Spartan Times
Chula Vista High School - Home of Champions!
Week 38 May 29th - June 4th
Message from the Principal
Good morning Spartans,
I hope you had a great three day weekend and were able to take a moment to remember and honor all who have served in the United States Armed Forces, especially those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom.
The final week of the school year is finally here! Seniors, Congratulations and please take a look at the important information regarding graduation below. Underclassmen, this week we will be on a modified bell schedule so you can take your End of Course Exams. Please make sure you study and do the best you can. The week's schedule information is below for your reference.
Let's end the year with a great week at the Home of Champions!
Go Spartans!
Julio Alcala
Chula Vista High School
Home of Champions!
This Week's Schedule
Monday - Memorial Day Holiday, No School
Tuesday - EOC Schedule Periods 1 & 3
Wednesday - EOC Schedule Periods 5 & 7
Thursday - EOC Schedule Periods 2 & 4
Friday - EOC Schedule Periods 6 & 8
Textbook Return
Students may begin turning in textbooks immediately if they don’t need them to study for finals or to complete make-up work, etc. All textbooks must be turned in by the last day of school. Students should not turn in consumable books – please recycle them.
Student Device Return
Only seniors and students not returning for the next school year are required to turn in their devices at this time. Device return is scheduled for Thursday, May 25th and Friday, May 26th.
The following memo contains crucial information that you will need to have as graduation draws near. Please read the information below carefully, as there is important information regarding policies and procedures.
This year graduation will take place in the stadium at Chula Vista High School on
Wednesday, May 31, 2023 at 3:00pm in the CVHS Stadium
El siguiente memorándum contiene información crucial que necesitará tener a medida que se acerca la graduación. Lea atentamente la siguiente información, ya que contiene información importante sobre políticas y procedimientos.
La graduación de este año se llevará a cabo en el estadio de la Escuela Secundaria de Chula Vista el
Miércoles 31 de mayo de 2023 a las 3:00 p. m. en el Estadio CVHS
We're Here for You and Your Family!
Our mission at the Parent Center is to be your partners in parenting! We offer many services at the Parent Center such as emergency shelter and food referrals, we have a food pantry and clothes closet open to the community, we assist with job training and referrals, and offer FREE parent workshops throughout the year. We welcome all who are interested to become volunteers here at the Parent Center, stop by to get a packet! Walk-ins are welcome, or call us at 619-476-3396.
¡Estamos Aquí para Usted y su Familia!
¡Nuestra misión en el Centro de Padres es ser sus socios en la crianza de los hijos! Ofrecemos muchos servicios en el Centro de Padres, como refugio de emergencia y referencias de alimentos, tenemos una despensa de alimentos y un armario de ropa abiertos a la comunidad, ayudamos con capacitación laboral y referencias, y ofrecemos talleres GRATUITOS para padres durante todo el año. Damos la bienvenida a todos los que estén interesados en convertirse en voluntarios aquí en el Centro de Padres, ¡pasen por un paquete! Los visitantes sin cita son bienvenidos o llámenos al 619-476-3396.
Follow Us On Social Media!
Parent Center Instagram
Parent Center Facebook
Spartan Students we invite you to join Chula Vista High School's After School Programs! All programs are available for FREE! You can also stop by and have some fun at the Vault located in the Youth Center. The Vault has pool, air hockey, foosball, PS4, Switch, arcade games and more!!!!! **EVERYTHING IS FREE!!!!!!!**
Our morning hours will be from 7:15-8:15 AM (students will need to enter through Youth Center entrance at 465 L Street).
Our afternoon hours will be from 3:39-5:30 PM every day. We are also open during 7th/8th period for those students who are unscheduled.
Before & After School Tutoring
Student Handbook
Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our Student Handbook linked HERE!
Chula Vista High School
Email: julio.alcala@sweetwaterschools.org
Website: cvh.sweetwaterschools.org
Location: 820 4th Avenue, Chula Vista, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 476-3300
SUHSD Board Policy 0410
SUHSD Board Policy 0410