JMSA Library Newsletter
Jefferson Middle School Academy Library Newsletter
#JAReaders #TrojanLMCMakerspace #JALibrary
Celebrate With Ms. Boyd, Mardi Gras 2025!
Getting Ready for Mardi Gras Celebrations in the JA Library
Fat Tuesday: March 4th
Stay Tuned for More Announcements
Tony Weaver, Jr.
Many thanks to Assistant Principal Miller and An Open Book Foundation of Washington D.C. for purchasing the books for this special event. Our 6th grade students had their graphic novel autographed by Weaver and exited the auditorium with smiles on their faces. The excitement was electric and the students were happy to receive a book to add to their personal library at home.
CLEVER APP Spotlight: Britannica
Britannica is a age appropriate, accurate and fact checked resource for middle schoolers. The app found in CLEVER can be accessed from home and school.
Check out this tutorial on Britannica by clicking the link here: tinyurl.com/BritannicaPart1.
Makerspace pencil pouches and coozie holders
Heat transfers
Vinyl transfers
Dr. Ibram X. Kendi
In Conversation With Assembly: Dr. Ibram X. Kendi
Dr. Ibram X. Kendi and K.C. Boyd
Print Book Catalog Web Address
Follett Destiny Catalog
Each teacher and student has a library account through Destiny. Through your account, you can check on the status of your currently borrowed materials, renew materials, and place materials on hold. To access your account, simply click “Login” and then sign in with your username and password.
Print Book Catalog Logon
Teachers - User: DCPS Email (w/o @dc.gov)
Did You Know That There Is An App For SORA!!!
Enjoy SORA from home using your cell phone or tablet. There are over 45,000 books in the catalog to select from.
Remember: Enter "District of Columbia Public Schools" when you are asked to enter your school name.
Download the SORA APP
SORA Tutorial for Students, Parents and Teachers
Social and Emotional Learning
Read Banned Books
*DC Public Library Card Is Needed*
Live tutoring is available in English and Spanish from 1 p.m. - 10 p.m. EST to provide homework help for core subjects, including mathematics, science, and English language arts.
Practice long division, improve reading comprehension, and learn other key skills. Students may submit papers to HelpNow’s Writing Lab for expert assistance and feedback, or collaborate with peers in virtual study spaces.
Live tutoring for grades K-12 is available in English and Spanish from 1 p.m. - 10 p.m. EST.
This service was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Access Brainfuse Here: https://landing.brainfuse.com/authenticate.asp?u=main.dclibraryhn.dc.brainfuse.com
Dynamic Shelving Pilot - Fiction
Libraries are for everyone!
Microsoft 365 Portal
Clever Portal
Canvas Portal
Donors Choose
Chair - EMIERT
Ms Boyd in the News
IREL Panel
The Institute for Racial Equity in Literacy Panel Discussion
2022 Excellence In Equity Award
2022 School Librarian of the Year
2022 School Library Journal, School Librarian of the Year
2022 Policy Leader of the Year
National Association of State Boards