Texas School Nurses Organization
June 2016
Mission Statement
To promote, protect, and enhance professional school nurse practice through advocacy, evidence-based education, collaboration, and partnerships that support each student’s well-being and readiness to learn.
President's Message
Hello TSNO members,
For your pleasure, Lisa Sicilio, TSNO President-Elect has created another amazing summer newsletter packed with articles of importance, continuing nursing education opportunities, summer reading and much more. Please share this with any fellow nurse colleague that is not a TSNO member. They will be glad you did.
As a reminder, the deadline for submitting applications for School Nurse of the Year, School Nurse Administrator of the Year and Region Award is approaching fast. Please send your applications to Katie Morton by June 15th. For more information, click here or if you have questions please email her at katiemorton.tsno@gmail.com
Take care and I wish you all a safe and restful summer!
Francis Luna
TSNO President
Role of the School Nurse in Providing School Health Services
State Campaign Focuses on Protection Against Zika
A new campaign from the Texas Department of State Health Services reinforces what people can do to “not give Zika a biting chance” this summer. The campaign, which launched May 27th, features public service announcements on radio and television along with online and outdoor ads reminding people they should prevent Zika by removing standing water, keeping mosquitoes out of their homes and preventing mosquito bites.
Sample ads and other materials are available at www.texaszika.org/materials.htm
Congratulations SHAC Award Recipients!!
Summer Reading
Heroines of Mercy Street: The Real Nurses of the Civil War –
February 16, 2016
by Pamela D. Toler PhD
A look at the lives of the real nurses depicted in the PBS show Mercy Street,
HEROINES OF MERCY STREET tells the true stories of the nurses at Mansion House, the Alexandria, Virginia, mansion turned war-time hospital and setting for the new PBS drama Mercy Street. Among the Union soldiers, doctors, wounded men from both sides, freed slaves, politicians, speculators, and spies who passed through the hospital in the crossroads of the Civil War, were nurses who gave their time freely and willingly to save lives and aid the wounded.
These women saw casualties on a scale Americans had never seen before, and medicine was at a turning point. HEROINES OF MERCY STREET follows the lives of women like Dorothea Dix, Mary Phinney, Anne Reading, and more before, during, and after their epic struggle in Alexandria and reveals their personal contributions to this astounding period in the advancement of medicine. See more at: http://www.amazon.com/Heroines-Mercy-Street-Nurses-Civil/dp/0316392073
Our Kids
The American Dream in Crisis
A New York Times bestseller and “a passionate, urgent” (The New Yorker) examination of the growing inequality gap from the bestselling author of Bowling Alone: why fewer Americans today have the opportunity for upward mobility.
Central to the very idea of America is the principle that we are a nation of opportunity. But over the last quarter century we have seen a disturbing “opportunity gap” emerge. We Americans have always believed that those who have talent and try hard will succeed, but this central tenet of the American Dream seems no longer true or at the least, much less true than it was. - See more at: http://books.simonandschuster.com/Our-Kids/Robert-D-Putnam/9781476769905#sthash.WJmf1Ndr.dpuf
Continuing Education Opportunities
Targeting Social Influences That Shape Health Literacy in Communities
Register Now | June 16, 2016 | 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. ET
Join us on Thursday, June 16 at 12:00 p.m. ET for a Progress Review webinar featuring 2 Healthy People 2020 topic areas:
- Health Communication and Health Information Technology
- Educational and Community-Based Programs
The webinar will also highlight a network of Federally Qualified Health Centers working to improve health literacy.
Free continuing education credits (CME, CNE, CHES) are available!
About Health Communication, Health Information Technology, and Educational and Community-Based Programs
Health communication, health information technology (IT), and health education are core elements of public health infrastructure and affect the health literacy of individuals and communities. Health literacy is the capacity to obtain, communicate, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions. Health decisions are shaped by many factors that characterize health literacy in a community, including access to education and information, social relationships, and digital technologies.
Educational and community-based programs are key to reaching individuals in a variety of non-traditional settings, including schools and work sites. When organizations and communities implement health communication, health IT, and educational programs, we build individual and community skills, reach more people, and provide more opportunities to foster healthy living.
Children's Health CNE
Ready for summer?
Don't forget you can earn nursing contact hours and school nurses can earn Professional Development Hours for your school district, over the summer.
Children’s Health has recorded several of "The Nurse Is In" sessions so that you can earn your contact hours at your own pace.
Here are a few of the events available:
- Hypertension in the Obese Child and Adolescent
- Musculoskeletal Injuries and Conditions in the School‑Aged Child
- Concussion identification, evaluation, and return to play/return to learn in youth athletes
- Neuropsychological Functioning in Pediatric Patients with Complex Medical Problems
It’s easy to register and earn your contact hours – just click here to select the Children’s Health LIVE (Learning through Interactive Video Education) archived events.
Children's Health is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Texas Nurses Association (TNA), an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation (ANCC).
Contact hours will be awarded.
Advanced Assessment of the Pediatric Population in the School Setting
August 1, 2016
Children’s Health Specialty Center
Simulation Lab Room 6706
2350 N. Stemmons Freeway, Dallas 75207
Parking in the main lot will be validated at the end of each conference session.
Choose either 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM OR 11:45-4:30 PM Each session is limited to 50 participants
1. Apply an evidence based nursing plan of action for the student with respiratory distress in the school setting.
2. Demonstrate nursing interventions for the advanced assessment of respiratory distress in students with a tracheostomy in a school setting.
3. Demonstrate nursing management of gastrostomy feeding complications in the school setting.
4. Perform an advanced assessment of the ear using an otoscope.
5. Demonstrate an advanced neurological assessment of a child presenting with a head injury and /or migraine.
Access the full conference and registration document here. Or email Amy Marland with any questions. amarland@mckinneyisd.net
Camp Nursing Opportunities
For more information contact:
Rick Whisenhunt
For more information contact Deidra Robertson- Ink Lake at deidra@camplonghorn.com
or Blair Manning- Indian Springs- blair@camplonghorn.com
Or apply online https://www.camplonghorn.com/SummerStaff/Apply
SAVE THE DATE: Texas School Nurses Organization Annual Conference at the Wyndham San Antonio Riverwalk
Nursing contact hours have been applied for through the Texas Nurses Association, an accredited approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
Friday, Nov 4, 2016, 08:00 AM
111 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, TX 78205, United States
TSNO Executive Committee
PRESIDENT Francis Luna - Region X
PRESIDENT-ELECT Lisa Sicilio - Region 6
TREASURER Joan Cary - Region X
Secretary Adalia Del Bosque - Region 1
NASN DIRECTOR Laurie Combe - Region 4
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Diane Hunt Bullard - Region 20 tsnornplanner@gmail.com
ADVOCACY CHAIR Emily Winn - Region X
SCHOOL HEALTH ISSUES Karen Schwind - Region 13
MEMBER SERVICES Art Oaxaca Region 19
Membership Coordinator Linda Howard - Region 8
REGION PRESIDENTS Coordinator Sarah Batson - Region 17
EXHIBIT LIAISON Lisa Formby - Region 16
MARKETING COORDINATOR Martha Anderson - Region 14
WEBSITE LIAISON Kara Delay - Region 8
Email: lsicilio.tsno@gmail.com
Website: txsno.org
Location: Richardson, Tex, United States
Phone: (979) 694-5800
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Texas.School.Nurses.Organization
Twitter: @TxSchlNurses