North Star News
March 25, 2022
North Elementary
440 N. 10th Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060
Phone: 317-773-0482 Fax: 317-776-6274
Follow us on Twitter at @Northelem2
Follow us on Facebook at North Elem and North Elementary School PTO
Principal's Point
North Families,
Happy springtime to everyone! And welcome to spring break!
Isn’t it great to have the warm weather and the signs of spring all around us! It’s also a time students and staff look forward to a “brain break”, as everyone has been working hard and needs time to refresh themselves. I hope your spring break is a time of enjoyment and relaxation.
This is the time of the year that often becomes challenging for many of our students. Spring fever has sprung and warmer weather sometimes leads to forgetting our SHINE procedures. At North, teachers will be re-teaching SHINE expectations in all settings reminding students to always strive to do their best. If you could remind your child about recess and cafeteria behavior expectations and how to handle various situations using SHINE prior to our return, it would be greatly appreciated. Student safety is the number one priority at North and we want to ensure we are doing everything possible. Thank you for your assistance in regards to this concern.
At North, we are very fortunate to have such dedicated and passionate teachers, bus drivers, cafe workers and staff. I want to thank each one of them for all of their “incredible work” and all of the extra hours they have given to ensure their students achieve excellence.
I also want to send a "Thank you" to our families for your continued support at home which assists us in achieving our goals for your child. North is a great place to be because of you.
Finally, please make sure your child takes this time to rest up and get refreshed for our drive for the end of the year.
Mr. Lugo
North Elementary
Mr. Lugo's BrainBuster
Upcoming Activities and Reminders
3/28-4/8 Spring Break
4/11 First day back to school
4/11-4/15 Staff Appreciation Week - Media/Technology
4/13 Late arrival - school starts at 8:15am
4/18-4/28 ILEARN for 3rd, 4th, & 5th graders
4/25-4/29 Staff Appreciation Week - Secretarial/Support Staff
4/28 PTO Fundraiser at Culver's 5pm-8pm
Last chance to order a yearbook. Online ordering will close for good on 3/27.
To order a yearbook, go to ybpay.com.
Yearbook ID Code: 9564522
PTO Volunteers Needed
All volunteers must have a level 3 background check on file. The background checks cost $18.95 and are good for 6 years. Click on the link below if you are interested in becoming a volunteer.
The PTO is looking to fill some positions on the board for next year. If you would like more information, please contact the PTO at northelementarypto@gmail.com
Food Drive Reward
Counselor's Corner
· Have a campout in the yard. Pitch a tent and barbecue outside.
· Have a spa day. Get nail polish, glitter and lotions from the store and give each other manicures and make-overs.
· Make bird feeders.
· Bring spring inside. Plant flowers in little pots that the kids have decorated.
· Plan an afternoon at a local park and take a picnic lunch.
· For a Spring learning adventure, take a hike in a nature area and learn to identify birds, trees, plants, and flowers. Spring is a natural time for kids to explore science and nature. The library offers lots of books to help!
· Have a board game day. You can even invite some friends over.
· Set up an obstacle course in the house or backyard.
· Messy Fun. Set the kids up in the backyard with some inexpensive shaving cream and some food coloring. Let them create their own fun.
· Let the kids use washable paint to create a masterpiece on your sidewalk or backyard fence!
· Build a fort. Hide the breakables and let the kids use every pillow, blanket and piece of furniture in the living or family room to create a giant fort. Let them eat lunch or dinner in it.
· Spring is the perfect time for a tea party. Bake some cookies or brownies together and line up the stuffed animals!
· Do nothing. Yes, that’s right. In today’s time of over-scheduled kids, a day or two of totally unscheduled time, when your kids can sleep late, play creatively, or work on a hobby, and generally relax, may be just what they need.
Most of these activities are better with a friend. Contact the parents of your children’s friends to exchange some play time – one afternoon at your house, another at their friends’. Then the parents get an afternoon to relax or run errands, child-free.
Have Fun and enjoy spring break!
*Adapted from https://familyeguide.com/spring-break-activities-at-home/Notes from the Nurse
PARENTS OF 5th GRADERS: Immunization requirements for 2022-2023:
ALL 5th graders going to 6th grade will need: 1 MCV4 (Meningococcal) and 1 Tdap (Tetanus and Pertussis). These are shots only given to this age group and/or when entering middle school. Noblesville Schools require a complete record by the first day of school. Once your student receives their immunizations, return an updated copy of your student’s shot records to the school nurse.
4-Day Clinic FREE Medical Care: 1st Come – 1st Served, April 17-20, 2022 at Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis. No insurance or ID required. Masks required! Some of the services include: primary care, optometry and glasses, women’s health, pediatrics, cardiology, dermatology and health coaching. Non-medical services: legal services, haircuts, children’s programs. Free parking (Enter through S. Capital Avenue). For further info contact PathwaytoHealth.org or call 1-844-545-8000. This is a humanitarian service of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
STEAM Update
We have been working hard the last few months in STEAM. You should be so proud of your students and how much they have grown this year. If you are doing any spring cleaning during spring break, I am always looking to add items to our MakerSpace. Here are some examples of what we can use but feel free to reach out if you have any questions! I hope you all enjoy your spring break. I cannot wait to keep creating and learning with your students!
Buttons Magnets
Tape Screws
Stickers Washers
Blank CD's String
Beads Fishing line
Small plastic containers Paper Plates
Stickers Ribbon
Small boxes. Brown paper bags
Glue. All types of tape
Community News
Grinders cheer call out meeting
Monday, May 2nd from 6 -7:00 PM at Hazel Dell Elementary School.
Tryouts will be open to students who will be in the 5th and 6th grade during the 2022-23 school year.
Contact lynnminick@gmail.com with any questions.
Miller Explorers Summer Camp
Click here for registration information.
Purdue Extension Hamilton County
4-H enrollment (K-12)
Click here for more information
Noblesville Strength and Speed Development Camp
4th grade - 8th grade
April and May 2022
Click Here for more information
Boys and Girls Club Spring Volleyball (Grades K-8)
Registration closes April 7, 2022
Click here for registration information
Noblesville Learn to Swim
Swim lessons (Age 4-14)
Click here for more information.