The Eagle Express
Main Elementary Newsletter September 24, 2023
About Main Elementary
Email: MainOffice@kibsd.org
Website: kibsd.org/main/
Phone: 9074867480
Picture Day is Coming- Monday, September 25th
Upcoming Events
Monday, September 25, 2023
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
- Building Stronger Readers at Home 5:30-6:30 (see flyer)
- Early Out at 1:50 p.m. for all students
- Wear Orange to School Today to promote awareness of students forced to attend boarding schools
Cherrydale Fundraiser is Due on Friday!
Thanks to all who have participated in our Cherrydale Fundraiser. We have five days, and I challenge families to sell at least ten items. Three students who have sold at least ten items will be entered in a drawing to silly string Mrs. Sutton when the fundraiser ends. Please register your student and sell some things to help with classroom student funds. Main Elementary will be entered into a drawing when 40% of our students register. Don't hesitate to contact the office if you have any questions.
Natinal Wildlife Refuge Week Youth Sticker Contest
If you need a paper copy of the youth sticker contest forms, please contact the Main Elementary office and our excellent staff will make sure to get your student a copy.