Head's Highlights
August 25, 2023
Where Learning Comes First
Principal's Post
Dear Head Community,
I am so proud of all the wonderful learning I am seeing in the classrooms. Students are engaged and excited, and that makes me a very proud principal. Be sure to read this weekend, because it's SO hot outside... and because reading makes you smarter.
PTA News You Can Use
Our Camp Bronco Dance is right around the corner!
Order tickets to the dance using the following link:
PTA General Meeting 8/28 @6:30 PM - Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 952 2326 7205
Passcode: 591401
Apologies for the QR code not working. Parents are able to purchase memberships on the following link:
Memberships are $6 for the year.
The class with the most participation on memberships will win a popsicle party.
The school’s goal is to get a membership for every child.
Movie Night
Brookwood SGA will host a movie night this Saturday, August 26, on the practice field.
- The movie will be Aladdin.
- All proceeds from the $5 entry will be donated to CHOA.
- Concessions will be available.
- Any child who's not a Brookwood highschooler must be accompanied by a parent (same policy as our home football games).
Attention Parents a reminder from the cafeteria:
Parents, please be mindful of the balance in your child’s account. These accounts are meant to work as a prepay system, therefore we need to keep charges to a minimum.
Those students with free or reduced meal status from last year must renew their application every year. Current benefits will run out on Wednesday September 13th. Please do not wait until the last minute to get your application in. The application must be processed by September 13th, and that process can take up to 10 business days. Online applications can be accessed at http://gwinnett.schoollunchapp.com. If you have already done this process thank you, and you can check the status of your application at http://gwinnett.schoollunchstatus.com. If you allow your benefits to run out on your child’s status automatically, it goes to full pay and you will be responsible for any charges occurred doing the time of no benefits.
If you every have questions about your student’s account you may call Doris Brewer, Cafeteria Manager at 770-736-4512. Thank You
GCPS invites all families to attend a virtual Universal Screeners - Family Night led by GCPS Accountability and Assessment Executive Director Miranda McLaren on August 29 from 5:30–6:30 p.m. During this session, families of students in grades K–12 will receive information about the iReady and MAP Universal Screeners. Find out how the screeners will help identify students ‘strengths and areas of need and how they are used to formulate the next steps needed in instruction to support all students. interpretation will be provided in Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, and Chinese.
FLL Robotics Team
FLL Robotics Team
Bronco Bots Robotics Team applications are available!
Applications are due back August 30th
Tryouts will be in the Computer Science Classroom
The dates are as follows:
Tuesday Sept. 5th for 4th Grade at 7:30am
Thursday Sept. 7th for 5th Grade at 7:30am
23-24 Bronco Bots Application Google Form
23-24 Bronco Bots Application Google Doc (print out to complete)
Hey parents! Please check Friday folders for Read-a-thon information. It is time to create accounts and share the link with friends and family.
Funds will be used for new and exciting books, and supplies to support our video production. Here are some student created video productions advertising the Read-a-thon and the upcoming school dance!
Sorepe and Leyla advertise the Read-a-thon
Reyne and Charles advertise the School Dance
Nylah, Eliana, and Ilm advertise the Read-a-thon
Reading makes you smarter! Our independent reading challenge, The Million Word Club, is off to a great start. We already have one student, Kaylee Robison, with over one million words, and another, Miriam Holbrook with almost ½ million words. Here are the grade level leaders as of Wed. Aug 23rd:
1st Grade: Ahana Misra 6,126 words
2nd Grade: Hank Holbrook, 8,938 words
3rd Grade: Layla Medina, 115,685 words
4th Grade: Kaylee Robison, 1,155,148 words
5th Grade Miriam Holbrook, 498,178
Our top 30 Readers as of 8/23/23:
Kaylee Robison
Miriam Holbrook
Benjamin Powell
Kaylee Zhu
Matiwos Haile
Jacob Gabiam
Piper May
Renye Zhao
Noah Teshale
Leah Medina
William Richardson
Hewan Assefa
Layla Medina
Payden Dawson
Noor Mustafa
Elena Batson
Sonia Behlmann
Sojin Oommen
Xinye Zhao
Kaya Bryan
Nathaniel Bundrick
Eliana Hindley
Fiona Lu
Gabrielle Boles
Adrian Yirga
Eleanor Knapp
Xarek Townsend
Ploynaphat Sathirawattananon
100 BOOK CHALLENGE FOR K-2: Try to read 100 books by the 100th day of school!
Simply read a book independently, or with your parents. Write the name of the book on any sheet of paper. When you get to 100 books, bring your list to the media center, and you will be featured on Headline News!
Connecting With the Community
Looking AHEAD
Upcoming Events
August 28- General PTA Meeting via Zoom
August 31- Room Rep Meeting
September 1 - BHS Football Youth Night
September 4 - Labor Day Holiday
September 8 - Back to School Dance at Brookwood High School 6:30 - 8:00 PM