The Lancer Link
Franklin Elementary School - August 2020
A Word from our Principal...
As we begin the second week of in-person instruction, I would like to acknowledge our teachers and staff for doing an OUTSTANDING job of preparing for the start of the school year. They have worked hard to prepare a safe environment and adapt to new ways of teaching.
Next, I would like to commend the students for doing a GREAT job of following new safety procedures and coming to school ready to learn. Let's keep up the great work! During the first week, we spent a great deal of time getting settled into our "new normal." This week, we will begin distributing Chromebooks and dive into more content.
Lastly, I would like to thank the parents for supporting their child(ren) and school staff during this unprecedented start to the school year. We ask for your continued patience with us as we navigate through uncharted waters. This year will not be perfect, but WE WILL GET THROUGH IT TOGETHER! We are #FranklinStrong.
Rebecca West
Grab & Go Meals
Students who are attending in-person have the option to eat breakfast at school in their classrooms between 8:00-8:20 a.m. At dismissal, a grab-n-go meal sack will be offered to all students. The meal sack will include lunch for that day and their meals for the following day while they are learning remotely. If you do NOT want meals for your child, please contact the school office to opt-out of the school meal program.
For students who are fully remote, meal distribution will be held curbside from 11:00-11:30 a.m. To register for the meal service, please click the link below:
- Meal Service Form (ONLY for students who are NOT attending in-person)
Chromebook Distribution
Students who are fully remote will be assigned an afternoon pick-up time when in-person students are not in session. Full remote parents, please watch for communication from your child's teacher. We are beginning to receive Chromebooks and will be distributing them by grade level, beginning with 6th grade and working on down through 1st grade. When Chromebooks are available for your child's grade level, the teacher will contact you to arrange a distribution appointment.
Franklin Elementary School will utilize the following communication methods to keep stakeholders up to date on any changes regarding protocols:
Text message alerts through our Remind system. To sign-up for text message announcements from Franklin Elementary School, text @franklines to the number 81010.
Franklin Elementary Website - franklin.massac.org
Massac Unit #1 Website - massac.org
Parents/Guardians who wish to receive communication should ensure that email addresses and phone numbers are up to date.
Who do I contact if . . .
I have questions/concerns about my child's classroom instruction:
First point of contact is your child’s teacher
Second point of contact is your child’s principal
My student receives special education services and I would like to discuss the services that will be offered this year:
Eric Qualls, Special Education, at equalls@massac.org or your child’s teacher
My student tests positive for COVID-19:
Suzanne Souders, Franklin Secretary, at 618-524-2243
I have questions/concerns about transportation:
Tina Williamson, Robinson Transport Manager, at 618-309-6923
I have questions/concerns about food service:
Amanda Morse, Franklin Head Cook, at 618-524-2243
I have questions/concerns about my child’s device:
First point of contact is your child’s teacher
Second point of contact is Danielle Walker, Massac Technology Aide, at dwalker@massac.org
Character Word of the Month - RESPECT
Character Counts!
*Be tolerant of differences
*Use good manners, not bad language
*Be considerate of the feelings of others
*Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone
*Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements
School Contact Information
Email: rwest@massac.org
Website: franklin.massac.org
Location: 1006 Mt Mission Rd, Metropolis, IL, USA
Phone: 618-524-2243