Summer Updates
July 22nd, 2023
August Updates
📚✏️ First Day of School: Thursday, 8/17 ✏️📚
Registration Reminders
If you missed In-Person Registration on 7/24, please call your school. You need to verify your residency in-person at Miller/Manning. (If you have students in both, you only need to verify at one school.)
- Miller: 630-468-8300
- Manning: 630-468-8050
⭐⭐ Miller and Manning Transportation ⭐⭐
If you did not fill out a transportation survey at in-person registration:
- You must fill out a more detailed transportation form so that we make sure students get to the right destination at the end of the day.
- Each student needs a form to be filled out separately
- Complete by Wednesday, August 9th.
Miller and Manning Surveys below. Thank You!
Important Dates to Start the Year
Manning New Family Orientation 👪
Who: Incoming 2nd grade and New to the District Parents/Guardians
Date: Thursday, August 10th
Time: 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Location: Manning Gym
What it is: The administration introduces new families to Manning Elementary School by reviewing our expectations and routines. We take families on a tour and also provide a time for questions and answers. This is an adult-oriented event, but childcare is available if needed.
Miller and Manning Supply Drop Off ✏️
Who: Incoming Kindergarten - 5th grade families
Date: Wednesday, August 16th
Time: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: Miller and Manning
What it is: Quick opportunity to drop off any supplies in the hallway outside your child's classroom. Administration will be present to answer questions if you have any.
*The first day of school starts our regular routines and adults do not enter the building with their kids.
Manning Curriculum Night
Who: Parents and Guardians of 2nd - 5th Graders
Date: Thursday, August 31st
Time: 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Location: Manning Gym and classrooms
What it is: The administration welcomes families with an introduction to the school year, followed by two grade-level sessions for parents to attend.
Miller Curriculum Night
Who: Parents and Guardians of K-1st Graders
Date: Wednesday, September 6th
Time: 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Location: Miller classrooms
What it is: The administration welcomes families with an introduction to the school year, followed by two grade-level sessions for parents to attend.
Who: All Community members
Date: Saturday, August 26th
Time: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: James M. Long Park, Westmont, IL
What it is: A fundraiser 3v3 basketball tournament and community gathering to support Westmont Jr. Sentinels. Click here for more details.
Elementary PTO Meeting
Who: All Miller and Manning Parents/Guardians
Date: Tuesday, August 29th
Time: 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Location: Manning (Location TBD)
What it is: The redesigned Parent-Teacher Organization will meet for the first of 4 meetings to host the parents in a discussion of ways to support and connect with out elementary schools. The new format of the PTO will also be reviewed.