Instructional Minute
May 9, 2023

Week of May 8th
- Tier 2 Entry Criteria
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
MTSS Defined
MTSS is considered the "umbrella" of a tiered systems approach. MTSS encompasses the "whole child" (Cognitive, physical, behavioral, social and emotional) using data-driven problem solving to provide support for ALL students' needs.
The LSD MTSS tiered delivery system will provide a responsive framework that is effective for ALL students through the use of universal and individualized supports. Our MTSS system will be aligned to the core grade level curriculum, instruction, intervention, and identified supports will be provided on a continuum, and the tiers will be layered with intensity to match the learner's need.
Tier 2 Entry Criteria
Intervention placement and grouping decisions will require multiple steps and diagnostic assessments to appropriately remediate skill deficits
Tier 2 Entry Criteria
- Based on Benchmark/Universal Screener Data, students are identified within a certain percentile. (Percentile to be determined at the District level for each grade to promote equity for all students.)
- Identified students are given a diagnostic assessments to match the intervention to the student instructional needs. (Aimsweb+ (Reading and Math), Core Phonics Screener, Acadience, etc.)
- Determine the Academic Skills or Outcomes that need Intervention based on diagnostic assessment data.
- Intervention Program identified for 6-8 week targeted intervention instruction.
- Intervention time with students to be scheduled outside of Tier 1 Instruction.
Note: All students are assessed on Benchmark/Universal Screeners within the first 30 days of school. If a student enrolls after the given assessment window, they would need to be assessed separately within the first 20 days of their enrollment.
90|90|90 - Weekly Wonderment
90|90|90 Schools are identified as having 90% or more of the students eligible for free and reduced lunch, 90% or more of the students were members of ethnic minority groups, and 90% or more of the students met district or state academic standards in reading or another area. (Reeves, 2000)
"Students who write are students who think -- making arguments, describing the beautiful and the terrible, comparing truth to assertion, and expressing their understanding of the world around them...High-performing, high-poverty schools regularly expect students to write, to describe, persuade, compare, contrast, and evaluate." (Reeves, 2000)
Workshop Model in Action
Becky Sink - Physical Education at North
📸 Share pictures of your class during the Workshop Model 📸
We would love to feature them in the Instructional Minute.
Email them to: michelle.lake@lansingschools.net
In addition to the photo, please be sure include your name, school and grade level.
Gradual Release Model
Direct Instruction (mini-lesson) follows the gradual release model, in which the teacher first demonstrates the teaching point, models the new learning (I Do), then provides the students guided practice (We Do).
Amplify Videos
Amplify Science videos that will help out all teachers! Whether you are a novice or expert, there is something here for you! Click the link below.
Teach Like a Champion 3.0: 63 Techniques that Put Students on the Path to College Companion Site
- Click here to access the specific videos related to Teach Like a Champion.
No Opt Out is the perfect strategy to follow Cold Calling! (Holds Students to High Expectations)
This is from the Teach Like a Champion Field Guide