AIG Parent Newsletter
Updates for Parents and Resources for their Curious Learners
2023-2024 Issue One
Welcome Back to School!
The AIG Department is excited to welcome you back to a new school year. We sincerely hope this year is off to a great start, and we look forward to working with your child. This newsletter will, hopefully, offer some helpful information while sharing some exciting opportunities for your child.
Take a moment to explore our AIG webpage. Along with other resources, our page includes the AIG Parent Handbook in both English and Spanish.
Brain Break Fun 1: A Rebus Puzzle
Welcome back to our brain break fun. A rebus puzzle is a picture representation of a common word or phrase. Can you solve this rebus puzzle that features a word related to school?
Differentiated Education Plans (DEPs)
Your AIG lead teacher is working to complete your child’s Differentiated Education Plan.
Things to remember about your child’s DEP:
Initiated each year
Outlines a service delivery plan to span one academic year
Includes an annual goal for your child
Each school has hosted or will host a DEP Parent Night to discuss our DEP process. If you were unable to participate in your school’s DEP overview, you may view the recorded presentation below.
Modified Pull Out
AIG students in grades 4-5 will participate in a modified pull-out group(s) according to their area of identification. Students may be served in the area of reading, math, and/or intellectual giftedness (IG). Parents received a letter from the AIG Area Lead Teacher explaining this opportunity. Please find below a brief explanation for each group. It is important to note times for these group lessons have been scheduled with classroom teachers, and students will not miss direct instruction.
Students will work to increase vocabulary acquisition and richness of understanding through exposure to and application of new words through engaging activities.
Students will work to increase mathematical reasoning and computation fluency through varied hands-on activities.
Intellectually Gifted (IG):
Students who receive IG support scored in the 96th percentile or above on an aptitude screener. IG students often benefit from problem solving and collaborating with peers. Students will work to develop an understanding of their unique interests and abilities through brain-based learning.
*At the end of the year, students will participate in a school and/or district based culminating event.
4th-8th Grade Enrichment Offerings
We are excited once again to offer Saturday enrichment events throughout the year for our 4-8 identified students. The purpose of these events is to provide opportunities for AIG students to collaborate with their peers in a fun and engaging environment.The first event is quickly approaching and will be held on October 14. You may view this year’s offerings and learn more about each event using the link below. We hope to see your child at one of our events.
Middle School Enrichment Offerings
The AIG Department is pleased to share a unique opportunity for our middle school students. We will be offering a bi-weekly reading and math class for identified students. This is an optional enrichment class which will be offered online and led by one of our AIG middle school lead teachers. Please take a moment to review the details for each offering. We would love to have your child join us as we explore some intriguing topics.
"Magic in Math"
When: Bi-weekly on Thursdays beginning Oct. 5, 2023 - Dec. 14, 2023,6:00 - 7:00 PM
Where: Hybrid online - Canvas/Teams
Join us for a magical experience in math. Students will be transported into a world where
mathematics dances in harmony with art, awakening the critical thinking skills of students
and nurturing their creativity. Our quest shall lead us to unveil the secrets of the
Fibonacci Sequence, traverse the mysterious pathways of Sierpinski’s Triangle, unlock
the mystical wisdom of Pascal’s Triangle, delve into the ancient scrolls of Vedic
Mathematics, and more.
Join us as we embark on this extraordinary voyage into the heart of mathematical
“The Workshop”
When: Weekly on Tuesdays beginning Oct. 3, 2023 - Dec. 14, 2023, 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Where: Hybrid online - Canvas/Teams
Writing gives us a chance to explore the world, both the ones outside our bodies and
inside our minds. The Workshop is a space where students can experiment with their
writing and receive feedback on their works in progress. “On” weeks (10/3, 10/17, 10/31,
11/14, 11/28, and 12/12) give students the opportunity to develop their own original works
in a variety of genres, provide feedback on others’ work, and even chat with working
writers. “Off” weeks (10/10, 10/24, 11/7, and 12/5) will be open office hours on Teams to
gather feedback for writing pieces on which students are working (including writing for
school). Students will learn the joy of writing, productive ways to give feedback, and the
importance of the revision process.
Brain Break Fun II: Logical Thinking
Logical thinking is an essential critical thinking skill that allows one to practice using clues and information to find an answer. Here are some opportunities to utilize critical thinking.
Resource Spotlight:
Resources for parents that offer a variety of both academic and emotional support for their gifted or curious learner.
Our AIG Team
Thank you for reading Issue 1 and thank you for your support of our AIG program.
Answers to Brain Breaks
Answer to Brain Break I:
Answers to Brain Break II:
1)Friday; 2) 4 and 6; 3) The cat weighs 4 pounds.