PSJA Summer Reads Elementary
Reading Without Borders - Volume 1 Issue 3
Welcome to our PSJA Summer Reads Newsletter!
Well guys another week is upon us and by the way summer officially started on Saturday June 20, 2020. So hopefully you can go out and enjoy the warm weather with a good book or take some time and log on to the exciting things happening online on our PSJA Summer Reads Website!
PSJA Summer Reads Website
The website has many cool and exciting things to look at and learn about. You can also always go back to a previous week and check out something you missed. Have a little time go and explore! Click on the link below.
PSJA Summer Reads Log
Don't forget to fill out your summer reading logs. If you need one click below.
Weekly Literacy Themes
Social Media Awareness Week - June 22-26
Freedom Week - June 29-July 3
UN 17 Sustainability Goals
SDG #1 No Poverty - June 13-17
Donate what you don't use.
SDG #2 Zero Hunger - June 22 - 26
Waste less food and support your local farmers.
SDG #3 Good Health & Well Being - June 29 - July 3
Vaccinate your family.
Come by to visit our virtual book clubs and activities. There's always a new book to review and discuss, plus fun activities to participate in. The book clubs meet every week!
PreK - 2nd Grade Book Club
This week's PreK - 2nd Grade Book Club met twice. First day they listened to the book "Quiénes Nos Cuidan" by Elizabeth Moore. Students created thank you notes to adults who helped as well as other fun activities. The second day they listened to a book on technology manners, watched a video on Digital Citizenship and were to introduced to a website, Kodable, a coding game. The MackinVia logo is linked to its website for you to go and explore the resources that were shared.
3rd - 5th Grade Book Club
This weeks 3rd-5th Grade Book Club was awesome. We had a quick look at one of our MackinVia resources. We also introduced another of our Texas Bluebonnet books, Caterpillar Summer by Gillian McDunn. To finish the meeting, we had a Scavenger Hunt. We had a blast!
Click the link below to see our Padlet that our 3rd - 5th graders created for book recommendations!