USATF Missouri Valley
2021 Outdoor Track and Field Information, May Edition
Our outdoor season is here!!!
USATF Missouri Valley Athletic.net
2021 Road to the Hersey National Outdoor Junior Olympics!!!
USATF Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information
Because the situation with Coronavirus (COVID-19) is rapidly changing, USATF has developed this webpage to help communicate updated information to athletes, coaches, athlete representatives, event organizers, and members. The link below to the page will be updated regularly as new information emerges.
USATF MVA 2021 Outdoor Season Schedule
6th Annual Grandview Invitational (Youth, Open, and Masters)
Detailed Meet Information - Click Here
Registration - Click Here
Spectator Tickets - Click Here
Meet Schedule - Rolling Schedule
Meet Location - Mill Valley High School in Shawnee, KS
Saturday, Jun 5, 2021, 08:00 AM
Mill Valley High School, Monticello Road, Shawnee, KS, USA
6th Annual Grandview Invitational Results
Missouri Valley Association All Comers Invitational (Youth, Open, and Masters)
Detailed Meet Information - Click Here
Registration - Click Here
Meet Schedule - Rolling Schedule
Meet Location - Grandview High School in Grandview, MO
Saturday, Jun 12, 2021, 08:00 AM
Grandview High School, High Grove Road, Grandview, MO, USA
Missouri Valley Association All Comers Invitational Results
Missouri Valley Association Outdoor Invitational (Youth, Open, and Masters)
Detailed Meet Information - Click Here
Registration - Click Here
Meet Schedule - Rolling Schedule
Meet Location - Fort Osage High School in Independence, MO
Saturday, Jun 19, 2021, 08:00 AM
2101 North Twyman Road, Independence, MO, USA
Missouri Valley Association Outdoor Invitationals Results
Will be available once the meet starts...
2021 USATF National Youth Outdoor Championships
Wednesday, Jun 23, 2021, 08:00 AM
Rome, GA, USA
Welcome to the 2021 USATF National Youth Outdoor Championships. Participant health and safety is of paramount importance and is something that USATF takes very seriously. If you are planning to attend the USATF National Youth Outdoor Championships as a USATF certified official, youth coach, or volunteer with access to athletes (among other roles), make sure your USATF 3-Step Safe Sport Compliance (coaches are additionally required to be listed on USATF’s Coaches Registry) is current through the last date of Youth Outdoors (current through June 26, 2021). Coaches, please see USATF’s Youth Championships Coaches Credentialing Program Policy for further information (middle of page).
Know the MAAPP. Created by the U.S. Center for SafeSport, the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP) is a set of two policies: 1) training requirement policies; and 2) policies on limiting one-on-one interactions between certain adults who have regular contact and authority over minor athletes.
USATF has a variety of short and easy documents that highlight key MAAPP policies. The following documents are great learning tools to ensure you are familiar with the MAAPP policies.
Please note, violations to USATF’s MAAPP should be reported to USATF. Reporting information can be found below and on USATF’s website.
One-on-One Interactions: One-on-one interactions, while they have potential benefits, can also pose a risk to children. To keep our child athletes safe, here are the Rules to Follow:
- Observable and Interruptible – interactions must be easily observable by other adults and other adults must be able to easily interfere with the interaction.
- Health Professional Meeting – legal guardian consent is required in advance, the door is permitted to be closed, but must be unlocked, and another adult must be present at the facility and be aware of the meeting.
- Individual Training Session – legal guardian consent must be obtained prior to the training session if the training session is not observable and interruptible by other adults, and a legal guardian or other caretaker must be permitted to attend.
Massages and Rubdowns/ Athletic Training Modalities: Any massage or rubdown performed by an Applicable Adult (with or without the use of an apparatus) on a minor athlete is prohibited unless such Applicable Adult is a licensed massage therapist. When this requirement is met, massages and rubdowns must be:
- Open and Interruptible – an individual who passes by must be able to see/observe what is occurring and interrupt if necessary.
- Adult Present – a second adult must be present and at a reasonable distance. An adult located in another room does not meet this standard.
Social Media and Electronic Communication: One-on-one electronic communications and social media can increase the risk of abuse and grooming. To help ensure the safety of children when using electronic communications and social media, follow these three requirements:
- Content – all electronic communication from Applicable Adults to minor athletes must be professional in nature.
- Open and Transparent – no one-on-one communication between Applicable Adults and minor athletes.
- Requests to Discontinue – if requested by a legal guardian, no electronic communication to minor athletes may take place absent emergency circumstances.
Locker Rooms and Changing Areas: Locker rooms and changing areas pose an increased risk for abuse to occur for all ages. To keep locker rooms and changing areas safe, follow these simple rules:
- Recording Devices – no recording devices may be used in locker rooms or changing areas without prior approval of the requisite organization and unless other requirements are met.
- Monitoring – regular and random monitoring of locker rooms and changing areas should take place.
- Undress – under no circumstances shall an unrelated Applicable Adult be undressed in front of athletes, including intentionally exposing their private areas to a minor athlete.
Local Travel: It is important to address travel situations, which present a unique scenario in which one-on-one interactions are more likely to take place. Here are three essential rules for all vehicle travel:
- Applicable Adults not acting as a legal guardian should not ride alone in a vehicle with an unrelated minor athlete.
- Unrelated Applicable Adults should have at least two minor athletes or another adult in a vehicle.
- Written legal guardian consent should be obtained prior to each local travel for an Applicable Adult to travel one-on-one in a vehicle with an unrelated minor athlete.
Team Travel: Like for local travel, there are three essential rules to know to help keep athletes safe during team travel.
- Competition Travel - legal guardian consent is required for any travel involving an Applicable Adult and one minor athlete.
- Hotel Rooms - an unrelated Applicable Adult and minor athlete shall not share a hotel room without prior written legal guardian consent.
- Meetings – meetings during travel must be observable and interruptible.
USATF’s current MAAPP can be found in USATF’s Safe Sport Handbook, available on USATF's website.
Please note, violations to USATF’s MAAPP should be reported to USATF. Reporting information can be found below and on USATF’s website.
Report a SafeSport Concern. As always, you should report any instances of sexual misconduct to the U.S. Center for SafeSport via their online reporting form here. Please report misconduct relating to bullying, hazing, harassment, and physical or emotional misconduct to USATF via our online reporting form here, by emailing safesport@usatf.org, or by calling (317) 713-4688.
6th Annual Olathe Invitational
Detailed Meet Information - Click Here
Registration - Click Here
Meet Schedule - Rolling Schedule
Meet Location - Olathe North High School in Olathe, KS
Saturday, Jun 26, 2021, 08:00 AM
Olathe North High School, East Prairie Street, Olathe, KS, USA
Regional 9 Invitational
Detailed Meet Information - Click Here
Registration - Click Here
Meet Schedule - Rolling Schedule
Meet Location - Fort Osage High School in Independence, MO
Saturday, Jul 10, 2021, 08:00 AM
2101 North Twyman Road, Independence, MO, USA
USATF Hershey Junior Olympics Outdoor Championship
Monday, Jul 26, 2021, 08:00 AM
1 UNF Dr., Jacksonville, FL, USA
2021 USATF National Junior Olympics Cross Country Championships information in the link below
USATF Masters Championships
The 2021 USATF Masters Outdoor Championships will be held July 22-25 at the Cyclone Sports Complex in Ames, Iowa. Entry and additional athlete information can be found on the meet website. The on-time entry deadline is Thursday, June 24 at 11:59 p.m. PT – Just one day away!
Join hundreds of your fellow Masters athletes from around the country at the annual USATF Masters Outdoor Championships.
The Gateway Hotel, the meet headquarters hotel, is offering a rate of $114 (plus tax) including breakfast per night – a 25% reduction from 2019 – for Masters athletes competing in the meet. Other meet hotels have rates ranging from $90 to $169, but availability is limited and reservation deadlines are fast approaching.
Important items to note:
- COVID Protocols are in effect for this event and can be found here. They include evidence of a negative COVID-19 PCR test within 7 days of the event. Those who are fully vaccinated according to the CDC definition are exempt from this requirement but must show evidence of vaccination.
- Athletes who participate in USATF Championships and Team USA competitions are subject to drug testing performed by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) in accordance with the USADA Protocol for Olympic and Paralympic Movement Testing.
- Please review the USADA page to find information regarding drug testing and which medications may require a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) or are banned.
- Click here for Housing and Ground Transportation information on the event website.
Be sure to reserve your hotel rooms before the deadlines indicated above and on the website.
Status of all USATF Masters Events through 2023
Summer 2021 USATF Masters Outdoor Championships - Sacramento, CA*
June 12, 2021 USATF Masters 1 Mile Championships – Rochester, NY (Rochester Mile)*
August 18-19, 2021 National Masters Combined Events Championships - Location to be confirmed
August 21-22, 2021 USATF Mid America Region Masters Track & Field Championship*
August 28-29, 2021 National Masters Throws Championships - Seattle, WA
September 19, 2021 USATF Masters 12 km Championships – Highlands, NJ (By Hook or by Crook)
October 17, 2021 USATF Masters 5 km Cross Country Championships*
November 14, 2021 USATF Masters Half Marathon Championships – Syracuse, NY (Syracuse Half Marathon)
December 11, 2021 USATF Club Cross Country Championships - Tallahassee, FL
January 15, 2022 USATF Cross Country Championships - San Diego, CA
March 18-20, 2022 USATF Masters Indoor Championships - The Armory, New York, NY
Summer 2022 World Masters Athletics Outdoor Championships - Tampere, Finland*
Summer 2022 USATF Masters Outdoor Championships - Lexington, KY*
Winter/Spring 2023 USATF Masters Indoor Championships - Spokane, WA*
Winter/Spring 2023 World Masters Athletics Indoor Championships - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada*
Summer 2023 USATF Masters Outdoor Track & Field Championships - Greensboro, NC*
*Dates and/or location tentative due to scheduling uncertainties related to COVID restrictions*
For The Latest Information On USATF Events
Officials Corner
USA Track & Field Missouri Valley Association Directory
Carma Robinson-Kendall
Vice President
Dion Lewis
Certification Chair
Raquel Adams
Raquel Adams
Membership Chair
Pam Olawaiye
Sanctions Chair
Dr. Wayne Armburst
Officials Chair
Herb Martin
Youth Chair
Shannon Graves
Dion Lewis
Women's T&F Chair
Melissa Gore-Tate
Masters T&F Chair
Larry Stanton
Race Walk Chair
Jamie Kootz
Master Starter
Victor Everett
Coaching Education Chair
Kenneth Ferguson
USATF Missouri Valley Association Meeting
Sign-up Form Coming Soon!
Saturday, Oct 2, 2021, 12:00 PM
USATF Missouri Valley Association
Email: president@missourivalley.usatf.org
Website: http://mv.usatf.org/Home.aspx
Location: 1601 East 18th Street, Suite 366 Kansas City, Missouri 64108
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/USATF-Missouri-Valley-Association-55138197756/?hc_ref=ARQNnXaxYQw3_QobYhJyNpL0CyzHv-h-bGb4jKFxm1x1dUy8azFL0P-ox8FehN8SJRM&fref=nf&__xts__[0]=68.ARCBlMgBf3Y6lvtIAjfU0NOkYgFJ-kGA_XUTcy06cqpvjpYl8ef0VjTkjFETkTWw6-7IXdsT-vqVb8pqzb_bDpJsUoevxh4-5SDbrZOcOjpEAVkbBMb9lkinTt4UKjjG4vPL6ikMbVBMypv129XNv_9TFG4RVfU5hv7cCS5rdidBkeGdSyMNiYEICKaUlxTGVJilFgLyFRR6Y43ZPQNyRfg5--UfGhbw-qpNKWfHOQ3lH96ODY-G2oTYIxHeqv_notpAkzb5CNT0a2ISO_dcpam4chYHFMO2uFBRGYvA-IkrHFPiMa0OtYEy3t-bM5JN91K0EtGYSKDOkw&__tn__=kC-R
Twitter: @movalleyusatf