BAM Bear Blast-2/2/24
C.L.I.M.B. Together

February 2, 2024 Edition
The CLIMB - BAM's Weekly Academic Newsletter
Click the icon image below to view "The CLIMB", Brambleton's Weekly Academic Newsletter, to review upcoming activities and assessments in your student's classes.
New & Updated Bear Blast Items
Upcoming Calendar
- Monday, February 5 : A-Day
- Campfire Program
- Tuesday, February 6: B-Day
- Wednesday, February 7 : A-Day
- Campfire Program
- Thursday, February 8: B-Day
- Friday, February 9 : Holiday (Lunar New Year)
Quarter 2 Report Cards
Quarter 2 Report Cards are now visible in ParentVue by visiting the students document tab. Families are encouraged to reach out to the teacher with any questions regarding a specific class.
2024-25 Course Information: Rising 7th & 8th Graders
Thank you to all families that joined us this past Thursday for the Rising 7th & 8th Grade Course Information Night! We hope you found the night's format welcoming, efficient and informative. The presentation slides are linked below and will be posted on our BAM main website and the school counseling website for continued access. Families may contact their child's school counselor with any questions on the 2024-25 course process.
Quarter 2 CLIMB Awards
We are pleased to announce our CLIMB Award winners for Quarter 2! CLIMB Awards winners were nominated by their teachers and grade level administrative teams for demonstrating characteristics essential to being a Brambleton Bear. These qualities are encompassed into five categories: Create, Lead, Inspire, Motivate and Believe. CLIMB Awards winners were recognized at a ceremony on January 26th. Congratulations, and continue to CLIMB!
Spring Semester Club Ranger Program
It is almost time for Semester 2 Club Ranger Program!
We are offering a variety of clubs and extracurricular opportunities for our students this spring as part of our Club Ranger Program. Students (or "Rangers") who choose to participate will be able to register for ONE MONDAY club AND/OR ONE WEDNESDAY club this session. This program will allow them to explore interests or connect with peers to compete, collaborate, or wander through a new (or established) interest area.
See the flyer below or visit our BAM Club Ranger website for more detailed information. Registration opens 02/14/2024!
Campfire & Club Dismissal - Semester 2
For the second semester, we have been able to coordinate our after school clubs and activities to all dismiss at 4:45 pm so that we can again utilize the car line to support student safety reaching their family car. When picking up for an after school activity that ends at 4:45, please begin to utilize the car line beginning with the week of February 5.
The car line does not apply for our later events and activities (i.e. concerts, rehearsals) that are dismissing later than 4:45. For those later events, families can still park in the lot for pick up.
National School Counseling Week
Please, join us in celebrating National School Counseling Week, February 5-9! Brambleton is so fortunate to have our amazing, caring and dedicated counseling team! Pictured below from left: Ms. Hamilton (6th), Ms. Dunn (8th), Ms. Hicks (8th), Ms. Olek (7th), Ms. Husadzinovic (6th) and Mr. Elder (7th). Families are encouraged to send their child's school counselor a note of appreciation!
LCPS Optional Tutoring through "Varsity Tutors"
As part of the ALL in VA Tutoring Plan, families can view the flyers below for an optional tutoring opportunity for students available through "Varsity Tutors". Visit the LCPS ALL in VA Tutoring Website for more details.
Repeat Bear Blast Items
"We are BAMily" Multicultural Event
Get your passports ready to “Travel Around the World” at Brambleton Middle School. This year Brambleton Middle School will host it's first multicultural event. The multicultural event will take place on Friday, April 12th. Please fill out this form to ensure every country is represented in our flag display as well as to indicate whether you would like to showcase your culture at the event.
We will unveil our flag display in the cafeteria and want to include every country represented in our community. This event will educate our students, parents and school staff about different cultures, foods, music, customs and special performances. Guests will be given the opportunity to learn and travel around the world in one night.
Please contact Jocelyn Jones at jocelyn.jones@lcps.org if you have any questions.
Special thanks to our families, PTSA and school team working to prepare and plan this event.
LCPS SHINE Recognition
Families, students, community members and staff can nominate a deserving BAM teacher/staff member for an LCPS SHINE recognition and we encourage you to nominate anyone that you feel goes above and beyond to make our school great for students. Thanks in advance for your support!
Click THIS LINK to read more about SHINE.
Click THIS LINK for the SHINE nomination form.
BAM Counseling Corner
BAM PTSA Partnership
Brambleton Middle School
Website: https://www.lcps.org/BAM
Location: 23070 Learning Circle, Ashburn, VA, USA
Phone: 703-957-4450
Twitter: @BAM_MS_Official
Brambleton Middle School
Loudoun County Public Schools