Daniel Wright

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage
National Hispanic Heritage Month, observed annually from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, honors the culture, heritage, and contributions of Hispanic Americans each year.
To recognize this heritage, Daniel Wright Spanish Teachers Erinn Vincent and Katie Snowden recently celebrated the holiday, Day of the Dead, by encouraging students to create Calaveras (skulls) out of cookies and balloons. The multi-day holiday is in honor and celebration of ancestors. Families use calaveras as one way to invite their loved ones who have passed on back into their homes for the Day of the Dead. Please visit the school's Google Doc folder to see more pictures of the celebration.
Signs of Suicide Program
The adolescent years are marked by a roller-coaster ride of emotions – difficult for students, their parents and educators. It is easy to misinterpret depression as “normal” adolescent moodiness; however, depression (among the most common of mental illnesses) appears to be occurring at a much earlier age. Depression – which is treatable – is a leading risk factor for suicide. In addition, self-injury has become a growing problem among youth. To proactively address these issues, Daniel Wright is offering depression awareness and suicide prevention training as part of the Signs of Suicide (SOS) program. To read more about the program or to opt out your student from participating, please read the news bulletin.
Picture Retake Day
School Picture Retake Day is Wednesday, Oct. 19, for students who missed the September picture day or would like their child's picture retaken. Please read the news bulletin for more information.
Sixth-Grade Under-Nighter
Sixth-Graders are invited to stay after school on Wednesday, Oct. 19, until 7:45 p.m. for an Under-Nighter event of team building activities, outdoor fun, crafts, and more.
Household Cans Wanted
Leaders in Learning is looking for steel cans of any size that are cleaned with the labels removed. Please send them to school through Friday, Nov. 4.
Blue Ribbon T-Shirt Design Contest
Students are encouraged to show off their creativity by entering the DW Blue Ribbon T-Shirt Contest. The winner will have their design printed on the official Daniel Wright Blue Ribbon Award T-Shirt. The design winner's T-shirt will be worn by all students, staff, faculty and administration at Daniel Wright during our celebration in November. For detailed information about the contest, please review the contest rules.
T-Shirt Design Contest Overview
Deadline: Monday, Oct. 10, 2022, at 4 p.m.
Selection of Winner: After all submissions are reviewed, the DW administration will select two finalists from each grade level. All students and staff will vote on the top eight designs to determine a final winner. The winner will be announced on Monday, Oct. 17.
District News
No School Monday or Tuesday
There is no school for students on Monday, Oct. 10, and Tuesday, Oct. 11. Monday is Indigenous Peoples' Day and Tuesday is a Teacher Institute Day. The district uses teacher institute days to allow certified staff members to attend workshops or participate in grade-level meetings for the purpose of furthering the district strategic plan goals.
Multilingual Student Parent Night
School Board Election - April 4, 2023
Three seats on the Board of Education for Lincolnshire-Prairie View School District #103 will be up for election on April 4, 2023. Each seat will be a four-year term until April 2027. Candidate information is available on the Lake County Elections website and at the District 103 office located at 111 Barclay Boulevard, Suite 100, Lincolnshire, IL 60069.
Petition Packets
Petition packets may be downloaded from the Lake County Clerk’s website and are available at the District 103 office.
Filing Period
Nomination papers are filed with the Lake County Clerk’s office located at 18 N. County Street, Room 101, Waukegan, IL 60085.
- December 12, 2022 – First day to file nomination papers.
- December 19, 2022 – Last day to file nomination papers.
Membership Toolkit Mobile Apps
If you're looking for easy access to the D103 Online Family Directory* while on-the-go, make sure to download the Membership Toolkit Mobile app for iPhone or Android. In addition to providing one-click access to the family directory, the app also provides access to volunteer sign ups, PTO events calendar, message boards and more!
One App - Multiple Schools: If you have a student in both D103 and Stevenson High School, switching schools is easy! Just look for the school-switch icon toward the top of the app, right in between the shopping cart and settings icons.
Questions and Contact: If you have any questions, want to update any of your listed information, or need instructions on how to access Membership Toolkit for the first time, please email data@d103pto.org
*Note: Access to the D103 Family Directory, including class lists, is only available to families who have purchased a 2022/2023 PTO membership. Not a member yet? No problem! Purchase your PTO membership today and begin using the family directory immediately.
Self Driven Child
Author Ned Johnson will share his expertise with parents virtually from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Monday, October 17, on how to talk to our children and what to say to help promote their motivation, resilience, and happiness. Please register for this virtual presentation.
With the knowledge he has gained, he has co-authored two books: "What Do You Say? How to Talk with Kids to Build Motivation, Stress Tolerance, and a Happy Home" and the national best-seller, "The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives." Ned believes that now more than ever, our kids need healthy motivation and the ability to handle stress in effective ways.
During his presentation, Ned will offer parents with concrete, accessible advice on how to talk to our children and what to say to help promote their motivation, resilience, and happiness. Studies suggest that children increasingly feel a lack of control in their lives. Ned will provide a brain based understanding of how changing our parental approach can help our kids feel more empowered, while reducing battles in the home and improving connection with our kids. Ned's goal is to provide parents with practical advice on how to help kids perform their best when it matters most.
The Vernon Area Public Library and the PTO organizations of D96, D102, and D103 are excited to welcome Ned Johnson to share his expertise with the parents of our communities.
Cheerleading Clinic
Stevenson High School offers a cheerleading clinic for grades kindergarten through eighth 5 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 13.
Patriot Youth Basketball
Junior Patriots Basketball tryouts are coming for grades 6-8. For more information and to register visit the SHS Prep website.
Daniel Wright Information
- Principal Michelle Blackley, Ed.D.
- Assistant Principal Nina Nusbaum, Ed.D.
- Assistant Principal Melody Littlefair
- 847-604-5280
- Dw_attendance@d103.org