Carman Paw Print
May 15, 2022
Important Upcoming Dates
Dear Carman Families,
Welcome to Summer - according to the temperatures at least! Please be sure to send your child to school every day with a water bottle (preferably with their name on it) as we will be having outdoor recess and PE daily (the heat index is always taken into consideration).
Please be sure to check the calendar at the end of the Paw Print for all of our upcoming events, including MAP testing dates, the Kindergarten & 1st Grade 3 Piggy Opera, and No School on Monday, May 30th.
Do you have a student who will turn 5 years old before Aug. 1, 2022? Kindergarten Registration is OPEN and online! Just go to https://www.parkwayschools.net/Page/1950 to register! If you have any questions, please feel free to call Mrs. Regan at 314-415-6104. Families are encouraged to register early for staffing and planning purposes. You can also visit https://www.smore.com/u9caf which includes information on registration, a recording of Wonderful World of Kindergarten and an interactive google classroom that has tons of stories and information on how to best prepare for kindergarten.
With CT Pride,
Transportation Feedback Needed
Welcome Cougar Cubs!
We are so excited to host our first Cougar Cub event of the year! This event will take place on Monday, May 23 starting at 6:30 pm in our cafeteria. Our special event will be led by Ms. Sampo, our art teacher. This event will consist of students sharing their creativity through art.
Please take a look at the attachment for future events too. We hope to see you on Monday, May 23 at 6:30pm in the Carman Trails cafeteria.
If you have not had a chance to register for next year yet, please use this link https://www.parkwayschools.net/domain/945 to start the process OR contact our registrar, Karen Regan, at 314-415-6104. She would be happy to assist and answer any questions you have. If you are not attending Carman next year, please feel free to respond to this email.
In order to stay connected, please like us on Facebook at Carman Trails Elementary School!
With CT pride,
It’s official! Carman Trails is the Champ!
Congratulations to the following student teams for their incredible performances in the Stock Market Game through the SIFMA Foundation!
Sofia and Muhammad were the FIRST PLACE winners, while Maryam and Brianna took 11th place out of 95 teams!!! These performances earned Carman Trails Elementary School First place overall!
Again, congratulations to our students and these outstanding performances! We are so proud of you!
Mrs. Simpson's Memorial Sensory Garden
Mosaics 4th and 5th graders have been working very hard on setting up the sensory garden they designed in honor of Mrs. Simpson. You may have noticed the teepees out in front of the building.
The garden includes vegetable, fruit, and ornamental plants as well as other installments that engage the students when they visit.
You will find brochures below that the students designed to help explain what is in the garden. Starting next Wednesday afternoon, feel free to bring your class out to enjoy the garden. You can take them out to read, write, or just enjoy the fresh air on a nice day when your class needs a break.
Emily Gold
A Message for South Middle Incoming 6th Grader Parents
Hello Carman Trails Parents!
I am the upcoming President for PSM PTO and am trying to build a communication pipeline for the outgoing 5th graders who will be incoming to 6th grade at South Middle.
I know it's late notice, but if there's time, would you please post to your school's FB / IG account or include in your weekly newsletter the attached "PTO Open Positions" about South Middle's PTO positions for next school year? If there are incoming 6th grade parents who are interested in helping with the PTO we would love to have them join!
Next year we will be working on getting notice about joining South Middle's PTO much earlier. Thanks for considering the above and I hope that you all have a fantastic weekend!
Christy Potthast
Kindergarten 2022-2023 Registration is OPEN!
Kindergarten registration for the 2022-23 school year is now open. Students must be five (5) years old before Aug. 1, 2022, to enter Kindergarten for the school year. More information about Kindergarten can be found here as well as at https://www.smore.com/u9caf
It is MAP testing season!
Elementary-aged students in grades 3-5 in the state of Missouri are all required to take the MAP test to measure their learning progress. The structure for testing this year throughout the state looks like last year’s assessments because all students will be taking the test on the computer.
3rd and 4th Grade: May 16th-19th (Mon-Thurs.)
As you know, students are best ready to learn when their minds and bodies are well rested, well fed, and they come to school prepared to persevere. We ask that you please help your child be best prepared as you do every day for learning in the following ways:
· Be Here. This year our MAP “window” is later in the school year. The last two weeks contain exciting end of the year activities for students and therefore, attendance each day is vital so that students do not miss instructional time or end of the year activities making up tests they missed.
· Be sure your child gets about 10 hours of sleep each night.
· Help your child make healthy food choices.
· Keep a homework and bedtime routine and stick to it.
· Practice having a positive attitude even when things are not easy.
Tracy Kiso – Carman Trails MAP Testing Coordinator
Come be a part of our character recognition efforts! Whenever you see a student (or staff member) demonstrating character outside of school, you can nominate them using this Google Form - linked here: https://forms.gle/rtmmbkxByyZBRDR17
Nominees will be randomly selected and spotlighted in future Paw Prints and possibly other school communications. By submitting a photo (by choice, not required), you are granting permission for us to use the photo in school-related communications.
Thank you for your help in recognizing and spotlighting character in our students!
Adventure Club Before/After Care Registration for the 2022-23 School Year Is Now Open!
Looking for before/after care for your child for next school year? Community Ed has you covered with Adventure Club, a high-quality program designed to meet the needs of working families in need of care for their elementary age child. Built on a foundation of safety and supervision, Adventure Club has a child-centered focus where a kid can be a kid while continuing to develop, learn, socialize and have fun beyond the school bell. Registration for the 2022-23 school year is now open! Enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis, and the program fills fast, so early registration is encouraged.
To find out more information and to register your child please visit www.prcommunityed.org - call or text (636) 891-6644. You can also reach out to me directly at 314-415-6129 or email me at fousheeprevost@prcommunityed.org
Best Regards,
Mr. Prevost Foushee
Adventure Club Facilitator
PTO Upcoming Meetings / Events
May 26 - Fritz's Frozen Custard Fundraiser Night 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Carman Trails 2021-2022 Buzz Book Is Here - Click the Link Below
Notes From Nurse Connie Connelly
Dear Carman Families:
Please see the attached link for the May Nurse's Newsletter, which includes the following topics:
Important Information from Parkway Health Services
Nurse Connie Connelly
Parkway Strings Camp - August 1 - 5
If your child is interested in joining Strings Camp in August, registration for 2022 Strings Camp is available through the following link:
Held at:
Parkway Southwest Middle School
701 Wren Ave.
Ballwin, MO 63021
Dates: August 1-5, 2022
Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
If you have any questions, please contact us:
Strings Camp Questions: Peggy Craig, Director of Strings Camp
pcraig@parkwayschools.net or 314-415-5147
Registration or Payment Questions: Terry Reddy
treddy@parkwayschools.net or 314-415-7040
Summer Camp Opportunities!
Hello Carman Trails!
My name is Matt Roach and I am the Athletic Director at South High. I would like share with you the summer camp opportunities we have for your elementary age students. You can find information about all of the exciting programs we are offering on our athletic website https://www.parkwayschools.net/Page/9774
Stay Connected with These Updates
May: National Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
16 - 19 -- 3rd & 4th Grade MAP testing week
19 - Kindergarten & First Grade "3 Piggy Opera" performance - Mrs. Mayo @ 12:45; Mrs. Klein @ 1:30; Mrs. Chambliss @ 2:15; Mrs. McArthur @ 3:00; In-Person PAMEE Meeting at the Welcome Center, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
20 - Kindergarten & First Grade "3 Piggy Opera" performance - Ms. LaMarche @ 12:45; Mrs. Chrisco @ 1:30; Mrs. Baker @ 2:15; Ms. Moellering @ 3:00
23 - Cougar Cub event for incoming Kindergarteners 6:30 p.m. in cafeteria
24 - Field Day
25 - MAKEUP Field Day (if necessary)
26 - 4th Grade Field Trip to Busch Wildlife Gardens; PTO Sponsored Fundraiser at Fritz's Frozen Custard 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
27 - Carman Trails Talent Show - 1:30 p.m. in the Gym
30 - No School - Memorial Day
31 - 5th Grade End of Year Celebrations
June - National Alzheimer's Awareness Month
1 - 2 : 5th Grade End of Year Celebrations
2 - Last Day of School - Dismissal at 1:05 p.m.
13 - Summer School Begins (K-8)
20 - No Summer School
July - National Independent Retailer Month - Shop Small Businesses
1 - Summer School Ends (K-8)
Connect with Us!
Email: alove@parkwayschools.net
Website: parkwayschools.net/carmantrails
Location: 555 South Weidman Road, Ballwin, MO, USA
Phone: 314-415-6100
Facebook: http://facebook.com/CarmanTrails
Twitter: @trailscarman