Notes from the Middle
November 10, 2023
Chardon Middle School
Principal - Mr. Adam Tomco
Asst. Principal - Ms. Tracy Paroubek
School Nurse - Mrs. Jennifer Trittschuh
Secretary - Mrs. Diana Norris
Building Clerk - Mrs. Dana Shutty
Clerical Assistant - Mrs. Elaine Cressman
Library/Technology - Mrs. Nancy McFaul
ATTENDANCE LINE: 440-285-4062
Email: adam.tomco@chardonschools.org
Website: www.chardonschools.org
Location: 424 North Street, Chardon, OH, USA
Phone: 440-285-4057
It was great to be back at CMS after missing a few days last week to attend and present at the AMLE50 conference.
Visitor Check-In System - EntrySign
We are excited to introduce a new and improved visitor check-in system at CMS called EntrySign. This system is designed to enhance the safety and security of our school environment by streamlining the visitor registration process.
The key features of this new system include an efficient check-in/out process, photo identification of all visitors, visitor badges, and automated record keeping.
How to Use EntrySign:
- When you arrive at CMS, a secretary will "buzz" you into the security vestibule.
- Within the vestibule is the EntrySign system. DRIVER LICENSE/STATE ID REQUIRED
- Follow the on-screen instructions to input your information.
- Have your photo taken for identification purposes.
- Receive and wear the printed visitor badge.
- Save your badge for an efficient and quick checkout process
We appreciate your cooperation in using the EntrySign system during your visits to our school. The safety and security of our students and staff are of the utmost importance, and this system helps us maintain a secure learning environment.
BIG test for the Browns this weekend. The students enjoy the extended recess after a Browns VICTORY!
Mr. Tomco
Big Suprise
Builders Club News
Builders Club is holding a food drive the week of November 13th-17th for The Geauga Hunger Task Force. Non perishable food items such as canned vegetables and boxes of pasta will be collected in advisory classes. The advisory class from each grade that collects the most food items will play first in Turkey Ball. If you have any questions please contact Amanda Weaver (amanda.weaver@chardonschools.org).
7th GRADE Chicago Parent Meeting Presentation
Thank you to those that were able to attend the Chicago parent meeting this past Wednesday! We understand that it was an exceptionally busy week, so for those that missed it, we are attaching information to this email.
Chicago Trip Presentation: This is the information that we covered at the meeting on Wednesday. It has the info divided into slides with headings that we hope are easy to read.
Registration Form: By completing the registration form, you are letting us know that you would like the initial $300 deposit for the trip added to your child's Infinite Campus fees. You must register by November 22, with the first deposit due December 1.
Chicago FAQs: We have created this document that has frequently asked questions about the trip. We've cultivated this over the past couple of years, so we hope it answers your questions. If you have any additional questions or concerns, or think something should be added to our FAQ document, please let us know!
Scholarships: If you would like more information on qualifying for a scholarship for the trip, please contact Mr. Adam Tomco (CMS Principal) at adam.tomco@chardonschools.org by November 15.
Contact/Questions: Please direct all questions about the trip to Mrs. Nicole Diehm (computer/technology teacher at CMS). nicole.diehm@chardonschools.org
Please take a moment to review the details, and do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further clarification.
In preparation for this day, we will host a “Water Week” full of fundraising events as we will be collecting money to donate to Drink Local Drink Tap, a Cleveland-based organization whose mission is to improve water equity. Our fundraising goal this year is $2500. There will be two fundraising events to achieve this goal that will run from November 8th to November 20th.
If you do not have a 6th-grade student but are still interested in donating, we would greatly appreciate your support! Any donations can be brought to the main office or to Mrs. Holub in room 216.
Chardon Local Schools partners with PublicSchoolWORKS to offer the Stay Safe. Speak UP! student safety and bullying prevention program. This 24/7, confidential reporting tool is available to students, parents, staff, and the community. Visit the link to learn about 3 easy ways to report and bookmark access to the tool.
Link to report an incident: https://bit.ly/chardonnewssssu
PTO is looking for volunteers to help out with some upcoming 4th Grade activities on 11/15 and 11/17-- sign up here:
PTO is looking for a few more vendors to participate in our Holiday Shop on Wed. 12/20 during the school day. Items should be generally homemade crafts or treats and sell for $5 or less. For more information please contact Joyce Foley at foleyfive831@gmail.com or chardonmiddlepto@gmail.com
Save the dates:
Monday, November 20th-- CMS Skate Party at City Skate in Painesville
Wednesday, December 20th-- CMS Holiday Shop- during the school day
Saturday, February 24th-- Give Back to the Red and Black- our biggest fundraiser of the year and it's going to be amazing! Early bird tickets go on sale soon.
Chardon Night with the Cavs -- Fri. January 5th.
CMS PTO is selling tickets for the Friday, January 5th game against the Washington Wizards! CHS choir is performing the national anthem that evening! Take advantage of this easy Christmas present! Tickets are selling fast for this game-- don't wait!
Supporting Students
7th Grade Chicago Parent Presentation
7th Grade Basketball Team in Action vs Willoughby
Tickets make great gifts! Order now and your tickets will be here before the holidays. Chardon Goes to the Musicals is excited to announce ticket sales for Mrs. Doubtfire and Funny Girl. Money is due to Crescendo Club via Elizabeth Fullerman by Tuesday, November 28. Cleveland's own Playhouse Square is the second-largest theater district outside of Broadway. Over the years, Chardon Goes to the Musicals has sold hundreds of tickets. A reminder this is not a fundraiser, but simply a way for community members to obtain tickets at discounted prices.
Student Leadership Opportunity! Would your K-12 student like to lead the Pledge of Allegiance at a Board of Education meeting? Student leaders gain practice at public speaking; meet the Superintendent and Board President; and earn a Portrait of a Hilltopper certificate. Enter our monthly contest today for a chance to win!
Link to enter: https://bit.ly/leadthepledge23
Upcoming Events
November 15: 6th, 7th Choir Concert @ Park Auditorium
November 16: 6th, 7th, Jazz Band Concert @ CMS
November 17: 4th Grade Heart Day
November 21: Turkey Ball!!!
November 22-24: No School ~ Happy Thanksgiving
November 30: 7th Grade trip to see A Christmas Carol