Happy Half Term!
WC 22nd May 2023
What a term...
Mrs B x
Twas brillig and the slithy toves
'It was really hard to do! We had to draw the animal and then write a poem about it. I like mine - a little bit!'
Max (The humble poet)
Bean growth
Harry A
Damson Class experience the trials of being a gardener.
Damson's art work and writing
The Reception children are now confidently writing their own captions and the Year 1 are working on paragraphs!
Icecream science?!
Maple's Biographies
Bardwell's Pizza Express
Damson's on a micro adventure!
Have you received your letter yet?
Year 5 help with map reading
Otis selling raffle tickets in his neighbourhood
Congratulations to our Cogateers - Jack, Izzy and Hope
Calling all basking sharks, squirrels, butterflies and badgers...
As always, we'd rather a home made, sustainable costume that the children have been involved in making. We will be making masks in school as part of our design and technology lessons.
Look out for upcoming information as the PTA will need lots of helpers to make the day a success.
Y6 celebratory lunch
Leavers' service - change of date
This end-of-term service is open to ALL families with children at the school and we'd love to see you there.
Diary Dates & a look ahead
Parents are welcome to join us on the Monday Mile from 8.45am.
Collective Worship in Church - now only the first week of term and on special term dates.
Wednesdays this term - swimming for Wild Cherry, Maple and Ash classes. Don't forget your kit!
Friday 26th May - PTA Cake Sale, Wild Cherry Class pupils to provide the cakes (home made or shop bought, no peanuts please), all other pupils/families to purchase at the end of the school day.
Sunday 28th May - Cars on Bardwell Village Green
Wednesday 14th June - Sports Day. Parents/carers are invited to the afternoon session.
Wednesday 21st June - Sports Day reserve date - in case of poor weather on 14th.
NB: There will be no After School Club after the Sports Day.
Saturday 24th June - Bardwell Village Fete, all are welcome to this fun event on the playing field.
Tuesday 27th June (PM) and Tuesday 11th July (AM/lunch) - September YR starters' settling in sessions. Further details have been emailed and posted to families. Please complete this form to confirm your/your child's attendance at transition sessions.
Wednesday 28th/Thursday 29th June - Y6 transition days at their new secondary schools (SET Ixworth and Thurston Community College).
Wednesday 12th July - Leavers' Collective Worship in Church, 1.30pm. All families are welcome to this end of term service. NOTE change of date.
Thursday 20th July - Carnival. Watch this space for further details!
Our Term Dates for the next academic year are now available - these are also on the school calendar on the website and on Parents & Carers>Term Dates page. Please ask the office staff if you would like a paper copy.
Next year's residential
We are delighted with the number of children that are going on this trip, thank you to all of those who've made their deposit payment.
If you've not already done so, please pay your £35 deposit via Arbor no later than 31st May or speak to Mrs Boyd/Mrs Allman in confidence to discuss.
National Thank a Teacher Day - 21st June
The Thank a Teacher campaign recognises ALL staff working in UK schools and colleges; school leaders, teachers, teaching assistants, and all support staff such as lunchtime supervisors, caretakers and cleaners. If you’re feeling shy you can send a card anonymously!
To send a card, please click here.
Head lice
We've had a case of head lice reported to us by a family. Please take the time to read this NHS guidance then check/treat the whole household as necessary.
Thank you
Suffolk County Council funded transport - opt-in required
If your child already receives SCC funded travel you still need to opt in every year. Find out more.
SCC Discretionary Grant - half term supermarket vouchers
Suffolk County Council is pleased to confirm a further discretionary grant is available to support low-income families over the May half term, their letter is here. The grant will be ordered by your child(ren)’s school and will be issued as a £15 Edenred supermarket voucher for each eligible child. The grant is to help families with their essential living costs during the school holiday.
Voicemail superstar
Thank you Levi!
Mrs Allman
Year 2 parents - are you ready for September?
Your child will no longer receive Universal Infant Free School Meals when they move to Year 3 unless you apply now for income-related Free School Meals and are eligible. You will save over £435 a year and your child’s school will receive extra funding to support your child with their learning. If you have already applied and have been found to be eligible, you do not need to reapply.
To be eligible for Free School Meals you must receive one of the following:
• Universal Credit (up to £7,400 net earned income)
• Income Support
• Income based Job Seeker’s Allowance
• Income related Employment and SupportAllowance
• Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
• If you are supported under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
• Child Tax Credit but no element of Working Tax Credit and have an annual income that does not exceed £16,190.
• Working Tax Credit 4 week run on
Apply online at www.suffolk.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals or ask Mrs Allman if you would like to use a school computer to apply.
If you missed us on Youtube...
Temporary Lunch Menu
Please ensure your child is aware of what's on the menu each day. We will return to our usual menu when the Ixworth kitchen is fully functional again.
We can only apologise on Vertas' behalf for the number of menu changes recently, we know it's been hard to keep up! We hope to return to normal after the May half term.
Breakfast Club - timings
Did you hear Kate Winslet talking about social media at the BAFTAs?
Kate Winslet won Best Actress at the Bafta TV Awards for I Am Ruth and used her acceptance speech to raise awareness of the dangers of social media/mobile phone use for young people.
She stars alongside her real-life daughter Mia Threapleton in the drama, which tells the story of Ruth, a mother who becomes concerned for her teenage daughter’s welfare after she witnesses her retreating more and more into herself. Freya has become consumed by the pressures of social media and is suffering a mental health crisis.
This short clip from BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour with Emma Barnett shows why Winslet agrees with the Children’s Commissioner for England Dame Rachel de Souza about not giving children smartphones.
September Reception pupils
Please complete this form to let us know if you/your child will be attending some or all of our transition events.
NSPCC mental health information
NSPCC Child Mental Health information
We’ve put together some information to help you recognise when parents with mental health problems need help to care for their children and how to provide appropriate support.
Free online Level 2 Accredited Courses
Mrs Watson has asked that this information is shared with all parents/carers:
Attention ALL Parents - This will take just 30 seconds to read and is a fantastic opportunity!
We have been contacted by The AIM Group who deliver Free online Level 2 Accredited Courses to Parents to help better understand some key issues around young people's mental health and wellbeing, along with a range of other qualifications that may help with developing your own careers.
Here's some of the most popular subjects available:
- Understanding Autism (learn how individuals process sensory information, understand characteristics, understand conditions, learn how speech, language and communication differ in people with Autism)
- Understanding Children and Young Peoples Mental Health (Understand factors which may affect Young Peoples mental health, the impact that they have and how to support them with these issues)
- Understanding Behaviour That Challenges (supporting positive behaviour, effective communication & how to manage challenging behaviour)
- Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties (understand characteristics of ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia & Dyscalculia, importance of early diagnosis, assessment methods available to diagnose learning difficulties)
- Neuroscience In The Early Years (Goes through Brain development of the children age 0-7 years old)
- Functional Skills Maths/English - Level 1 or Level 2
- Counselling
These are just the popular qualifications, but they have over 35 available!
( including Business, Customer Service and more...)
The qualifications are completed within a 10 - week period in your own leisure. They are equivalent to a GCSE Grade C, so you are required to write comprehensive answers for some questions, so they aren't multiple choice courses. You can do as many as you like, however you can just do one at a time.
If you are interested in undertaking one of these Free Online courses or would like further information, then please complete the following link ASAP. This will then allow The AIM Group to contact you to discuss and get you started on your chosen course:
If you have any questions prior to expressing interest, call Jamie Woodcock (our account manager) on 0203 900 3091 extension 216 or drop him an email at jamie.woodcock@theaimgroup.co.uk
Online Safety Newsletter - May 2023
Does your child have a Microsoft device e.g. an Xbox? If so, you can access the Microsoft Family Safety mobile app, more details inside the May 2023 Knowsley Online Safety Newsletter (Word format; pdf format) for Bardwell School.
This month's edition includes information about Minecraft Legends and Rocket League.
Suffolk Owl Sanctuary - school opportunity
SOS will offer a free virtual learning session for the pupils if lots of our vouchers are used. So, we'd like to encourage you to make use of the voucher if you can.
There is lots to see and do at the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary, including meerkats! The venue is part of the Stonham Barns complex which also has lots of shops, mini golf and a cafe so it makes for a great day out.
You should have now received your raffle tickets for this event in your child's bag.
Please return completed stubs and payment (or any unsold tickets) by Friday 26th May (new date).
Cars on the Green - Sunday 28th May - see raffle flyer below.
Bardwell Village Fete - Saturday 24th June.
If you would like to run some stalls on behalf of the PTA at these events or support in other ways, please contact Penny or Tracey in the playground.
PTA request: Please keep your used (empty) tins of beans - (we need 20)- Please clean and wrap tape or paper around the sharp end and cover in colourful paper (wrapping) for a tin can alley style game. Watch this space for more updates.
Wild Cherry Class will be making or buying cakes for the next Cake Sale, after school on Friday 26th May.
Also, look out for the return of Freeze Pop Fridays (also featuring ice cream)!
Many thanks for your continued support of the Bardwell PTA.
All the PTA team
You could raise BIG free donations for Bardwell Primary School - Bury St Edmunds when you use #easyfundraising for your weekly food shop. Tesco, Morrisons, Waitrose, ASDA and many more will donate to them for FREE! Sign up here: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/bardwellsch?&utm_medium=Email-share&utm_source=Facebook
What's on in Bardwell Church - May 2023
Sunday 28th - Pentecost. Communion Service at St Mary's Ixworth.
Bardwell Church is open every day from 9am to 5pm for private prayer or reflection.
Neurodiversity Workshop Programme
Please find enclosed our NEW Neurodiversity PST Workshop Programme to be launched in June 2023. We know that you will be preparing to have some well-earned time off at half term, but would appreciate this being communicated to staff and parents as soon as possible. The first launch is the 6th June 2023.
Please see this flyer.
Half term activities run by Abbeycroft Leisure
We are now taking bookings for our May Half Term holiday programmes!
Abbeycroft Leisure and Explore Outdoor have been working with West Suffolk and Babergh and Mid Suffolk to offer lots of exciting FREE events and activities open to children and families entitled to Free School Meals!
We have programmes running from Tuesday 30th May- Friday 2nd June* and we are encouraging families to book onto as many of these events as possible! Spaces are extremely limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Please see the details attached on how too book. *Location dependant.
There are no voucher codes required for this holiday. Parents/Carers must select their eligibility criteria when booking.
Free sessions are primarily for children entitled to Free School Meals – but we can also accept the following
- Eligible for free school meals - Pupil Premium (Not KS1 universal free school meals)
- Children with SEND (EHCP/BSP/Activities Unlimited Members)
- Young carers
- Children in care
- Foster children
- Children at risk of exploitation
- Children in financial hardship
- Ukrainian or other Refugees
For more information please visit www.acleisure.com/HAF or send us an email HAF@acleisure.com or call 01284 757495 and leave a name and number.
Junior Bowls Club
We are a local bowling club in Stanton who will be providing junior sessions on Sundays throughout the summer months. We have level one coaching and all helpers have been DBS checked. We are trying to offer a sport for all which is low cost and local to the area. We currently have a small number of members who are under the age of 12 which we are looking to grow.
If you have any questions then please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Cathedral half-term activity
Hello everyone – just to let you know about our free half-term activities on 30 May, 11-3.00 – we have eco-diy, crafts and painting, ball games on the green and a fire-pit and outdoor cooking. If you know of anyone who could benefit from a free half term activity session and lunch, please do pass this on. Groups are limited to 8 young people, age 11-18, and pre-booking is essential.
We also have HAF activities each Tuesday in the Summer break.
Best wishes,
Jane Dow
Youth Project Lead
Half Term Sports Camp - GVTSSP
30 May-2 June 2023
Please find flyer attached.
Tue 30 May AM Football or Target Games / PM Football or Summer sports or Parkour
Wed 31 May AM Gymnastics or Team Games / PM Dance or Parkour
Thurs 1 June: AM Nerf + laser tag / PM Nerf +laser tag
Fri 2 June: AM Inflatables day / PM-Inflatables day
Ages: 5 – 12 yrs
Venue: Beyton, Thurston Sixth (IP30 9AA)
£10 per workshop
Swimming lessons at Rougham Primary
SchoolsOut activities flyer - May half term
Walsham Cricket Camp - half term
Job opportunity at RAF Honington
We have agreed to share this information from Louise Short, Regional Community Development Advisor for the RAF.
One of the projects that we oversee on RAF Stations is the delivery of Airplay, a Youth Support Programme for children and young people aged 5+, funded generously by the RAF Benevolent Fund and delivered by YMCA Trinity.
We have an exciting opportunity for a new Station Youth Worker at RAF Honington and I wondered if you would be willing to share the advert below with your staff teams and network of parents to enable us to recruit?
I am happy to discuss the opportunity further if required.
Many thanks for your support
Mrs L Short | Regional Community Development Advisor (North) | Bldg 328 Room 4A (RAFBF and Sea Cdt Bldg) |RAFC Cranwell | Lincolnshire | NG34 8HB | Mil: 95751 6528 | Civ: 01400 266528 | Mobile : 07971103335 | Email: lou.short200@mod.gov.uk
Spare PPE and LFT kits
We also have a few boxes of face coverings (masks) that we no longer need. These are the disposable type, not FFP standard.
If you would like either, please ask me or Miss Egmore in the office. We will give no more than one box per family and they will be distributed on a first come-first served basis.
Mrs Allman
Is My Child Too Ill for School? - NHS advice
We are very keen to have children attending school if they are well enough. Please have a look at this NHS advice if you are unsure.
Absence reporting process - including current NHS COVID isolation guidance
If your child is absent from school please ring into the school office giving the reason for the absence ('unwell' is not sufficient), please do not email for absence. If you need to, leave a voicemail.
The School must be notified by the parent/carer of the absent pupil on the first day of absence AND on every day of absence thereafter, before the register is closed. If a telephone call is not received, the school will contact parents/carers directly.
Please see the Attendance Policy for more information.
If you suspect or know that your child has COVID, the NHS guidance for children now states:
"If a child or young person aged 18 or under tests positive for COVID-19, they should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 3 days. This starts from the day after they did the test.
Children and young people tend to be infectious to others for less time than adults. If they’re well and do not have a temperature after 3 days, there’s a much lower risk that they’ll pass on COVID-19 to others."
Allergy Awareness
We are an allergy aware school and would like to remind all families that there may be pupils in school with a peanut allergy. If a child with a peanut allergy comes into contact with peanuts, or with a pupil who has eaten peanuts, then this could lead to an anaphylactic reaction. Anaphylaxis is a severe and potentially life-threatening reaction to a trigger such as an allergy.
Because of this the school cannot accept products containing peanuts to be provided in lunch boxes or for eating at other times.
SCC information for Cost of Living Support
Suffolk County Council has asked us to share with families their updated 'Cost Of Living Support' information.
Bardwell Charities - financial aid
Bardwell Charity Trustees
Free School Meals - could you be eligible?
Your child may be eligible for free school meals throughout primary school. This could save you approximately £484 per year.
To check or apply online, visit: https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/children-families-and-learning/schools/school-meals-uniforms-and-trips/apply-for-free-school-meals/
Check if you're eligible
Your child will get free school meals if you receive any of the following:
Income Support
Income-based Job Seeker’s Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit but no element of Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenues & Customs) that does not exceed £16,190
If you are supported under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
Working Tax Credit during the four-week period immediately after your employment finishes or after you start to work fewer hours per week
Universal Credit (provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400 (£616.67 per month), as assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods).
To check if your child is eligible, apply online for an immediate response or call 01473 260989.
We encourage you to apply, because the school receives additional funding (Pupil Premium) for all children on income-related Free School Meals.
About Us
Email: bardwell@tilian.org.uk
Website: https://www.bardwell.org.uk/
Location: School Lane, Bardwell, Bury Saint Edmunds IP31 1AD, UK
Phone: 01359 250854
Twitter: @BardwellPrimary