From the Desk of Dr. Sladek
Week of Nov. 29th - Dec. 3rd
What's Happening This Week:
Tuesday: Souls in Motion [free exercise class open to the community] 7:00-8:00pm in the TE Gym!
Wednesday: Math Evaluate Day for 2nd, 3rd & 4th Graders!
Thursday: ELA Evaluate Day for 2nd, 3rd & 4th Graders! PTO MEETING @ 4:00pm in the TE Cafeteria. Souls in Motion [free exercise class open to the community] 7:00-8:00pm in the TE Gym!
Meramec Valley Christmas Tree Forest
4:00-9:00pm every Monday-Saturday
Truman Elementary is working with our PTO and will have a tree represented. The tree theme is "Truman Elementary Wil Warm Your Hearts"
PTO Meeting this Thursday @ 4:00pm
- December 10th - Family Event - Ice Skating?
- December 18th - Pacific Christmas Parade (permission slips!); Parade Prep and Pizza Night December 16th
- Trivia - Prime Time Trivia moved to ADB facility - finalize date and assign roles.
- Month of December focus - Critical Thinking
December Focus: Critical Thinking
We describe Critical Thinking as: Be a Problem Solver. I can work hard to tackle obstacles.
Below you will find an article and a image to support Critical Thinking at Home!
What's going on in Pacific, MO?
Home to School Connection Articles
I have used these articles in the past and think they serve as a great reminder and purpose for all of us.
So here is week 1 - enjoy.
All Things December will be sent out mid-week...
- December Newsletter
- December Calendar
- December Menu
- etc.