Patriot Post
Volume 2 - September, 2023

The 2023-24 school year is off and running!
Hello to the members of our Patriot community. The 2023-24 school year is off to phenomenal start. So many great things already happening on campus. Within the first two weeks of school, ALL of our Four A's (Academics, Activities, Athletics, and Arts) have been on full display! Congratulations to our staff, our students, and our parent community for such a wonderful start to the year!
TPSF Celebration of Schools
Wednesday, Sep 20, 2023, 06:00 PM
Arnold O. Beckman High School, Bryan Avenue, Irvine, CA, USA
TPSF Celebration of Schools 0n 9/20
On September 20th, Beckman High School will host the annual Tustin Public School's Foundation "Celebration of Schools." The evening will begin with tours of the new Beckman High School Robotics and Technology Center followed by open seating dinner in the courtyard. Entertainment will be provided by award-winning Beckman music programs. Dinner will be followed by a program in the Performing Arts Center featuring keynote speaker, TUSD Superintendent Dr. Mark Johnson. Dr. Johnson will share the latest news in education, what is happening in Tustin Unified schools, and how TPSF's partnership has helped students to engage, and enhance their learning experience.
All members of the community are welcome to attend!
5pm Registration and Tour
5:15pm Outdoor Dinner Buffet Opens
6pm Presentation in Performing Arts Center
First pep assembly is a success!
The 2023-24 school year is underway and our first pep assembly was a success. Our leadership students put together an assembly that showcased our Drumline, Cheer, and Dance teams. They also revealed our Homecoming Royals, celebrated our Fall sports teams, introduced our ASB class of 2023-24 AND facilitated a great game of human hungry-hungry hippos!
Homecoming in Neverland!
Welcome our new staff!
This year we are excited to welcome four new teachers to our staff along with an entirely new library team. On the teaching side, we are happy to welcome Mrs. Chelsea Cordeiro, Mrs. Heidi Richardson, Mr. David Sussman and we are excited to welcome back Mrs. Claudi Le (formerly Hardi). In addition to the four teachers, we also have a new library staff with Jeanette Eldridge and Eline Baroudy joining us to check out materials and support our kids in the library!
Chelsea Cordeiro - English
She's not wearing bunny ears ;)
David Sussman - Band
Heidi Richardson - English
Eline Baroudy - Library
Jeanette Eldridge - Library
Claudia Le - Science
Wish a student a Happy Birthday!
Submit request here
New Student Orientation
On Tuesday, August 29th, our Beckman Link Cru & Connect Team hosted our New Student Orientation (NSO) for all 9th - 12th grade students who have transferred to Beckman High School from another school/outside of the district. We had almost 200 new Beckman students attend with 61 junior/senior student mentors who led student groups in fun activities to get to know each student and help them get connected to Beckman. Overall, our mission was successful in welcoming our new students and helping them find their place at Beckman High School. Food/refreshments for all students was provided by our amazing Beckman PTO so thank you to all of the PTO parent volunteers who served and to all of the Beckman families who support PTO each and every year!