Nixon Elementary School
Nixon Notables
Important Dates
1/15/24 - No School, Martin Luther King Jr. Day
1/16/24 - 2:35-3:35 p.m. School Advisory Council Meeting (SAC)
2:35-3:45 p.m. Math Club
1/17/24 - 1:45 p.m. School Meeting
1/19/24 - Food Pantry Collection
1:45 p.m. Student Advisory Council Meeting
Term 1 Ends
1/23/24 - 4:30-5:15 p.m. All 5th Grade Band Rehearsal at Curtis Middle School
1/24/24 - No School - Professional Development Day
1/25/24 - All School Read Aloud
7:00-8:00 p.m. Grades 5-8 Band Concert at LS
1/26/24 - Kindergarten Alphabet Parade
1/30/24 - Kindergarten PTO Enrichment - Pumpernickel Puppets
Kickoff to Kindergarten
2:35-3:45 p.m. Math Club
1/31/24 - Early Release Day, Dismissal at 11:45 a.m.
2/1/24 - Grade 1 PTO Enrichment - Sound & Vibrations
6:00-8:00 p.m. PTO Parents Night Out - Trivia
2/2/24 - Grade 5 PTO Enrichment - Physical Changes of Matter II
2/5/24 - Grade 5 Field Trip to FSU/McAuliffe Center
Kindergarten 100th Day Celebration
2/6/24 - 1:30-2:10 p.m. Concert - Grades 1 & 2
2:35-3:45 p.m. Math Club
2/7/24 - 1:45 p.m. School Meeting
2/9/24 - Food Pantry Collection
2/13/24 - 2:35-3:45 p.m. Math Club
2/14/24 - Early Release Day - Dismissal at 11:45 a.m.
Grade 5 PTO Enrichment - Author Visit Erin Soderberg Downing
2/16/24 - All School Read Aloud
Grade 4 PTO Enrichment - Forces in Motion
1:45 p.m. Student Advisory Council Meeting
2/19/24 - No School - Presidents’ Day
2/20/24-2/23/24 - No School - February Break
2/26/24 - Grade 5 PTO Enrichment - Chemistry Lab
2/27/24 - Grade 2 PTO Enrichment - Physical Changes of Matter
2:35-3:35 p.m. School Advisory Council Meeting
2/28/24 - 1:45 p.m. School Meeting
Valentines Day
Valentine’s Day will be here before we know it and I wanted to clarify how it will look at Nixon. We will recognize Valentines Day in an inclusive and equitable fashion, we are asking families not to send store bought or home-made Valentines to school. This change in practice reflects our ongoing commitment to equity and inclusion. This shift is collaborative among SPS. The goal is to encompass Valentines Day as a marker of our core values (CARES). This day and the messages of friendship will be a part of our school-wide kindness focus and may be generated at the classroom level in a variety of ways. If messages are shared at school, all students have the same access to supplies and we avoid having some students bringing in elaborate cards with fun stickers and others feeling left out because they don’t have any cards to exchange.
We understand for many of you this may come as a relief – no last minute CVS shopping on Feb. 13! – and for others it feels like a loss. It needn’t be. We can still celebrate Valentine’s Day. Some classes will have parties and there will be plenty of friendship hearts all around.
We look to focus on school-wide kindness via the "Kindness Rules at Nixon School" initiative. Please find this information below!
Student Advisory Council
We are in full swing!
The Nixon Student Advisory Council has two experiences planned for the coming month.
Yard Sign Design Experience
This is for Kindergartners through Fifth Grade students. Students will create a design for a yard sign with a theme of sidewalk and crosswalk safety.
- Movers entering, exiting, and moving through the Nixon campus deserve a safe experience. We want children to focus their designs on bringing attention to crosswalks and sidewalks so it is safer for children to walk, bike, and roll to school.
- The yard signs will be hand drawn and present on the Nixon campus.
- All children who participate on the Student Advisory Council will have the opportunity to make the sign and/or choose a peer (that participates or does not participate in the advisory council) to create a yard sign. More than one student can work on a yard sign at one time.
The Nixon Student Advisory Council is inspired by the Safe Routes to School initiatives from https://www.mass.gov/safe-routes-to-school.
Kindness Rules 🙂 at Nixon School
This is for Kindergartners through Fifth Grade students. All children have the choice to participate in an all-school bulletin board of kindness.
- Heart designs are inspired by fourth graders in Mrs. Millers class and in particular, Evelyn Miller will grace our main hallway near the front of the office.
- Each child in our school, throughout the month of February, can choose a heart above to share an act of kindness and/or encouragement for themselves or a member of our school community. Acts of kindness, reflected in illustration or writing on a heart above could be:
- Pick up trash in the hallway or outside
- Write a thank you note to a staff member
- Hold the door for a peer or teacher
- Volunteer to assist with a classroom or schoolhouse activity
- Etc...
The reason to have these experiences at school are to:
- Be intentional about the sharing of joy with another
- Improve ones sense of well-being
- Increase positivity and help children feel good about themselves
- Kindness can be an abstract concept for elementary school children and we can facilitate that by describing and showing ways of doing good deeds through having a friendly, considerate, and generous nature toward others
The heart symbol can be a visual that illustrates kindness:
- The heart symbol is probably the most recognized symbol for kindness, and compassion. It is a universal symbol that appears in cultures from Egyptian, Ancient Greek, and Roman to modern European and American.
Winter weather is upon us! You can find information related to snow days and school delays in the Inclement Weather Procedures section of the SPS website. The most important thing to note is that our system will send a message to the phone number in Follett Aspen, so be certain your phone numbers are accurate in our Follett/Aspen Student Information System. Another important thing to know is that there is no Sudbury Extended Day in the morning if there is a school delay and none at all if school is canceled. Also, any snow days will be “real” snow days, not “remote learning days.”
MCAS Schedule
Third Grade
Grade 3 MCAS ELA Monday, April 8th & Tuesday, April 9th
Grade 3 MCAS Math Thursday, May 2nd & Friday, May 3rd
Fourth Grade
Grade 4 MCAS ELA Thursday, April 4th & Friday, April 5th
Grade 4 MCAS Math Tuesday, April 30th & Wednesday, May 1st
Fifth Grade
Grade 5 MCAS ELA Tuesday, March 26th & Wednesday, March 27th
Grade 5 MCAS Math Thursday, April 25th & Friday, April 26th
Grade 5 MCAS STE Thursday, May 9th & Friday, May 10th
Community News
General John Nixon Elementary School
Susan M. Woods, Principal
Lisa C. Williams, Assistant Principal
Website: https://www.sudbury.k12.ma.us/Domain/12
Location: 472 Concord Rd, Sudbury, MA 01776, USA
Phone: 978-443-1080