The Sabin Star
February 20, 2024 Volume #2 Issue #8
Principal's Corner
Greetings Sabin families,
This is the time of the year where we work on budgets and staffing for the next school year. It is also the time of year when a lot of rumors, concerns and misinformation lead people to assume the worst. As the interim principal, as well as a long time member of this incredible community of families and staff, it is my goal to be transparent and honest. The impact of budgetary constraints and reduced school population that you currently may be reading on media is indeed real and will change how we must operate. My goal is to maximize our students' opportunities while maintaining high expectations for academic achievement AND growing resilient, social-emotionally ready and kind students. What does this mean for Sabin in 2024-2025?
- All students will still receive two 45 minute PE classes per week
- All students will still receive one 45 minute MUSIC class per week
- All students will still receive one 45 minute ART class per week
- All students will still receive one 45 minute LIBRARY class per week
- All grade 2-5 students will still receive one 45 minute SPANISH language class per week
- All classrooms have access to our garden program
- We are adding a reading interventionist to our staff for the 24-25 school year
- SUN school partnership will continue to offer after school enrichment opportunities
Sounds great but what are potential losses?
- Class size in grade 3: Our student population is projected to shrink to 289 students from 305. This resulted in all grades having two sections next year. We have had 3 sections for the past 3 years to support a larger population currently in grade 2. Next year we will not see three sections of grade 3 so this will be the grade with the largest class size. [NOTE: If you know of families in the area that are looking for a fantastic school for their third grader please encourage them to enroll in Sabin. The district requires us to have approximately 5 more students to be considered for a third section.]
- Dedicated art, music, library and PE for our focus classrooms has been eliminated. All students will access these programs within their general education classroom setting.
- Educational assistants: Our incredible educational assistants are currently not budgeted to return. Thank you to the generosity of the Sabin community through donations to the Sabin School Foundation over the years we have been able to fund both of these positions. If you would like to donate, here is the link for the Fund for PPS: https://app.aplos.com/aws/give/TheFundforPortlandPublicSchools/donate, then select Sabin as the Purpose.
You will likely continue to hear many things around budget and it's impact. As things change I will keep you updated. I encourage you to reach out if you have concerns or questions. A well informed community is an asset to our advocacy efforts.
Smart watches and cell phones are NOT ALLOWED at Sabin. Any student found utilizing a cell phone or smart watch will have them taken and stored in the office. If your child is bringing a device to school please advise them to have the device off and stored away or dropped off at the office.
If your child needs to reach you, a smart watch or cell phone is NOT an acceptable way to communicate during school hours. If your child needs to reach you they need to go through their teacher and/or the office. Please help us to ensure all Sabin students are following this expectation.
- First offense: device taken and stored in office for pickup by student at end of the day
- Second offense: device taken and stored in office for pickup by caregiver at end of the day
- Third offense: device taken and stored in office and a family meeting with administration
Thank you for your cooperation.
From the Office
Important Reminders
If a parent/caregiver requests that their child (3rd-5th) walk home in the middle of the school day they must email the office so we have it in writing.
Oregon uses the OHA/ODE Communicable Disease Guidelines for Schools for illnesses including Covid-19. The pages to refer to are 9-11 and more specifically for Covid-19, page 16 (which brings you back to pages 9-11). There is currently no exclusion for Covid-19 positive cases unless they also have excludable symptoms. If there are excludable symptoms (as specified in the guidance), then follow the requirements. It is appreciated to have your student wear a mask to help in reducing possible transmission if they are not feeling well and have respiratory symptoms, but it is not required. Being aware of those you come in contact with that may be immunocompromised, and waiting to spend time with them until you are well, is still very helpful to this population. Finally, if there are adults in your family that get ill with Covid-19, it is advised that you call your provider to have them help determine if you would be a good candidate for Paxlovid, as it is super helpful and underutilized.
Click on the image for the survey!
Dear Sabin Families and Staff, We are thrilled to invite you to the 2nd Annual Sabin Black Excellence Symposium.
The Sabin Black Excellence Symposium aims to recognize and highlight Sabin Students, fostering a sense of pride and unity.
This year's symposium promises to be even more inspiring and engaging than the last. We believe that by coming together,
we can celebrate our amazing young people, and rally around them.
To RSVP and secure your spot at this year's event, please scan the QR code at the bottom of the flyer.
Together, let's make the 2nd Annual Sabin Black Excellence Symposium a true reflection of our black students and how they show up.
If you have any questions require additional information, or would like to volunteer please feel free to contact:
Janessa Willie at jwillie@pps.net or 503-916-6181
We look forward to seeing you there!
From the Library
Andre’ Simmons introduced visiting author Jelani Memory to the 3rd, 4th and 5th graders. Mr. Memory captivated students with the story of writing his book so that his own children would have a way to start the discussion about racism. His company has published more than 130 books, based on topics that kids are asking for. He challenged students to think about what book they would write.. . and some of them have started writing!
Listen to A Kids Book About Racism here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnaltG5N8nE
4th Grade Spotlight
4th graders learning and creating projects about Energy!
We are looking for student authors and artists to share their poems, stories, writings and art. If your child would like to share please have them see Mr. Diltz or Ms. Jasmin.
Dinner Table Questions
- What would you do first if there was no gravity?
- What makes a good friend?
- What is something grown-ups always say?
Coming Up...
Feb 21st - PTA Meeting, 5:30
Feb 27th - Exclusion Day
Feb 28th - Black Excellence Symposium
Feb 29th - IB Assembly: Openminded, 1:30 K-2 2:15 3-5
From the Editor
Our next newsletter will go out 2/29. Please send any content you would like included to jvillanuevavillarrea@pps.net