North Star News
October 8, 2021
North Elementary
440 N. 10th Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060
Phone: 317-773-0482 Fax: 317-776-6274
Follow us on Twitter at @Northelem2
Follow us on Facebook at North Elem and North Elementary School PTO
Principal's Point
Wow, it's hard to believe that October is here already and that we are wrapping up our first quarter of school.
As we prepare to head into our fall break, this weekend, we just wanted to send a thank you for being our partner in this work and guiding us to a successful start to our year.
We know there is always work to be done, and we push to make each day better than the last, but we want you to take a moment and reflect on all the ways your children have grown over the first nine weeks of the school year! We are proud of all of our North stars!
Each day they SHINE and are committed to being the best that they can be!
Please take this break to rest, rejuvenate, and have fun with your family on this two-week break.
Mr. Lugo
North Elementary
Mr. Lugo's Brainbuster
A mouse wants to get in better shape. She’s going to start by climbing the stairs. Starting on the fourth floor, she climbs up five stories, down seven stories, up six stories, down three stories, and up four stories again. What floor is she on?
Upcoming Activities and Reminders
10/11-10/22 Fall Break - No school
10/14 Papa Johns Fundraiser (see flyer below for details)
10/25 Return to school
10/25-10/29 Red Ribbon Week (Wear Red on Wednesday 10/27)
10/25-10/29 Staff Appreciation Week: Bus Drivers
10/27 Late Arrival - school starts at 8:15
10/29-11/5 Food Drive
11/3 eLearning Day
11/4 Harlem Wizards - 7pm (see below for details)
11/19 North Glow Run
Hamilton County Kids Coats Giveaway
Hi North families!! Each year, Hamilton County Kids Coats does a fall coat giveaway. Below are the details on how to sign up to receive free coats for this winter season! Please share this with any other Hamilton County families you know that may be interested.
Giveaway Details:
• 6 different Give-a-ways take place on October 30th, November 6th & November 13th
• 9 am -12 pm
• Please see Kidscoats.org for give-a-way sites around Hamilton County
• Register your family for a time slot: Click here to register http://kidscoats.org/appointments/
PTO Events
10/14 Papa John Fundraiser
Staff Appreciation Week
10/25-10/29: Bus Driver Appreciation
11/19 Save the Date for the North Glow Run
eLearning Day
Notes from the Nurse
HAND WASHING. Please remind your student(s) that good hand hygiene is one of the best ways to remove germs and prevent the spread of infection and illness. Good hand hygiene can protect you, your family, and the community. Be a friend… Don’t share your germs!!
ILLNESS/SICK DAYS. Reminder: Per Noblesville Schools, if your student has a fever of 100.0 or more, vomiting or diarrhea, they are to be fever free and vomit free – without medication, for 24 hours before returning to school. Please keep in mind our Covid protocols too! If your student is not feeling well, please keep them home!
Counselor's Corner
Every year in October, students across the United States celebrate staying drug free. North Elementary will be celebrating National Red Ribbon Week the week of October 25th. This year’s theme is Drug Free Looks Like Me. You can visit www.redribbon.org to learn more about Red Ribbon Week and get tips for talking to your kids about drugs . Students will receive items to promote and encourage a drug free life. Students and staff are encouraged to wear RED on Wednesday, October 27th, in honor of Red Ribbon Week.
As part of Noblesville School’s elementary drug education curriculum, I will also be presenting an age appropriate activity book to students in grades 1st– 4th which they will then take home. Please take this opportunity to go over the activity book with your child.
Social Worker's Scoop
Each school year, all students in grades K-12 must receive education on child abuse prevention prior to December 15th per Indiana Code 20-19-3-11. Students will receive this education through a curriculum created by the Monique Burr Foundation, which will be presented by the school social worker or school counselor. This curriculum focuses on how children can keep themselves safe. If you have questions or concerns please contact the school social worker, Erin DeCocq, erin_decocq@nobl.k12.in.us, (317)-773-0482 ext. 28129 .
News from the Gym
Happy Fall Break!!!
Harlem Wizards
NSEF hosts the Harlem Wizards on 11/4, 7:00 pm at Noblesville High School, "The Mill"
Join us on November 4th, 7:00 pm at "The Mill"as the Harlem Wizards take on your favorite principals and teachers in the basketball game of the year! You won't want to miss all the tricks, hoops & alley oops in this exciting fundraiser that supports Noblesville Schools Education Foundation. Cheer on your Mighty Miller team coached by Superintendent Dr. Beth Niedermeyer and Miller legend, Tony Oilar. The player representing North Elementary is Bryce Stephens! You won't want to miss out!
Tickets start at $12 and can be found here: https://harlemwizards.thundertix.com/events/191150
Menu Changes
Last Minute Menu Changes
The national food, product and trucking shortages that are impacting stores and restaurants are also impacting our school cafeteria operations.
These shortages can cause our menus to change unexpectedly at the last minute at any specific school and some students have expressed tears, frustration, and anger at these changes.
Please know that we are doing what we can to provide meal options as planned, but families should expect occasional disruptions.
Thank you for your patience as we work to best serve you.
Community News
Haybale Ball Fundraiser
Friday, November 12th (7pm-11pm) @ Lindley Farmstead
Click here for more details
NHS Dance Team's 2021 Mini Miller Girl Clinic
Saturday, November 13th
Must register by Monday, November 1st to be guaranteed a shirt.
Click here for more details.
Boys & Girls Club
Winter Youth Basketball League
Boys and Girls K-8 (Practices start December 8)
Register Here by Nov. 22nd
Fueled For School Food Collection Drive
October 29th, 2021 to November 5th, 2021
Click here for more information.
Hamilton County 4-H
Fall Break Day Camps
Click here for more information.