SAC Corner
Issue No. 10
College campuses are seeing students with BORGs. BORG is short for "Black Out Rage Gallon". Students are taking gallon jugs (think for water, milk, iced tea) and filling them with liquor and a mixer and using it has their drink for a party or event.
First and foremost, underage drinking is illegal and should never be promoted in any context. Abstinence from drinking is the safest way to prevent alcoholism, black outs, physical harm, risk to safety, and more.
Something we know is that high school students typically adopt the college culture they perceive to be cool. And BORGs are trending on TikTok. So we need to stay informed. From a risk reduction standpoint, there are some pros to BORG (again, drinkers should be 21+) but of course there are some major cons.
- You made it so you know what is in your drink, and provided you kept the cap on and with you, the drink isn't spiked. + you can mix with water & electrolytes to stay hydrated better
- Everyone typically has their own, preventing germ spreading
- You have the opportunity to measure and know what is going in
- Most drink "recipes" call for 1/5 of liquor which is WAY too much alcohol. About 17 shots/standard drinks
- Most people guesstimate and free pour - not realizing how much liquor is going in
- The name BORG standing for black out rage gallon, we do not want to promote black out culture - it is HIGHLY dangerous
- Most drink "recipes" call for a caffeinated beverage (like energy drinks) which is very dangerous. Alcohol is a depressant and caffeine is a stimulant. When you mix the two, the stimulant can can somewhat cancel out the depressant impact making the drinker feel less drunk and not realize how intoxicated they are - increasing the risk of alcohol poisoning
If your student is using BORGs, talk to them about this. Bring up your concerns. Remind them that there is no rush to drink so young. They're only about 1/8 of the way through their life right now. Plenty of time later once they're legal, their brain is fully developed, and their liver is fully developed.
We also see our students frequently with coffee, lattes, energy drinks, etc. in hand. Did you know that caffeine can disrupt your sleep up to 6 hours after consuming it?
So if you're trying to go to sleep by 10pm, you'll want your last caffeinated drink by 4pm.
Also, if you click the title of this section you'll be taken to a study involving the use of melatonin reducing risk of self-harm. Essentially leading to the idea that increasing successful sleep will decrease risk of self-harm.
(click title above for article link)
- Anger is important. It can let us know something is bothering us, whether it be directly related to the anger or the anger is covering up other emotions. Therapy can help decode our anger.
- Coping with anger starts with recognizing our own triggers
- Men are most at risk for displaying anger to cover up vulnerability of sadness, shame, or fear (69% of young men believe they should be willing to punch someone if provoked)
- One study showed women feel angry just as often as men, but that men had more difficulty controlling impulsive responses to anger - possibly due to women having a larger orbital frontal cortex & societal conditioning
Anger Expression
- Outward Aggression: physical violence, belligerence, resisting direction
- Directed Inward: stuffing anger (results in hidden depression)
- Passive Aggressive: indirectly expressing negative feelings (withdraw, comments, procrastinating)
Stages of Anger
- Triggering event, an event or situation that prompts a series of…
- Negative thoughts, beliefs, or interpretations about the event, often irrational, that produce a rush of…
- Negative emotions linked with those beliefs or interpretations, whether or not they are true, which are reflected in…
- Physical symptoms of those emotions, such as racing heartbeat, clenched fists, or flushed cheeks, which can lead to…
- Behavioral reactions, such as fighting, criticizing, or shutting down, based on the sequence of thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations rather than the event itself. An aggressive behavioral reaction can become a…
- Triggering event for someone else, continuing the cycle.
- Self soothing
- Self awareness
- Rethinking situations
- Self-Expression
- Build Resilience
Being Proactive
Sensitive Content?
https://triggerwarningdatabase.com/ for books
http://www.doesthedogdie.com before watching a new movie, tv show, or reading a new book. It lists a wide variety of content warnings. It is public/user driven - like Wikipedia.
Make A Safety Plan!
- How they know when things aren't right for them
- What helps when things don't feel right
- Who/What are people/places for distraction
- Who are they willing to go to for help
- What are some crisis numbers
- What are some actions that can be done to make a safer environment
Teen Mental Health Temperature Check
Take It Down
The link above is a way to get it down.
Megan Thee Stallion
The website includes therapy connections, including free therapy, resources for suicide, crisis, substance use, and more specifically labeled ones such as for: LGBTQ+, Black Girls, Black Men, and more.
Vaping Education Online Class - Sign Up!
Have students go to everfi.com/register, enter code 8bdfd959 and click Next.
This is a Truth course supported by EverFi and monitored by our district SAC (me).
They do provide a lot of free information and resources that I share when appropriate.
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Haddonfield School District SAC - Holly Penna
Email: hpenna@haddonfield.k12.nj.us
Website: https://haddonfieldschools.org/
Location: A104 HMHS
Phone: 856-429-3960 . 1155