Better Together
Grand Isle Gears Up for the 2022/2023 School Year
Hi Grand Isle School families!
It's so exciting to be sending my first official newsletter to all of you. I value communication and love spreading the news about the wonderful things that are occuring in our school community. I have been fortunate enough to meet some students and families already, and I look forward to meeting everyone else very soon!
Mrs. Hanlon (or Mrs. H)
Welcome to Grand Isle School
New Faculty and Staff
We are so excited to be welcoming some new faculty and staff to GIS and CIUUSD! Please help me welcome:
Alex Lovejoy- Mrs. Lovejoy is our new kindergarten teachers.
Rachel Gammal- Ms. Gammal is our new math interventionist.
Veronica McMorrow- Ms. McMorrow is our new literacy interventionist.
Brian Berlinger- Mr. Berlinger is our new CIUUSD guidance counselor.
Victoria Dominguez-Morrison- Ms. Morrison is our new CIUUSD art teacher.
Lauren Drasler- Ms. Drasler is our new CIUUSD library and technology teacher.
Lisa Charlebois- Ms. Charlebois is our new CIUUSD world language teacher.
Maddie Gibbons- Ms. Gibbons is our new CIUUSD music teacher.
Class Lists and Your Student's Schedule
Class lists and schedules will be sent out by classroom teachers in August. Please keep an eye on your email or your child's backpack.
Morning Drop-Off
Early morning drop-off is available from 7:00-7:45. Students may enter the building at 7 and come into the cafeteria for breakfast and time with friends.
New Dismissal Routine
Keeping students safe from the moment they enter the building to when they get on their transportation home is incredibly important.
A new dismissal plan has been created to increase student and family safety, as well as, efficiency.
- Families picking up will enter the parking lot where a staff member will read and radio in information from a tag hanging from your rearview mirror.
- The tag will have the grade and the student’s last name.
- Your vehicle will then proceed to the front of the school, where students will be dismissed from the side door of the gym.
Car tags will be available for pickup by 8/8/22 and tags not picked up will be mailed out on 8/12/22.
After School Program
Grand Isle School will be offering after school care from 3-5 PM, Monday-Friday, starting September 12, 2022. There is currently a waitlist and if you would like to be added to the waitlist, please fill out this form.
Krista LaBonte and Cathie Larson will be notifying families about the current status of their student's enrollment by mid-August.
Important Forms for the Start of School
- Free and Reduced Lunch Forms- please fill these out even if you think you don't qualify. All children will continue to receive free breakfast and lunch this year!
- Registration Forms- If you need help with forms, please email Pam Leonard or Ashley Hanlon
New Website!
GISU is getting a new website! This website will be easier to engage with and is designed to be used from your phone (although it works on a computer too). You will be able to:
- Submit attendance (absent, leaving early, coming in late)
- Change dismissal plans
- See events
- Menus
- Pictures
- News
- Parent communications
- Classroom updates
- and More!
New Teacher Meet and Greet- Tentative Date
Come meet your new teachers! We will be outside on the playground at school and will have some snacks and refreshments for you to enjoy!
Fri, Aug 19, 2022, 04:30 PM
Grand Isle Elementary School, U.S. 2, Grand Isle, VT, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Kindergarten Open House- Time TBD
Come meet your teachers and see your classroom!
We are finalizing a time and will set up a calendar event on our new webpage for you to view.
Please ignore the 8 AM, I do not have the option to not select a start time.
Tue, Aug 30, 2022, 08:00 AM
Grand Isle Elementary School, U.S. 2, Grand Isle, VT, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.