Cougar News Family Newsletter
Week 2: September 7-11
September 7-12
Tuesday, September 8th- ALL In-Person Learners at Kerr
Wednesday, September 9th- Fan Cloth Spiritwear online store closes (visit https://fancloth.shop/htwft)
Friday, September 11th- School Pictures for In-Person Learners (We will communicate a future date for virtual learners & makeups once it is set. We will only be taking in-person pictures on 9/11 to ensure social distancing & crowd control on this date).
1st Week Recap
Thank you for a wonderful first week! It was exciting seeing all of our Cougars in classes, both online and in person, throughout the week.
Thank you for all of your patience and grace as we worked through the logistics of on campus learning, virtual learning, and doing both simultaneously! This new style of school made us all first year teachers again. I have heard many teachers talk about how patient and helpful students were as we worked through any obstacles. Thank you for your kindness!
Just a reminder, there is no school on Monday, September 7th due to Labor Day. We will resume classes on Tuesday, September 8th. We hope everyone enjoys the long weekend!
Our doors open daily at 7:50 am. When the doors open, students report directly to their first period class. If students need to eat breakfast in the cafeteria, they may do so before reporting to class. The tardy bell rings at 8:15 am.
If you drop your student off prior to 7:50 am, they will wait outside until doors open. We encourage social distancing and masking; however, students are not supervised by KMS staff until the building opens at 7:50 am.
In the event of inclement or extreme weather, we will allow students to enter the building as soon as we have sufficient staff members on hand for supervision.
Thanks for making the first week back great! We are looking forward to week two, where all three grade levels of in-person learners will be on campus together.
Kalee McMullen, Ed.D.
Principal- Kerr MS
Football & Boys Athletics Reminders
7th grade football practice will start Tuesday, September 8.
Doors will open at 7:15 & practice begins 7:30. Parent drop off is by the gym/football field. Football players will enter through the gym, by the concession stand.
7th grade off season (non-Football) will receive students starting at 7:50. Parent drop off is by the gym/football field. Off season will remain outside by the gym. Bus riders may eat breakfast and then report to Athletics.
8th grade football practice begins Tuesday, September 8.
Practice starts during 7th period and lasts until 4:45. Please pick your student up by 5:00 pm. Athletic Staff will not wait outside with students after 5:00 pm.
Off season (non-Football) will be finished by 3:45 and dismiss with the rest of the campus.
Students MUST have turned in a completed physical and completed all online forms prior to participating in athletic activities.
Reach out to Coach Dix or our Athletic Trainer, Coach Velazquez with questions.
Volleyball & Girls Athletics Reminders
7th Grade Volleyball Tryouts start Tuesday, September 8th.
Doors open at 6:45 am, tryouts start at 7:00 am. Athletes will enter through the Concession doors near the football field.
8th Grade Volleyball Tryouts start Tuesday, September 8th.
Tryouts will end at 5:30 pm.
The first volleyball game will be at home on September 17th versus Stephenville. All tickets will be online pre-sale. Stay tuned for more information.
All students in Athletics must have paperwork and medical forms complete before participating in athletic activities.
Patricia.Foster@bisdmail.net OR JessieVelazquez@bisdmail.net
Dress Code Reminders
You will find the 2020-2021 BISD Student Dress code here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wg8o0xJB80HVjEd3EHKnuuHCGRH5_-QC/view
A few reminders about dress code:
-All skirts, shorts, holes/rips in pants must be below the fingertip.
-Crop tops are in style right now, but these are not allowed in the dress code. Shirts and blouses must coverthe entire torso at all times, even in movement.
-No spandex or leggings allowed. Pants are defined as having seams and pockets.
-No hats
-Pajamas and zip up onesies are not allowed
Instructional Choice Changes
September 14: An Instructional Choice Change form will be emailed out to all parents.
September 14-September 20: The form will accept responses until 11:59 pm on Sunday, September 20th.
Sunday, September 20th at 11:59 pm: No changes will be accepted for the second six weeks after this date and time.
September 21-October 2: A KMS staff member will reach out to the parent to confirm the change selection and answer any questions about the change.
Monday, October 5th: Instructional choice changes become effective. This is the first day that a student moving from virtual instruction to in-person instruction would come to campus for class.
The instructional choice change form is campus-specific. If you have children on multiple campuses, you will need to complete the form for each campus where you desire a change.
If you do not complete the form, your current instructional choice will remain the same.
If you have questions about the instructional delivery change process, please email Kalee McMullen, Kerr Principal, at kalee.mcmullen@bisdmail.net
Healthy Practices for Healthy Cougars
If your student has a temperature of 100.4 or higher or is exhibiting COVID-like symptoms, please do not send your student to school.
Please send your student to school in a mask that covers their mouth and nose. We will have additional masks on hand for any student who needs one; however, we encourage students to wear a mask they have selected and feel comfortable in. Everyone has different preferences for design, style, and comfort.
We will also be encouraging frequent hand washing and hand sanitizing throughout the school day.
Please see the BISD Health Protocols page for more information.
Thank you for helping keep our Cougars healthy!
Kerr MS Bell Schedule
Congrats to Mrs. Stacy Hughes
Check out the feature on Mrs. Hughes and learn about her amazing work with the SSEP Program in BISD!
We are proud that Mrs. Hughes is a Cougar!
Communities in Schools
Communities in Schools Program
Cell Phone Policy
Our desire is for all students to be engaged in learning and connect with each other in meaningful, appropriate ways during their time at school.
We believe that middle school students are very social by nature, and we strive to provide ways for students to be social at school. We encourage students to have conversations and connect with those around them in classrooms, passing periods, and during lunches.
Students are not permitted to be on their cell phones during the school day. We understand that there are times where a parent needs to relay a message to a student, or when a student needs to contact their parent during the school day. We encourage parents to call the front office and we will deliver messages to students, or we encourage you to email your student information needed.
If there is a circumstance where a student needs to step out and call or text their parent, they just need to ask the teacher's permission and we will all them to do so.
Our cell phone policy is below. Please reach out to any administrator if you have questions about this policy.
We appreciate your help and support!
Attendance Questions
Per TEA requirements, students must engage daily in each class period's content.
Teacher Hours & Response Times
Our goal is to always be prompt and responsive to your questions and concerns; however, an immediate response is not possible in most all situations.
Per BISD Board Policy, please note that teachers will respond to you within 24 hours of an email or phone call.
Setting an appointment with a teacher, counselor, or administrator is strongly encouraged to ensure the person you need to visit with is available during your call/visit. We are happy to set up virtual meetings or phone calls as well.
Schoology Family Access Account
Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
Please follow the directions of all staff members assisting with traffic flow. Our goal is a safe and efficient process for dropping off and picking up your student each day.
Please do not stop to load or unload your car on Hidden Creek. This is very dangerous. BPD frequently monitors this area and will issue citations if needed.
The fence around the perimeter of Kerr MS property was completed over the summer. Students will no longer be able to cut through the back of the Kerr MS property into the Plantation neighborhood. Students will have to walk along Hidden Creek to access Plantation.
Please review the maps below for our updated drop off and pick up procedures for this school year.
Notes from Week 1:
1. We have a designated unloading zone that wraps from the front of the building to the side by the football field. When traffic is backed up and stops, please have your student exit if you are in the unloading zone. We are utilizing three entrances to the building in the unloading zone to help kids quickly enter the building and get to class.
2. When you enter the drop off loop, please have your student ready to quickly exit the car.
3. Please watch Kerr Staff and follow their directions during the drop off and pick up process. We are trying to make the process as safe and efficient as possible.
A Word from Nurse Hadley
Homecoming Information
We are pleased to announce that BHS & CHS homecoming will be on September 24 at AT&T Stadium! This is an incredible opportunity to continue our homecoming and Boot Bowl traditions at AT&T Stadium. We look forward to kicking off another great football season with students of all ages and families joining us!
Ticket sales for games this season will be made available online the week of each game.
More details about homecoming and school procedures will be available in the next few weeks. In the meantime, let’s get excited for a great school year together! We look forward to seeing you all next week - on campus and virtually!
Kerr Middle School
Email: kalee.mcmullen@bisdmail.net
Website: https://www.burlesonisd.net/kerr
Location: 1320 East Hidden Creek Parkway, Burleson, TX, USA
Phone: (817)245-0750
Facebook: facebook.com/KMSCougars
Twitter: @KMScougars