The Mesilla Message
Mesilla Elementary Newsletter: December 2021
A Word from your Instructional Leaders
We hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving break! It was so nice to see so many happy kids on Monday! As a school we are so impressed with the Leadership behaviors from students in school. We hope they are using them at home as well.
We need your help and cooperation during this holiday season and worldwide health emergency. Our goal is to keep students, staff and families healthy and safe by mitigating the spread of COVID-19. We are asking parents/guardians to conduct a daily wellness screenings of their children prior to sending them to school, in order to achieve this goal. Please ensure your child does not have any of the following symptoms associated with COVID-19 or other infectious illnesses before sending them to school each day. If they do, please keep your child home and consult your Healthcare Provider immediately.
*Fever (greater than 100.4 F or chills) *Fatigue
*Cough *Shortness of Breath or difficulty breathing *Muscle or body aches *Headache *New loss of taste or smell *Sore throat
*Congestion or runny nose *Nausea/Vomiting
In addition, please do not send your child to school if they have been in contact with anyone outside of the school setting who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10 days, or are themselves awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test or received a positive test result before their 10-day quarantine has ended.
The school nurse will advise you when your student is allowed to return to school. If your student presents with any of the above listed symptoms while at school, parent/guardian will be notified and expected to pick-up student within 30 minutes of the nurse/health assistant contacting the parent/guardian.
Please contact our school nurse at 575-527-9566 if your child has come in contact with an individual who has tested positive COVID-19. She will provide you with the Test 2 Stay program information.
Thank you for your continued partnership!!!
Amanda Castillo
Lisa Manes
Mesilla Instructional Leaders/Administration
Our Vision & Mission Statement
Our Vision & Mission Statement:
We have a new WEBSITE!
The following masks are NOT permitted:
* masks that have exhalation valves or vents
* bandanas
* scarves
* neck gaiters (also known as neck fleece)
* face shields unless an approved face mask is worn underneath.
Upcoming Events
12/13-12/17 - Spirit Week! See flyer above.
12/17 - Early Release Day @ 11:00 a.m.
12/20-01/07 - Winter Holiday
01/07 - Report Cards available on ParentVue
01/10 - School Resumes / Second Semester Begins
01/17 - No School / MLK Holiday
Contact Information
Location: 2363 Calle Del Sur, Mesilla, NM, USA
Phone: 575-527-9566
Two Wheel Tuesday
Meet us @ 7:20 a.m.
Mesilla Plaza
Walking Wednesday
Meet us @ 7:20 a.m.
Commemorative Park - (across from Chala's)
T-Shirt Days
Every Thursday at Mesilla, we will sport our College t-shirts!
Every Friday at Mesilla, we will sport our Mesilla Elementary swag!