The Paw Print
22-23 Volume 6 September 2, 2022
Parent Lunches on Campus
We are excited to have parents back on campus for lunch! As we ease back into being open for lunches, we will only have availability one day per week. Per school board policy, all visitors must be escorted at all times while on campus. If you are a visitor, we invite you to have lunch, but you may only be within the designated lunch space. Within the space, we have room for two parents per class. Due to limited availability, we ask that you ONLY sign up for one spot this month. We want as many children to have the opportunity to eat with a parent as possible. Thank you for your grace and flexibility as we work through this.
Seating: Parents will eat with students on the patio and in the grassy area between first and second grade classrooms. We will NOT have enough seats for all parents. Please plan to bring a blanket or camping chair to sit in. This will be an outdoor picnic-style lunch that we know the kids will enjoy!
- Parents need to bring a camping chair or blanket for the picnic-style lunch.
- Parents must be on time for their child’s scheduled lunch time.
- Parents must communicate with their child’s teacher that they will be coming to lunch on that day.
- Parents must sign in at the front office with a valid license and their child will meet them in the designated lunch space at the beginning of the lunch period.
- Parents will be escorted to the lunch location and supervised if they are not a registered volunteer. Registered volunteers do not need to be escorted or supervised during their lunch.
- Parents may only have lunch with their child.
- We strongly suggest that younger siblings stay home as we will have limited seating available.
- Please be mindful of time; your child will need to report back to the cafeteria before the end of their lunch period to line up with their class. Parents will sign out in the front office.
Sign-up HERE
Technology Reminders
More and more students are coming to school with smart watches. Watches that take photos/videos, text and make phone calls should also be powered down and stored away in backpacks. These would be considered a cell phone and a contract should be completed for these as well.
Anyone not adhering to the procedures will be asked not to bring technology to school, and disciplinary action may be taken. Thank you for your support with this.
Breakfast and Lunch
If your child will be buying lunch, please make sure they have money in their account by visiting www.MyPaymentsPlus.com. You will need your child’s student ID in order to sign up for an account. If you need this, you can find it in FOCUS.
Inclement Weather Plans
If it is raining but there is no lightning, students will be released like normal. We encourage students who walk or bike home to have rain gear in their backpacks. If there is severe weather in the area, or lightning, we will call an Inclement Weather Dismissal. This will be communicated to parents via email and text using Blackboard Connect. When Inclement Weather is called, there are only three options for dismissing students, hold for up to 30 minutes, car loop or Brevard After School.
Please note that we will stop checking students out fifteen minutes prior to dismissal. Monday through Thursday this will be 2:30 and on Fridays that will be 1:15. This is a routine practice and will continue on Inclement Weather Days. For the safety of staff and students, parents must remain in their vehicles when going through the car loop. Please do not walk up to the car loop.
Additionally, when lightning is close to the school, we follow the BPS lightning policy. Students will be held in classrooms until it is safe to release them. Please remain patient with us if this happens. Safety is our first priority. Once it is safe to resume activity outside, the car loop will run like normal and walkers/bikers will be released.
If you did not fill out an Inclement Weather Form at Meet and Greet, please contact your child's teacher to fill on out ASAP. Please take a photo of the form. It is easy to forget what you filled out midway through the year.
Parent Volunteers - Don't wait!
Please use the link below on how to register as a school volunteer. This process is required for volunteering on campus, in the classroom, for special events, and for field trips. Additional information will be posted on this site.
If you are volunteering on campus, you MUST have a prior appointment set up with your child's teacher. This process can take a few weeks, so please plan accordingly.
Dress Code Reminders
Interested in Being a Business Partner?
Important Dates
September 5 - Labor Day - No School
September 9 - Picture Day
PTO Corner
Now Hiring
Surfside Elementary School
Surfside Elementary School provides a safe and positive environment where high quality education occurs for all students.
Email: SurfsideElementary@brevardschools.org
Website: https://www.brevardschools.org/SurfsideES
Location: 475 Cassia Boulevard, Satellite Beach, FL, USA
Phone: 321-773-2818