BMS Parent Newsletter
January 2024
Start of the Second Semester
The start of the second semester has been full of surprises. No one expected there to be so many calamity days as soon as we returned. We are happy though to see what looks like will be a full week of school. One thing that is for sure, middle school students need consistency and structure. We are happy that we can provide that for them. Please read through this month's newsletter to find out about lots of happenings going on in the building. If you ever need anything, please feel free to reach out.
Mrs. Burwell
Emergency Levy on the ballot for March 19, 2024 (Issue #12)
Click https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BEDK3IP5y_JhXiOkD1EaRDJD0tJBXBTz/view to access a Quick Guide to our upcoming operating levy on the ballot for March 19, 2024. This emergency levy is asking for $2,700,000 (or an additional $20 per month per household) to cover existing and expected budget deficits. If you are interested in more information about the levy, or the Ravenna Citizens Levy Committee, please contact them at ravennaschoolspride@gmail.com. CLICK HERE to contact the committee directly.
Report Cards
Report card grades are now viewable on the Home Access Center (HAC). If you do not have your login information, please reach out to the office and we can get that for you. Counselors have been contacting families of students who have multiple failing grades. We have many options to help students academically. KSU students come in and help students during lunch. We call this Catch Up Cafe. Teachers recommend for students to attend Catch Up Cafe to receive additional support. KSU students will be starting back the week of February 5th to offer support.
After school tutoring is another option for students who need additional support. Tutoring takes place every Monday and Thursday from 2:30-4:30 and bussing home can be provided if needed. Classroom teachers are available during this time to help students. If you would like your child to attend after school tutoring, please reach out to Mrs. Emily Jones at emily.jones@ravennaschools.us
BMS Counselor Update
We hope all families had a nice and relaxing holiday break and were able to spend some time celebrating with loved ones!! We know the holidays can be nice but also stressful as well. Now that we are back in the swing of things, us counselors are going to be continuing to reach out to students and parents of those students that have two or more failing grades. With the marking period 2 coming to an end on January 11th, and the new marking period 3 starting on January 16th, we want to make sure your student has been reviewing their grades as well as parents having the ability to get into Home Access Center through the Ravenna website. We have attached a link as an important reminder for all athletes that eligibility for sports is always based on academic performance. Along with this effort, we will continue to utilize our individual counseling sessions, small groups, and classroom guidance to reach as many students as possible for their academic, personal, and social needs.
Thank you as always for the joy and smiles that your students bring us every day!! Please reach out
Mrs. Pumper - current 5th and 8th grade counselor 330-296-3849 ext. 3020
Mrs. VanFossen - current 6th and 7th grade counselor” 330-296-3849 ext. 3021
8th Grade Maplewood Visit
8th grade students will be visiting Maplewood on Thursday during the school day. They will leave at 9am and return by 11:15. They will have the opportunity to explore different programs. Maplewood is available to 11th and 12th graders, but it is good to start thinking about career preparedness and all that Maplewood has to offer.
8th Grade Transition Night - Thursday February 1st 6-7pm
All 8th grade students and families are invited to attend Transitions Night at RHS Thursday, February 1st from 6-7pm in the RHS Auditorium. It is important for 8th graders to attend this event. At Transitions Night, students and families will learn more about the upcoming transition from middle school to high school, including the scheduling process and the available clubs and activities available at the high school. If you have any questions about Transitions Night, please call the RHS Counseling Office at 330-296-3844 (Ext. 2003).---
High School Counselors to Visit BMS
On Friday, the RHS high school counselors will be visiting BMS to speak with 8th grade students about course selections. They will be in the ELA classes. This is a great time for them to ask questions and learn more about all of the wonderful offerings at the high school.
Benchmark Assessments
Starting next Tuesday, students will be taking what's called the Benchmark Assessment. These tests are given to help us determine where students are in their learning and identify next best steps for helping students to excel academically. We will run a modified schedule next Tuesday-Friday. The test results will also help us determine where students should be placed for intervention and enrichment.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent teacher conferences will take place on February 22 from 2:45-6:15. If you would like to schedule a time to meet with your child's teachers, please reach out to the office.
Drinks in the Classroom
Students are allowed to have water in the classroom but are not allowed to have other types of drinks in the classroom. Students are bringing monster drinks and coffees. Could you please reiterate with your students that these are not allowed in school? We will continue to do the same here at school. We appreciate your support.