Eagle Update
September 22nd, 2023
Hello Eagles,
It's hard to believe we are already four weeks into the school year. Classes are in full swing and there are a lot of activities taking place. I encourage you to reach out to your student's advisory teacher if you have any questions, and we also ask that you check your student's HAC. Teachers update their gradebook weekly, and this can be a good way to inform your student's W.I.N time choices.
Have a great weekend all,
Columba Jones
Instructional Focus Areas at HRVHS
The Focus is on Rigor
Clear purpose of Learning & Strong Relationships
All classroom teachers will have posted learning targets. Ask your students about these.
All staff will continue to build positive connections with students. We want all students to have an adult they can trust at school.
Organization & Reflection
Advisory teachers will help students identify an effective way to stay organized.
All classroom teachers will provide time at the end of the lesson for students to reflect on their learning.
Check in with your student about their day
Fall Community Celebration Thank You!
Thanks to all our families who attended our Fall Community Celebration and Open House last week on Thursday. It was a full night of connecting staff and families, sharing everything HRVHS has to offer, and celebrating our students' talents and accomplishments. We will be coming back even bigger and better next year, and would love your feedback on making this event even more successful. Please help us by completing this two-question survey.
W.I.N Time
What I Need Time (W.I.N)
Students have access to teacher support during W.I.N time Tuesday through Friday. Ask your student about this time. Are they accessing academic support or participating in an activity or club during this time? It's very important that all students schedule their weekly W.I.N time every Monday by 4:00pm. Students have time to do this during their advisory time on Mondays. If they need help, they can connect with their advisory teacher on Mondays or revisit the video tutorial below.
Safety Drills
September : Fire Drill
HRVHS held a Fire Drill today, Friday September 22nd, in the morning. As was shared at the start of the year, we will be conducting a safety drill every month. Please click below for more detailed information that went out in the district newsletter.
The safety of your student and all students in our schools as well as the safety of the school staff and support personnel is very important to us. In order to maintain a safe environment, it is necessary that we practice our emergency and crisis response plans by having drills designed to familiarize students and staff with our procedures.
We will be alerting you when the drills take place, so that you can check in with your student. You may want to invite their thoughts and opinions about school safety and natural events that could cause real life lockdowns. If your student has trauma or special needs, consider what mental health supports may be beneficial around the time of the drill.
From the Aspire/Summit Office: Sign up for College Rep Visits
September is Attendance Awareness Month
Attendance matters to your school's success!
HRVHS has a goal for every student to reach a 90% attendance rate. This means students should miss no more than 18 days of school per year.
Students who attend school regularly are more likely to do well in school and graduate on time. Attendance is a predictor of success. Please send your child to school every day.
We look forward to seeing students every day this year!
Athletics Schedule
Class of 2024 Graduation Cap and Gown
The video below will show you how to order from jostens.com. You do not need the entire graduation package you can order items like a cap, a gown, or a tassel individually. You can also click on this link: Hood River Valley High School - Jostens Link
Important Dates
September /October
9/28- HRVHS Site Council (come learn about what's happening at HRV; we're looking for parents to join and help give us feedback- email columba.jones@hoodriver.k12.or.us if you're interested)
10/6- HOCO Information Assembly
10/7- SAT at HRVHS
10/9-10/13 Homecoming Week
10/14- Homecoming Dance/PSAT at HRVHS
10/18 - Picture Retake/Make-up
10/27- End of 1st Qtr/Progress Report Cards
10/27-10/29- Musical
10/30- No School- Teacher Comp Day