Greetings from Groveport Elementary
February 16, 2024
Principal Message
Dear Groveport Elementary Families,
I wanted to thank everyone who was able to make it to parent/teacher conferences. I also wanted to thank PTO for having the Scholastic Book Fair this week and for providing the staff a delicious dinner on Tuesday night. We really appreciate all the volunteers and support of our families.
On another note, I have had some questions about whether or not we will be going to the Columbus Zoo again this year. I wanted to wait until we had things finalized for what would be replacing the zoo field trip before announcing anything or answering any questions. I’ve been working with the PTO and our BLT (Building Leadership Team) and we have decided to go another direction this year for our end of year school field trip. We are excited to partner with Groveport Recreation Center to offer a fun day for the kids at the end of May. Students will walk to the rec center and go to five different activity based 40 minute stations - one of which will be a pony ride and petting zoo. Students will have their lunch at the rec center and be given a sweet treat at the end. The GRC will be hosting the event and paying for staffing for 4 of the stations. The PTO and the money raised from the Read-a-thon will be paying for the Horsenround (petting zoo and pony ride) station.
If you have any questions, please let me know. Also, there will be no newsletter next Friday as it is a short school week. I hope everyone enjoys the 4 day weekend.
Grateful Principal,
April Bray :)
614.836.4975 (school #)
614.309.3250 (cell #)
Focus on Learning
I-Ready Personalized Instruction - Last week the average percent of lessons passed overall for reading was 75% and time on task was 78%. The lesson time on task percent overall for math was 90% and lessons passes was 79%. Shout to the following classes for having the overall best for their grade level for lessons passed and time on task.
Reading = Mrs. Garn, Mrs. Jahn, Mrs. Stoever, Ms. Miller, Mrs. McGonigal, and Mrs. Cordell's homeroom
Math = Mrs. Garn, Mrs. Jahn, Mrs. LaCass, Ms.Matteo, Ms. Fravel, and Ms. Wolf's homeroom
Attendance = This week's average attendance was 91.02%. I know our goal is 95% or better, but we have had a lot of sick kids and I really appreciate parents following the 24 hour rule. Students who have a fever must be fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning. Also students who vomit or have diarrhea must also wait 24 hours before coming back to school.
Please enjoy the pictures below of our students learning :)
Read Across America Week (March 4-8)
Happy Birthday To You!
Mark Your Calendar
19th = No School
20th = No School
13th = No School Professional Development Day
15th = Brain Break and Literacy Family Night 5:00 - 7:30
28th = 2 hour early release
29th - April 7th = Spring Break
Lunch Choices
Wednesday (2/21) = Macaroni and Cheese
Thursday = (2/22) = Chicken Nuggets
Friday (2/23) = Beef Sloppy Joes
Monday (2/26) = Beef Walking Tacos
Tuesday (2/27) = Buffalo Chicken Dip
Wednesday (2/28) = Cheeseburger
Thursday (2/29) = Cheese Stuffed Breadsticks
Friday (3/1) = General Tso's Chicken
Thank You Pledge of Allegiance Helpers
Tuesday = Merida Marquis
Wednesday = Daibreian Jones
Thursday = Kelvin Pollard
Friday = Amir Lewis
About Us
Email: april.bray@gocruisers.org
Website: gocruisers.org/groveportelementary
Location: 715 Main Street, Groveport, OH 43125
Phone: 614.836.4975
Facebook: facebook.com/GroveportES
Twitter: @april_bray