Newsletter 30th July 2021
St Mary's School
"As it is, these remain: faith, hope and love, the three of them; and the greatest of them is love." Corinthians, 13 – 13
Dear families, tamariki and parishioners,
I can’t thank you all enough for your love, compassion and thoughtfulness at the end of last term. I haven’t experienced kindess on such a level in my whole life. I am grateful to so many people for the messages, meals, flowers, gifts and of course your hugs! Thank you to all of you who came along for my mum's Memorial Mass; the Kapa Haka group from St Peter's along with our tamariki were outstanding. My family in the UK certainly appreciated you all looking after me.
This week we welcome Thea Kubala (Ella's little sister) and Charlie O'Neill (Thomas' little brother). Congratulations on starting school.
We start this term just as we ended the last one with a busy old time. This term we have the production to look forward to, a cultural festival for the Junior school, Social Justice Week, Te wiki o te Reo Māori, sporting events and of course a whole lot of learning.
Each week Fr Jaime will be celebrating Mass with one of the classes. It is great to have our class Masses back as they are a wonderful opportunity to meet extended family members, for families to see the classroom and for the children to lead the Mass. This week it was Room Kiwi's turn, next Thursday at 1.45 Room Moa will be hosting.
It's great to be back, God bless, Annie
Parent teacher interviews Tuesday 10th August 2021
Parent teacher interviews will be held on Tuesday 10th August 1pm until 7pm
Booking can be made using the link below (and again at the bottom of the page).
The code you need is code r3hmy
School will be closed for instruction that afternoon and if you need childcare here at school until the bus comes at 2.50 please let us know at the office by ringing 032087733 and speaking to Di.
Whole school Mass Sunday 12th September
Sacramental Programme - Preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Communion will be held on four Sundays in August:
8th August
15th August
22nd August
29th August
First Holy Communion and St Mary’s whole school Mass is on Sunday 12th September
What’s coming up term 3
Every Monday whole school prayer in the Church at 8.55 and every Friday assembly is 2.20 also in the Church (unless stated differently)
Wk 1 26-30 July (Kiwi)
Kiwi Class Mass Thursday 29th July 1:45pm
Wk 2 2-6 Aug (Moa)
Reporting to parents
Clued Up Kids Year 5 and 6 Aug 3rd
Moa Class Mass Thursday 5th August 1:45pm
Sacramental Programme - First Communion lesson 1 Sunday 8th
Wk3 9-13 Aug (Takahe)
Tuesday 10th PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS 1 – 7pm (school closed for instruction that afternoon, childcare available but please let Di know 032087733)
Takahe Class Mass Thursday 12th August 1:45pm
Sacramental Programme - First Communion lesson 2 Sunday 15th
Wk 4 16-20 Aug (Piwakawaka)
Netball Festival Days: Tuesday 17th August Year 5 and Year 6
Piwakawaka Class Mass Thursday 19th August 1:45pm
Sacramental Programme - First Communion lesson 3 Sunday 22nd
Wk 5 23-27 Aug (Kea)
Kea Class Mass Thursday 26th August 1:45pm
Sacramental Programme - First Communion lesson 4 Sunday 29th
Wk 6 30-3 Sept (Ruru)
Life Education 30th to 2nd
Ruru Class Mass Thursday 2nd Sep 1:45pm
Father’s Day BBQ and Liturgy Friday 3rd 8am
Wk 7 6-10 Sept (Tui)
Tui Class Mass Thursday 9th Sept 1:45pm
Whole School Mass - First Holy Communion Sunday 12th September
Wk 8 13-17 Sept (Kereru)
Social Justice Week AND Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori
Kereru Class Mass Thursday 16th Sept 1:45pm
Wk 9 20-24 Sept (Bellbird)
Bellbird Class Mass Thursday 23rd Sept 1:45pm
SENIOR School production, 22nd and 23rd
Wk 10 27-1 Oct
Catholic Schools Day 28th
Eastern Interschools Year 6 sports tournament
Friday Term ends at the usual time 2.50pm
Contact Us
Location: 14 Ardwick Street, Gore 9710, New Zealand
Phone: +64 3-208 7733