Rome City Elementary School
Roman News February 2023
From the Principal's desk...
I am so proud of all of the great things Romans are doing!! Do you know we have many things happening after school that your child could participate in? We have Robotics Team, Honor Society, and Math Bowl. We need to keep our kids active, having fun with learning.
Do you know that many of our kiddos are reaching many goals each day and we are celebrating a lot lately? Please like us on our Facebook page to see all of the exciting things happening here at Rome City!
Please help us raise money for the school. We are holding our carnival on March 17 this year! We will be wearing a lot of green and pink! We are celebrating Mrs. Herber being a Breast Cancer survivor and we are celebrating St. Patrick's Day! This is our first carnival since the pandemic! The carnival is usually one of our biggest fundraisers! We really could use help with lots of things! If you can donate items such as 2 liters of pop, games, or items for our auction, please send the items in as soon as possible. We are preparing the items! If you know any businesses or community sponsors who would be willing to donate, please let us know! We will contact them!
After spring break, students will be taking the iLearn assessment. Even though this time of year tends to be stressful, we try to make it as fun as possible for students. We will have an assembly to kick off the testing, have daily snacks and even have a "no homework policy" for the weeks during testing. We truly want the atmosphere to be relaxing and calming for the students. We are meeting with each child and discussing the importance of growth. I believe every student in the building has an opportunity to grow! Your support in homework and academics will help growth happen!
Please make sure your child has a healthy breakfast and is on time to school. Being late and leaving early on testing days, can actually cause children to be frazzled when they are taking a test.
Heather Green
Attendance Information
Parent letters are sent home as part of our reminder to families about the policy and to make you aware of how many days your child has missed school. Doctors notes, if you have them, will be used to excuse your child for that day, so please make sure to send those in if you have them.
We want to make sure your child/children are present as much as possible and not missing school for unnecessary things. Being present as much as possible helps them keep current and on top of their learning.
Thank you to those families, who are understanding of us following the required Indiana Code, yet also staying in positive communication with us on days that are missed. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by email or by calling the school office. I am more than willing to talk through any attendance concerns.
PAC Meeting is Thursday, February 2nd.
The next Parent Action Committee meeting is Thursday, February 2 at 8:30AM. Please help us as we plan and prepare for the end of the year events.
Here are things we will be working on and discussing:
· Carnival
· Spring events such as Muffins for Mom, Donuts with Dad
· Fundraiser
· Staff Appreciation Week
February 10th and 23rd are POPCORN days! 50 cents per bag.
Kick off to Kindness Week!
Friday the 10th Wear your favorite jersey
Monday the 13th Wear Purple
Tuesday the 14th Wear pink, red, and white
Wednesday the 15th Crazy hair
Thursday the 16th Dress in your best
Friday the 17th Wear your assigned class color
President's Day
No School!
Professional Development Day
Friday, February 24th
No School
Plan ahead...field trips are being planned. Make sure your background checks are up-to-date if you would like to chaperone.
Test-Taking Skills
Do you remember the tests you took in school? Our experiences with tests leave an imprint on each of us, good or bad.
Today, our children have more accountability to do well on assessments than ever before. Despite our experiences, we must stay positive with our children when talking about ILEARN, IREAD, or any other assessment our children take in school. These are important pieces of a child’s education. These tests give all of us an excellent look at our children’s strengths and weaknesses. However, with this kind of accountability and pressure, our children need the skills to stay calm and focused throughout the test.
If you have any questions regarding ILEARN, IREAD, or any other assessment given at the school, please feel free to talk to Mrs. Green or your child’s teacher.
Our mission: "Inspire, Engage, Empower!"
Email: hgreen@eastnoble.net
Website: eastnoble.net
Location: 400 Jackson Street, Rome City, IN, USA
Phone: 260-854-3241