Equity Matters
January 2022
Cultivating Community Connections to Collaboratively Challenge and Change
This issue explores opportunities for us, as a Limestone community, to continue to build meaningful connections, collaboratively counter oppression, and collectively challenge and advocate for equitable change.
Community Connections
Have you heard of LDSB's New Staff Networks?
These networks aim to provide a confidential empowering space for sharing experiences, peer-to-peer connection, informal mentorship, and increase a sense of belonging. Open to any employee of the LDSB, they aim to provide a space for members to voice and address concerns that impact their lived experience within the Limestone District School Board, and help provide input in determining priorities and strategies supporting staff, students, and communities with Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigeneity actions.
Currently, 3 staff networks have been established:
1. Black, Indigenous, and Racialized Staff Network
2.2SLGBTQ+ Staff Network
3. People Living with Disabilities Staff Network
If you are interested in joining any of these networks, please do not hesitate to reach out Rae McDonald (mcdonaldr@limestone.on.ca) for further information.
This year’s Annual Black History Month opening ceremony taking place virtually at Queen’s University on Tuesday, Feb 1, 2022, from 5pm to 6pm. The BHM event calendar will be released at the ceremony, and we will have the opportunity to hear insights from our esteemed panelists on Black Health and Wellness.
Black History Month Opening Ceremony 2022 Tickets, Tue, 1 Feb 2022 at 5:00 PM | Eventbrite
Celebrating Black Creators: Readings of Poetry and Prose
KFPL is accepting one piece per writer ages 13 and up from Feb. 1 to 27. Submissions can be made through the KFPL website, or by emailing Jake Miller at jmiller@kfpl.ca
On February 22 &23, Kingston-born spoken word performer, writer and poet Britta Badour, better known as Britta B, is hosting writer's workshops. The focus of this workshop will be writing with the aim of reenvisioning the Black experience and Black existence.
On February 28, creators can read their works to the community with Celebrating Black Creators: Readings of Poetry and Prose.
Collaboratively Countering Oppression
Standing in Solidarity Against Acts of Hate
January 27, International Holocaust Remembrance Day
International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27 commemorates the victims of the Holocaust, and the genocide of European Jews by Nazi Germany between 1941 and 1945.
January 27, 2022, marks 77 years since the Allied troops arrived at the gates of Auschwitz. The Holocaust -- the murder of 6 million Jews by the Nazis and their collaborators -- did not occur in a vacuum. It was the product of unchecked hatred and collective silence.
The Holocaust continues to impact the Jewish people today as antisemitism is at the highest rate today since Nazi Germany in the 1930's. Learning about The Holocaust and commemorating the victims and survivors illustrates the importance of remembering this tragic chapter in human history so that we can ensure that it never happens again.
January 29: National Day of Remembrance of the Québec City Mosque Attack and Action against Islamophobia
The Green Square Campaign
The Green Square Campaign takes place in the week leading up to January 29th every year to remember the victims and survivors of the Quebec City mosque attack.
How Can LDSB Staff and Students Stand With and Support the Muslim Community?
Join a digital solidarity letter-writing opportunity, designed to focus on “instant” change making!
All letters are digital and will live on Islamophobia.io
The campaign link to submit letters: https://islamophobia.io/jan29
Let's Continue to Challenge and Change for a More Equitable Future For All!
Equity Matters: We Are All Learning Together
As Limestone District School Board employees, we are all a part of this learning journey. If you have ideas about future equity topics or terminology, please contact Rae McDonald.
Email: mcdonaldr@limestone.on.ca
Phone: 613-544-6925 336