perfect and that we all need repentance and God's grace. Another tradition associated with Lent is the idea of sacrifice. We encourage each of our students to think of some sacrifice they can make for the forty days between now and Easter. We unite these sacrifices with the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus for all of us.
Mrs. Longden
Great to be Grateful
Family Folders
This week in Family Folders:
*Lent Information
*Pancake Breakfast Flyer
*Catholic Schools Week testimonials
Mental Health Presentation
See the attached flyer with information regarding a mental health presentation at St. Frances Cabrini with 3 Catholic counselors.
This year, our Lenten theme is “Cross My Heart,” which will be observed by our elementary students. The theme for middle school students is “One Day at a Time.” Each school day during Lent, we will read scripture and pray together.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is on Valentine’s Day next Wednesday. We will have Mass in the morning to mark the start of our Lenten season. Please join us!
Home Connection
In your home folders, you will find a Lenten prayer stained glass window. When your family prays together, color in one section of the stained glass window. Families, you are encouraged to complete your window by Easter. A family that prays together stays together!
Formed.org has a variety of different Lent-themed videos to watch during the Lenten season. Check it out!
Service Project
For our service project, students will be creating prayer cards for parishioners.
Stations of the Cross
Parents are also invited to join us for Stations of the Cross, which will be prayed every Friday during Lent at 2:00 p.m.
ITBS Testing
Iowa Test of Basic Skills will be from March 4th-18th for students in 2nd-8th grade. This is a shorter time frame than in previous years. Please make all efforts to not schedule vacations during this time. More information will be coming.
Pancake Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
Come support Holy Trinity School and visit with the Easter Bunny!
Upcoming Dates
Friday, February 9th - No School - Teacher Professional Development Day
Wednesday, February 14th - Mass (Ash Wednesday)
Friday, February 16th - Mass
Wednesday, February 21st - Mass (Grades 3K, 1-4)
Friday, February 23rd - Mass
Wednesday, February 28th - Mass (Grades 5-8)
Thursday, February 29th - Mass
Friday, March 1st - End of Trimester 2
Friday, March 1st - No School
March 4th-18th - ITBS Testing (2nd-8th Grade)
Wednesday, March 6th - Mass (Grades 3K, 1-4)
Friday, March 8th - Mass (Baptism Mass February/March/April)
Saturday, March 9th - Pancake Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
Wednesday, March 13th - Mass (Grades 5-8)
Friday, March 15th - Mass
Saturday, March 16th - First Communion Retreat
Monday, March 18th - Spring Concert 5:30 PM
Wednesday, March 20th - Mass (Grades 3K, 1-4)
Friday, March 22nd - Mass
Wednesday, March 27th - Mass (Grades 5-8)
Thursday, March 28th - Prayer Service (Holy Thursday)
Friday, March 29th - No School - Good Friday
Sunday, March 31st - Easter Sunday
Calendar of Cash
February 1 - Jane Rettler
February 2 - Janet Melzer
February 5 - Nancy Holmes
February 6 - Pam Becker
February 7 - Paul Osterholm
KMS Bowling
Please see the attached document with information on Kewaskum Middle School Bowling.
Wildcat Basketball
February 9th - Away game against St. Matt's
February 16th - Home game against Shepherd of the Hills
February 22nd - Away game against WCHSA 2
Eucharistic Miracles Presentation
Parents and Students in 6th-8th grade are welcome to come on Wednesday, February 21st to see the
Eucharistic Miracles presentation with Ron Gamache
Holy Trinity School Gym
6:00 - 7:15 p.m.
Parish/School Events Flyer
See the attached for events happening within the Parish and School.
Men of Christ
Attention Dads, Grandfathers, Brothers, Uncles of Holy Trinity Students: You’re invited to join the 2024 Men of Christ conference—Mastering What Matters—which will be held in parishes across the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, including St. Frances Cabrini —with both virtual and live elements. The morning will feature well-known speakers including Deacon Kevin’s Dad, Dave Durand, our Archbishop and a former Navy Seal, Mass, Adoration, Confession and fellowship. Get all the details and register at MenOfChrist.net
When: Saturday, 09 March 2024
Where: St. Frances Cabrini Church, 1025 S 7th Street, West Bend WI
Time: Rosary, 7:30 A.M. Mass with program to follow, ends at 1:30 P.M.
Register at MenOfChrist.net venue: St. Frances Cabrini (West Bend) or contact:
Brian Wildt 262-330-4330 or Mike Lemens 262-818-6118 or Joseph Schumaker 262-343-1933 for more information.
Altar and Server Guild Meetings
Our Mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to provide a high-quality education, and to guide children in living the Catholic faith.
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603