Hall's Corner
November 10, 2022
Dear BHS Families and Students,
Our first quarter will end next Tuesday, November 15! Please talk to your students about how they are doing, check SchoolTool for up to date grades, missing assignments, etc. If you have further questions, please reach out to your student’s teacher(s).
Veterans’ Day Message Shared with Students Today
Friday, we will celebrate Veterans’ Day. As we think about Veterans’ Day, we give RESPECT as we honor the men and women who have sacrificed so much so that we can maintain our freedoms and all of the things we do each and every day. The military veterans of the past and present have sacrificed so that we may all enjoy a democracy like no other. Veterans will continue to sacrifice into the future.
Here at BHS, we would also like to recognize and thank our very own Brighton High School Staff who are Military Veterans:
Yasar Koc-Taz, one of our security guards
- Served in the United States Marine Corps from 2000 to 2006
Rich Sidoti one of our Security Guards
- Served in the Army from 1961-1963
Mr. Harvey Westbrooks, Security Guard
- Served in the Army from 1984-1988
Ms. Teresa Mosher, Assistant Principal
- Served in the Army from 1995 – 2003
HAVE a great Veterans’ Day.
PLEASE don’t forget to thank a veteran!
Be well,
The following information is contained in this week’s Hall’s Corner.
- Students in the News
- AP Exam Order Deadline is November 15
- Friends of Rachel collecting donations for Blessing Bags
- Model UN Food Drive
FEV Tutoring, free online tutoring is back!
- Parent Square Communication
- OPEN/CLOSED Campus & Main Entrance and Exits
- Cell Phone Reminders
- Brighton -Bremen German Exchange 2023
- Rennes French Exchange
- Ski and Snowboard Club
- Calendar of Events for September
- Counseling News
- Athletics
Students in the News, Making BHS Proud!
Seven BHS students are named in the 2022–23 Hochstein Youth Symphony Orchestra
The following BHS students are members of the 2022–23 Hochstein Youth Symphony Orchestra, the highest-level youth orchestra in The Hochstein School’s four-tier youth orchestra program:
Ella Hall, cello
Ceyda Lenio, violin
Noah Busch, violin
Joanna Frank, cello
Gabriel Kulick, percussion
Peter Odhiambo, clarinet
Tamsin Spiller*, trumpet
(*recipient of an HYSO scholarship – see below for details)
Students compete annually for a seat in the orchestra, performing professional repertoire in at least three concerts throughout the school year. The HYSO’s first concert of the year is coming up on Sunday, November 13 at 3:00 pm in the newly renovated Hochstein Performance Hall. The program includes Brahms’ Academic Festival Overture, Sibelius’ Romance in C, Mussorgsky’s Night on Bald Mountain, Berceuse and Finale from Stravinsky’s The Firebird, and Márquez’s Danzon No. 2.
This season, we have students from 26 different schools coming together every Saturday morning for an accelerated musical experience. There are also six students who have been awarded an HYSO scholarship, which are given out each year through the generous donations of individuals and organizations. Recipients are selected by the conductor along with a committee of Hochstein faculty members.
In addition, two students were named winners of the HYSO Concerto Competition after a very competitive round of auditions on Wednesday. You can see details on the HYSO scholarships and Concerto Competition winners, along with photo captions, in this document:
BHS student performed at All-National Honor Ensembles Festival
Tamsin Spiller had a great experience and did an incredible job performing at the All-National Honor Ensembles festival this weekend. She played trumpet in the All-National Symphony Orchestra, which is organized by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME, parent organization of NYSSMA). The event took place in National Harbor, Maryland, just outside of DC.
Tamsin was the only Monroe County student selected for any ensemble and was one of just 22 instrumentalists from New York State. I cannot overstate what a huge honor this was for her and for BHS to be included.
Three BHS students have been accepted to perform in this year's NYSBDA SH Honor Band
I am thrilled to report that Tori Demian-Popescu, Samantha Kotz, and Jayden Vogler have been accepted to perform in this year's New York State Band Directors Association (NYSBDA) Senior High Honor Band! This is a huge honor for the kids -- this ensemble is essentially just one step down from the All-State band.
This year's band will meet, March 3-5, during the annual NYSBDA Symposium in Syracuse.
BHS Model UN Team wins "Best Delegation"
Congratulations to the Brighton Model UN team which won the "Best Delegation" at the Hilton Model UN Conference over the weekend. BHS was so very well represented by more than 70 delegates and pages who seem to solve global issues better than our political leaders. Special congratulations for winning either an "Outstanding" or "Best" Delegate Award goes to:
Nolan Condon, Colin Schmitt, David Jiang, Gaurang Khetan, Sophie Thrall, David Lusignan, Elizabeth Stewart, Shreya Sanjay, Clara Milosevic, Ivy Bergin, Quentin Parks
Attention AP Students & Parents
The AP Exams will be May 1- May 12, 2023.
AP Exam fees are $97 and due by November 15, 2022.
Payments can be made online by credit card or by check.
For more detailed information and forms go to: https://www.bcsd.org/Domain/259
Friends of Rachel Club will host Purple Week November 14-18
Support Friends of Rachel Club by donating the
following needed items……..
Women's clothing *Hand sanitizer *Tooth paste *Wet wipes Children's shoes and clothing * Shampoo *
Other toiletries
Bring all donations to the Brighton High School main hallway in front of gym beginning November 14th
Model UN Food Drive
Model UN is hosting a Fundraiser for Refugees helping Refugees! We are collecting canned goods and non-perishable boxed items through November 18th. Your generous donations can be dropped off at the Model UN box near door 1 and the main gym. These donations will help refugees get the support they need and is a wonderful opportunity for Brighton Bruins to give back to their community.
Parent Square is Brighton’s new tool for all K-12 communication!
Click here for a PDF including QR codes for easy registration and Parent Square tips.
We are proud to maintain our tradition of open campus. This is a privilege granted to Brighton High School students and should be respected. It can be revoked and/or restricted by administration and/or by parent request. The District’s K-12 Safety Committee has recommended that we implement additional sign in/out procedures along with one point of entry during the school day. Students will be required to sign/swipe out when leaving the building during regular school hours at DOOR #1.
BHS will continue to have an OPEN CAMPUS periods 5,6,7 (11:35-1:58) for ALL students.
- Students with free periods during this time are welcome to leave campus. Students may lose this privilege for academic and/or behavioral reasons. Students are not allowed to transport other students in cars during the school day.
- ONLY seniors will be allowed to leave campus periods 2 and 3 if they have a free this year.
- During closed periods 2 and 3, students in grades 9-12 may sign out of the building, go to the back TK9 field area, and MUST remain ON CAMPUS to study, eat, or socialize, unless campus is closed for security reasons.
- Campus is closed periods 1, 4, and 8, and ALL students must remain in school unless leaving for an appointment or signing out for an early dismissal.
- From November 28th – April 15th each school year, students will not be allowed to leave the building except during OPEN CAMPUS periods.
- Students will be able to continue to go outside during FLEX from 11:01-11:31 to eat, socialize, study, or use the field area for sports.
- Students will continue to sign in/out from the attendance office if arriving late to school or leaving early for appointments and exit through DOOR #1.
FAMILIES – if you DO NOT want your child to have OPEN CAMPUS privileges, please notify their assistant principal.
New Cell Phone Policy
Brighton -Bremen German Exchange 2023
the Brighton - Breman Exchange will be February 15-24, 2023. Click here to see the preliminary itinerary and trip registration information.
Rennes French Exchange Program is looking for host families
Would you like to host a French student from January 29th- February 8th, 2023? 43 French students will be visiting, and we still need to place 17 male students. Hosting is open to BHS students enrolled in a French, physics or chemistry class this year. Please contact Madame Beh for more information or come to 304 for a host family application. Information on traveling to France will be available at the end of the month. Merci!!
Ski and Snowboard Club Information
Do you like to ski or snowboard or both? Be a part of BHS ski and snowboard club! It will be 3 Saturdays in January and 3 in February at Bristol Mountain. The bus leaves BHS at 7:30 am and returns around 4:45 pm. Ski and snowboard club student lift ticket passes are $309.00 before 11/15/2022. After 11/16/22 they go up to $329.00. Equipment rental is not included but is available. For more information contact Mrs. Nadine Dykes in the printshop or send and email to nadine_dykes@bcsd.org
Calendar of Upcoming Events at BHS
In Counseling
9-12 November Newsletter
Senior Newsletter and Rep Schedule
2022-2023 School Tool Parent Portal
Check the portal for student grades, missing assignments, or attendance.
SchoolTool Portal link
BHS Counselor Assignments 242-5000 ext. 4803
Administrator and Counselor Information
Click here for names and contact information.