Ptarmigan Elementary School
October 2023-2024 Newsletter
Principal's Corner
Ptarmigan Families,
The end of the first quarter is almost here and the staff and I are looking forward to seeing you at several upcoming events.
Our Ptarmigan Title I Healthy Heroes Family Night is October 11th from 4:30pm-6:00pm.
I would like to invite everyone to our 1st quarter Awards Assemblies on October 23rd. The Kindergarten-2nd grade assembly is from10:20am-10:50am and the PK, 3rd-5th grade assembly is from 2:15pm-2:45pm. This is a wonderful time to celebrate the super students we have at Ptarmigan Elementary, so come and cheer on our students! If your student is receiving an award, classroom teachers will send out a specific invitation to you.
Parent/Teacher conferences are also that same week. On October 25th and 26th, dismissal is at 12:30pm so teachers can conduct conferences with families. Please be on the lookout for additional information from your student’s classroom teacher.
October 27th there is no school for students.
On October 31st our school will be celebrating the importance of literacy by hosting Storybook Character Day. Students can bring their favorites book and come dressed up as a character from that book.
As much as I do not want to say it…. WINTER is just around the corner. Please ensure that your students are coming to school with coats, hats, gloves or mittens, snow pants, and boots. We will have outside recess until it reaches -10 degrees below zero so prepare your students to go outside for 20 minutes.
Attendance continues to be one of our focuses for this year. Since the beginning of the school year, our school averaged 70% of our students attending 90% of the time. The district attendance goal is 90%, so help your student achieve academically by getting them to school.
Please come and visit our school as often as you can. We love volunteers! If you have extra time in your day, communicate with the classroom teacher to see how you can help.
Mrs. Ramey
Ptarmigan Elementary Principal
October 2nd:
- National Custodian Day.
October 9th:
- NO SCHOOL. Observation of Indigenous People Day.
- Title I Healthy Heroes Family Night @ 4:30pm-6:00pm.
October 13th:
- Fall Picture Day.
October 20th:
- NO SCHOOL. Teacher Grading Day.
- Quarter 1 Awards Assemblies.
- Kindergarten - 2nd Grade (10:20am-10:50am).
- PK, 3rd Grade - 5th Grade (2:15pm-2:45pm).
October 25th:
- Parent/Teacher Conferences. Early Release @ 12:30pm.
- Book Fair in Library.
- No School for 3-year Preschool.
- Parent/Teacher Conferences. Early Release @ 12:30pm.
- Book Fair in Library.
- No School for 3-year Preschool.
October 27th:
- NO SCHOOL. Teacher In-Service.
- Storybook Character Spirit Day.
With colder temperatures around the corner, it is important to remember that it is time to check your child has the necessary winter gear. All children should have:
- · Outside Coat/Jacket (not a hoody)
- · Shoes and Socks
- · Hat
- · Gloves/Mittens
- · Snow Pants
- · Boots
During the winter months, all students are expected to wear appropriate winter wear. It is necessary for your child to have appropriate weather clothing for their health and safety while outdoors. Every child has outdoor recess. School district policy states that if a child is healthy enough to come to school, they are expected to participate in all school activities. A physician’s note is necessary to exclude a student from participation in outdoor activities.
- · K-3: Winter coat, hat/hood, gloves/mittens, snow pants, and winter boots
- · 4-6: Winter coat, hat/hood, gloves/mittens, and winter boots
Thank you for your support with helping ensure your child has a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable recess. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or concerns.
Additionally, Ptarmigan is participating in the Children’s Lunchbox Project that provides shelf-stable meals for students when school is closed. Currently, there is availability for a few more students/families to participate. If you or your family would benefit from extra food supplies over the weekends and breaks, please contact the school nurse to be added to the distribution list.
As funding grows, we expect to be able to offer meals to more families.
As always, if you have questions or concerns, I’m here to help!
Julie Craft, DNP, APRN, FNP-C
Ptarmigan School Nurse
907 742-0417
Help Keep Kids Safe with Secure Gun Storage
Our school is joining the Anchorage School District in partnering with Be SMART for Kids (besmartforkids.org) to educate families about the importance of secure gun storage to keep kids safe and prevent youth suicide. Firearms are now the leading cause of death for children and teens in Alaska and nationwide, and the majority of gun deaths in Alaska are suicides. Together, we can protect our kids by using these “SMART” steps: Secure guns in homes and vehicles, Model responsible behavior, Ask about firearms in other homes your child visits, Recognize the role of guns in suicide, and Tell your peers to “Be SMART.” We invite you to read through the attached handouts, look for new posters in our school, and watch for more Be SMART communications within the community.
Ptarmigan Families,
Open Library – Open library is Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9:00-9:30 AM. This is a great time to come down to the library to exchange books or ask questions about where something might be located.
Library Lessons – This month, students will be introduced to Ptarmigan’s Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC). This resource is how students can search for titles and authors within our school library. Students will explore the resources and its features and begin to understand how this resource can help us locate resources.
Scholastic Book Fair – This month we will be having our Scholastic Book Fair during parent teacher conferences. Please come and visit our book fair after your scheduled parent teacher conference. Students and families can come shop Monday, October 23rd through Thursday, October 26th. We can take cash and/or credit card. A week before the book fair students will go home with a flyer. We hope you will stop by and support this event at our school. Ptarmigan will get a percentage of the total profits back to purchase new books for our students.
Mrs. Alyson Giammalva
Join us in welcoming our new Counselor, Mrs. Sarah Thomas!
I was born in Cortez, Colorado and call it home. I have lived in many states and 3 countries including Japan, Italy and the US. I love to hike and be in nature and I am so grateful to live in Alaska and call it my forever home. My greatest love and accomplishments are that of being a mother to my beautiful children. I have a passion for advocacy, non profits and being a helper. I love ice cream, hot herbal tea and spending time with my children.
"Notes" from the Ptarmigan Music Room
Fall is in the air; the snow is coming down the mountains and leaves are all crunchy! I love this time of year, but it is so short in Alaska.
Intermediate grades are beginning to play on the many wonderful instruments in the music room. Fifth graders are reviewing the recorder and Fourth and Third graders are working on the Ukuleles.
The primary grades are moving and singing to all types of music. Second grade is traveling around the continent and exploring different cultures through music.
On October 23rd make sure to come to the awards assembly. Our Fifth Graders will be singing and ringing (on Choir Chimes) the Alaska Flag song. Many are also doing the ASL (American Sign Language) for these beautiful lyrics about our great state. The second graders will be singing a call and response song about “Ham and Eggs” that teaches them to do an accelerando! They love to sing it.
Choir practice is up and running. We have a great group of singers who are learning some patriotic songs, Holliday songs and a couple of silly songs too. Look for information about their upcoming concert in the next newsletter.
Enjoy this changing time of year and remember to sing with your children. They love to hear songs that you might remember from school.
Mrs. Benton
Classroom Music Specialist
Margo Bellamy (President), Carl Jacobs (Vice President), Dora Wilson (Clerk), Kelly Lessens (Treasurer), and Members: Dave Donley, Pat Higgins, and Andy Holleman.
ASD Superintendent Dr. Jharrett Bryantt.
Ptarmigan Elementary School
888 Edward St.
Anchorage, AK. 99504
Phone: (907) 742-0400
Fax: (907) 742-0425
To Leave a Message on the Attendance Line: (907) 566-0400