Clear Creek High School Updates
August 4, 2023
Meet the Wildcat Staff
Mrs. Ashley Orr, Principal
Mrs. Ashley Orr is the principal of Clear Creek High School. Mrs. Orr is an alumni of the University of Houston and the University of Houston Clear Lake. In addition to the 11 years she's spent at CCHS as an assistant principal, associate principal, and principal, she also taught Freshmen English and coached swimming and water polo at Clear Lake High School. When she's not supporting the students of CCHS, she enjoys being a "moto-mom" and cheering on her son at motocross races, sharing all things sparkly and pink with her daughter, and just spending time with family. Mrs. Orr's favorite part about being an educator is the opportunity to provide students with an environment where they can achieve their goals and reach their potential.
Mrs. Cirena Blacksmith, Associate Principal
Mrs. Cirena Blacksmith is our Associate Principal. Mrs. Blacksmith is an alumni of University of Houston and University of Phoenix. Before finding her home at CCHS in 2022, Mrs. Blacksmith worked in Pasadena ISD, at Clear Lake High School, and at Clear Falls High School. When she's not supporting the students of CCHS, Mrs. Blacksmith enjoys hiking, reading, going to the beach, and floating the river. Mrs. Blacksmith chose to become an educator because she wants to positively impact students and support them in their journey to success in all facets of their lives.
Mrs. Perry Johnson, Dean of Instruction
Mrs. Perry Johnson is our Dean of Instruction. Mrs. Johnson attended Tarleton State University, University of Texas at Dallas, University of Texas at San Antonio, and Lamar University. In addition to the 11 years she's spent at CCHS, she's also taught at Baskin Elementary in SAISD, Driscoll Middle School in NEISD, and Clear Lake Intermediate. She spent time as a technology instructional specialist at Victory Lakes Intermediate and as an assistant principal at Bayside Intermediate and CCHS. When she's not supporting the students of CCHS, she enjoys spending time with family, especially camping, cooking, and traveling together. She has been a member of the CCHS community for 20 years. Many of those as a parent of a Wildcat. She truly loves this school and is passionate about it.
Back to School Forms
Back-to-School forms are now available in Skyward Family Access (parent account). These forms must be completed online, and a proof of residency uploaded prior to schedule preview on August 10th. If you are not planning to attend schedule preview, we still ask that you have these processes completed no later than Thursday, August 17th.
Attached are instructions for accessing the Back to School Forms. If you need assistance completing the back to school forms, we will have a computer lab available on campus August 7th-9th from 7:30a-2:30p. A lab will also be open during schedule preview.
Schedule Preview
Schedule preview will be Thursday, August 10th from Noon-7 p.m. in the cafeterias. Limited parking is available in the front lot, so the building will also be accessible via the courtyard.
- FAST PASS -- if all back-to-school paperwork is completed correctly and in it's entirety by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, August 7th, you will be emailed a "fast pass" to by-pass some of the lines and go straight to the schedule pick-up table.
- Students or their parent/guardian will need a photo ID to pick up their draft schedule.
- We will distribute 23-24 ID's at Schedule Preview. Students who are unable to attend schedule preview will receive their ID on the first day of school.
- Prior to picking up their schedules, student’s back to school forms will need to be filled out and proof of residency submitted (Light, Gas, or Water Bill from June, July, or August 2023).
- Counselors will be available to answer schedule related questions/concerns.
- Various organizations will be selling Wildcat Wear (shirts, hats, etc.)!
- Technology will be available for students with device needs.
- The building will not be available for students to walk their schedules.
If you are unable to attend schedule preview, students will have to wait until the district releases schedules in Skyward August 18th. Schedules will not be available for pick-up after schedule preview.
New Wildcat Welcome
We will welcome all of our NEW Wildcats on Monday, August 21st. This day is only for incoming Freshmen and students who are brand new to CCHS. It is a normal school day, so students should arrive before 7:20 a.m. (busses will run). This day will include a variety of activities, a campus tour, and an opportunity for students to walk their schedule and meet their teachers.
Student Parking Information
Parking Information
- Seniors and Juniors - After you receive an email confirmation that your application has been approved you may pick up your permit.
- Pick up begins Tuesday, August 22, 2023, 11th and 12th graders can pick up permits in the D100 office during school hours, 7am-3:15pm.
- Sophomores and Freshmen - After you receive an email confirmation that your application has been approved you may come pick up your permit.
- Pick up begins Tuesday, September 5, 2023, in the D100 office during school hours, 7am-3:15pm.
NOTE: Student classification is based on credits earned. Parking citations will start being issued September 11th.
CCHS Parking Map
QR Code for Parking Application
Priority Parking Raffle
This school year, any student who meets parking permit requirements will have the opportunity to win a priority parking spot. The Senior Class will be raffling off 11 Priority Parking Spots for some of the closest spots in the student parking lot (see image below). In order to have an opportunity to win a spot, students who have met all parking permit requirements may purchase as many raffle tickets as they would like (1 ticket for $3.00 or 2 tickets for $5.00). Tickets may be purchased with the bookkeeper beginning on Thursday, August 10th during Schedule Preview. After Schedule Preview, tickets can be purchased with the bookkeeper in A125 during regular school hours through Wednesday, August 30th. The drawing will take place on Thursday, August 31st. Winners will then be notified of next steps. If a student’s name is drawn but they have not completed the required parking pass documentation, another name will be drawn in their place (no refunds will be issued). Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get your own parking spot and get your required paperwork in!
Priority Parking Spots
Priority Parking Info
Expectations for Electronics
In an effort to maximize instructional time and minimize distractions, CCHS classrooms will be electronic-free zones (with the exception of laptops at teacher discretion) when we return to class in August.
- Students will be allowed to use their electronic devices before and after school, during passing periods, and during lunches.
- Teachers will have a designated spot for student electronic devices.
- All students will be trained on specific expectations when we return, and we will share this information with families.
We appreciate your support of our efforts to eliminate some distractions and increase opportunities for student success.
Volunteer Application
Clear Creek High School welcomes and appreciates the support of campus volunteers. In order to volunteer in CCISD schools, you will need to complete this application. The application must be completed each school year. Once approved, you will receive an email notification. For the safety and security of our students and staff, CCISD conducts criminal background checks on all prospective volunteers.
We encourage you to check all volunteer (type) boxes when applying to ensure you are eligible for all opportunities on campus. Keep in mind, Homecoming is early this year (September 29th), so you will want to complete this process soon.
Varsity Letter in Community Service
Beginning Fall, 2023, CCHS PTSA is sponsoring an opportunity for students to receive a varsity letter/letter jacket based on community service hours. Please see the attached application for details. Questions, contact: cchsptsa01@gmail.com
Other Things to Know
IDs: As a safety measure, student IDs must be worn and visible each day. Students will be issued one ID at the beginning of the school year. If a student needs a new ID, they can be purchased in the main office for $5. 23-24 IDs will be distributed at schedule preview. Students who are unable to attend schedule preview will get their ID on the first day of school.
- IDs must be worn on the student's person and visible at all times during the school day.
- If a student needs a new ID, they can be purchased in the main office for $5. The fee will be added to the student's Skyward account. There is a fee management tab in each parent's Skyward Family access account. The district also a Fee Management Balance email out on the first Thursday of each month.
Dress Code: The CCISD student dress code can be found on page 61 of the CCISD Student Handbook. While our primary goal is to have students in class receiving instruction, we do expect that they follow some basic dress expectations to facilitate participation in learning. We are asking for the support of our parents/guardians as dress code starts at home with you. Please take these expectations into consideration when you are purchasing clothes for your child to wear to school, and have conversations with your students about appropriate dress. School administration ultimately determines if a student's grooming or clothing violates the school's dress code. If a student is out of dress code, the student will be given an opportunity to correct the problem and return to class. We thank you in advance for your partnership and support.
A few points to highlight:
- Shirts must have straps and should not expose the midriff
- Shirts, shorts, skirts, and dresses must offer adequate coverage
- Hats, caps, beanies, hoods, etc. are not permitted indoors
Lunches: Clear Creek High School is a closed campus. Students can purchase a lunch in the school cafeteria or bring a lunch from home, but they are not permitted to leave during lunches. Additionally, lunches are not permitted to be dropped off, nor do we allow lunch delivery services such as Door Dash or Uber Eats. If a student forgets their lunch, they should communicate with their assistant principal for assistance. If your student is planning to purchase food in the cafeteria, please ensure funds are available in their School Café account. Click Here for additional information about CCISD child nutrition and to access your child's School Café account.
Busses: If your student rides the bus, please click here to get your bus number and pick up times.
Parent Drop Off/Pick Up: Attached is a map that outlines student drop off and pick up locations, student and staff parking, and bus lane access. Please be patient and allow for some extra time during the first few weeks of school as there can be longer lines while everyone adjusts to the traffic patterns.
Open House & Parent Safety Meeting
Open House and our yearly parent safety meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 18th from 6:00-8:00 p.m. More information to come.