September 22, 2023
Horizon Spirit Day next Friday!
Penn named 2023 Cognia School of Distinction
Penn Homecoming Community Events
We hope everyone is planning on coming to the Penn Homecoming festivities which are available to the entire P-H-M community. Thanks to the P-H-M Education Foundation, there's a wide variety of family-fun activities planned from the parade, to the Fun Zone, to fireworks--they've even got dinner covered with the food trucks! Please click here for details on parking, event times, and all the details.
Dates to Remember
Sept. 7-29 - Charleston Wrap Fundraiser (See info. below)
Sept. 29 - Jersey Day $1
October 6 - First Grade Field Trip to see "Nemo"
October 7 - PHM Community Connections Fair @ SMS; 10 -1 pm
October 9 - Horizon Hosts the Board Mtg. @ 7 pm
Oct. 11/12 - 4th Grade field trip to Planetarium
October 13 - Picture Retake Day
October 14 - Trunk-or-Treat; 12-1 pm
October 17/18 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 19 - Kindergarten Field Trip to Kercher's Pumpkin Patch
October 20-23 - Fall Break; No School
October 31- Halloween
Charleston Wrap Fundraiser
All orders are due September 29th.
About Us
Horizon Elementary School
An Indiana 4-Star School, Rated "A"
Mrs. Amy Fadorsen, Principal
Mr. Jared Melander, Assistant to the Principal
Email: afadorsen@phm.k12.in.us
Website: horizon.phmschools.org
Location: 10060 Brummitt Rd. Granger, IN 46530
Phone: 574-679-9788
Facebook: Facebook.com/HorizonElementaryGranger
Twitter: @HorizonPHM