Winter Storm Update
Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2021
Wednesday Update
This morning, water samples were delivered to the lab. The lab testing process takes approximately 24 hours and we are hopeful we will be able to rescind the boil water notice as soon as the results are received.
Our water system has also returned to normal capacities and customers can resume normal activities such as laundry, dish washing, car washing, etc. We appreciate each and every one of your efforts over the past week.
Other operational updates:
- We are sourcing significantly more water from the City of Tyler.
- We continue to use additional crews to ensure swift responses to any main breaks or leaks.
- Flushing through fire hydrants has been significantly reduced but must continue to prevent damage and to improve water quality.
Again, service will be intermittent as our system comes back online. Customers can expect that we will experience water main breaks, leaks, sewer stoppages and other things that may impact our supply. When you receive water you can expect there to be sand or dirt, discoloration, air, odor, and milky water. Once you have full pressure at your home, you only need to run your faucets for a few minutes to ensure your lines are functioning properly. Please do not continually run your water to try and clear it up.
If you experience a leak in your home or you observe a water main break, it is critical that you call (903)510-7500, option 3. If it is an after-hours emergency call (903)245-8274. We need to immediately address any leaks and breaks to ensure we have enough water to continue to distribute.
IRS Tax Deadline Extensions & Other Tax Relief
Report Your Disaster Impacts
If you have/had frozen pipe water damage to your home, please fill out this survey to explain your damages. TDEM will share your information with FEMA and FEMA Region 6 offices. Please report your damages here or here(Spanish).
Visit: https://tdem.texas.gov/warm
Contractor Information
Signs of Home Repair Scams
How can you tell if a contractor might not be reputable? You may not want to do business with someone who:
- knocks on your door for business or offers you discounts for finding other customers
- just happens to have materials left over from a previous job
- pressures you for an immediate decision
- only accepts cash, asks you to pay everything up-front, or suggests you borrow money from a lender the contractor knows
- asks you to get the required building permits
- tells you your job will be a "demonstration” or offers a lifetime warranty or long-term guarantee
- doesn’t list a business number in the local telephone directory
Additional information about hiring a contractor can be found on the Federal Trade Commission website.
Trash Service
If road conditions permit regular scheduled trash pickup for residential and commercial customers will resume Monday, 2/22/21 on your scheduled day. Trash collection will focus on household trash pickup only at this time. Curbside recycling will resume Wednesday, 3/3/21 and bulk item pickup will resume Thursday, 3/4/21.
Republic Services will pick up additional trash bags on your regular trash day that are placed next to your blue trash cart for the next 2 trash pick ups.
Frequently Asked Questions
Updated 2/23/21
Who is responsible for leaks?
The City is only responsible for leaks that occur from our piping system to our side of the meter to where the water comes in. Leaks that occur from the customer side of the meter where the water flows out to the residence or business is the responsibility of the property owner.
How do I turn off my water meter?
If you are concerned about leaks and busted pipes once water is restored, you can turn off your water service. Many homes have a green circular lid next to the foundation that contains the ball valve which will turn off the water to the house. If you are unable to locate this disconnect you can turn off your service at your water meter. To turn the water off at the meter you will need a meter key or channel lock pliers. Carefully open the meter lid leaving the large wire intact. Locate the toggle valve or key and turn it until the eyelets (holes) line up. (Example photo of valve below)
Will my water be disconnected for non-payment?
Once the water is restored the City does not plan to conduct non-payment water disconnects for those who have not already paid their water, sewer, and garbage bill. Please make this payment along with the March bill due by 4:30pm on 3/10/2021.
Why are we out of water?
The City of Whitehouse has two main water sources. Wells, and a secondary connection to the City of Tyler. Normally, the City uses six wells to supply the City with water. When power outages began, all City wells were without power. We had generators suppling power to the wells, but they are intended to run critical infrastructure and are not equipped to keep pipes and equipment from freezing in subzero temperatures. We managed to keep two wells operational but it was not enough to supply the system and running these two wells without relief would result in long-term outages. Even with our secondary supply with the City of Tyler, our supply and fill lines connecting to their system are frozen as well.What is it going to take to get water restored?
Warmer temperatures. We hope to see a warming trend over the next several days that will help thaw our frozen pipes and allow our systems to get back online.
Why weren't we better prepared?
We have never dealt with a storm system like this. We always try to account for likely possibilities when designing critical infrastructure. We plan for power outages, tornadoes, flooding, and other disasters. Much like many other cities and utilities, we weren't designed to operate in these temperatures.
Why do other water providers still have water?
Every water system is different. Some water systems are wholly dependent upon other water suppliers, some use a combination of either other suppliers, ground water (wells), or surface water (lakes). Every plant and distribution system includes a myriad of factors that are specific to that location and that system's needs.
Systems have also experienced outages for different reasons. Some have experienced large-scale main breaks, some have had significant increases in demand as people fill bathtubs, drip faucets and experience leaks at their homes. Each of these issues requires a different resolution. Some systems need people to conserve, others need conservation and main break fixes, while others, like us, need warmer weather.
What is the City going to do moving forward?
Over the next few weeks we will do a review of our systems to determine how we can better serve our community. This will include more than just our infrastructure systems. We will look across all of our operations to determine where improvements can be made.
City of Whitehouse
Email: lblack@whitehousetx.org
Website: whitehousetx.org
Location: 101 Bascom Road, Whitehouse, TX, USA
Phone: (903)510-7500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Whitehousetx/