Coulston Elementary School
Comet Connection Newsletter
Notes from the Coulston Office November 10, 2023
This week at Coulston
Attendance DID YOU KNOW... Showing up on time daily is important to your child’s success and learning from preschool forward. Missing 10% of school (1 or 2 days every few weeks) can make it harder to: • Gain early reading and math skills, • Build relationships. • Develop good attendance habits. Veterans Day We want to thank Mrs. Epple and the fourth-grade students for their wonderful program honoring all of our veterans. From the singing to the piano solo by one of our fourth-grade students to the drum was awesome!!! To all of our veterans, THANK YOU, and Happy Veterans Day. Thanksgiving Break Parents, Thanksgiving Break will be from November 22-24. We will NOT have school on those days. Drug-Free Calendar Poster Contest We would like to congratulate the following Coulston Comets who were winners of this year's annual Prosecuting Attorney's Drug-Free Calendar Poster Contest. Their posters will be presented in the Drug-Free Calendar that is handed out in the community. Again, congratulations and we are proud of you! 5th Grade 1st place - Lucio T. 2nd place - Lainy M. Honorable Mention Olivia S. Tyler G. Pie the Guy We are still raising money for the Pantry Pals Pie the Guy competition. Students can bring in $1.00 to buy a ticket for a chance to Pie the Guy at our convocation in December. Our volunteers are Mr. Baldwin, Mr. Bunton, Mr. Brown, Mr. Nolley, Mr. Snow, and Mr. Stewart! Thanks in advance for supporting this community event. Cell Phones: Parents, we need your help!!! This is just a reminder that students are NOT to have cell phones out in school or on the buses. Please make sure you remind your child about the cell phone policy. We are having issues with students and the appropriate use of the cell phone. Please know in advance if the rules are not followed, the cell phone will be put in the front office, and the parent will need to pick it up at school. Thank you in advance for your help with this issue. This week at Coulston, our teachers and students have been busy! This week in Mrs. Ogles's classroom students learned about place value and how to convert base ten blocks to decimals, and then decimals to fractions. Great job fourth grade! In art class, Mrs. Quellhorst worked with fifth-grade students in creating art from aluminum foil. The student enjoyed being able to select the pictures for this project. Keep working hard Coulston Comets!!! Asistencia ¿SABÍA USTED... Llegar a tiempo todos los días es importante para el éxito y el aprendizaje de su hijo desde el preescolar en adelante? Faltar el 10% de la escuela (1 o 2 días cada pocas semanas) puede hacer que sea más difícil: • Adquirir habilidades tempranas de lectura y matemáticas, • Construir relaciones. • Desarrollar buenos hábitos de asistencia. Día de los Veteranos Queremos agradecer a la Sra. Epple y a los estudiantes de cuarto grado por su maravilloso programa en honor a todos nuestros veteranos. Desde el canto hasta el solo de piano de uno de nuestros estudiantes de cuarto grado y la rutina de batería... ¡¡¡fue increíble!!! A todos nuestros veteranos, GRACIAS y feliz Día de los Veteranos. Feriado de Día de Gracias Padres, las vacaciones de Acción de Gracias serán del 22 al 24 de noviembre. NO tendremos escuela esos días. Concurso de carteles del calendario sin drogas Nos gustaría felicitar a los siguientes cometas Coulston que resultaron el Concurso Anual de Pósteres del Calendario Libre de Drogas del Fiscal de este año. Sus carteles serán presentados en el Calendario Libre de Drogas que se entrega en la comunidad. Nuevamente, ¡enhorabuena y estamos orgullosos de ti! 5to grado 1erlugar - Lucio T. 2do lugar - Lainy M. Mención de Honor Olivia S. tyler g. pastel el chico Todavía estamos recaudando dinero para el concurso Pantry Pals Pie the Guy. Los estudiantes pueden traer $1.00 para comprar un boleto y tener la oportunidad de Pie the Guy en nuestra convocatoria en diciembre. ¡Nuestros voluntarios son el Sr. Baldwin, el Sr. Bunton, el Sr. Brown, el Sr. Nolley, el Sr. Snow y el Sr. Stewart! Gracias de antemano por apoyar este evento comunitario. Celulares: Padres, necesitamos su ayuda!!! Esto es sólo un recordatorio de que los estudiantes NO deben tener teléfonos celulares en la escuela o en los autobuses. Asegúrese de recordarle a su hijo la política de telefonía celular. Estamos teniendo problemas con los estudiantes yelUso adecuado del teléfono celular. Infórmese con anticipación si no se siguen las reglas, el teléfono celular se colocará en la oficina principal y los padres deberán recogerlo en la escuela. Gracias de antemano por su ayuda con este problema. Esta semana encoulston,nuestro profesores y estudiantestener ¡estuve ocupado! Esta semana en Sra.Ogle's Los estudiantes del aula aprendieron sobre el valor posicional y cómo convertir bloques de base diez a decimales y luego decimales a fracciones. ¡Buen trabajo cuarto grado! En la clase de arte, la Sra. Quellhorst trabajó con estudiantes de quinto grado en la creación de arte con papel de aluminio. El estudiante disfrutó poder seleccionar las imágenes para este proyecto. ¡¡¡Sigan trabajando duro Cometas Coulston!!!
4th and 5th Grade Families
Girls Inc. of Shelbyville will be presenting a three-day puberty education program to our 4th and 5th grade students December 4th - 6th. If you would like for your child to not be present for the presentation, please fill out the attached Informed Together Opt-Out Form and return it to school before Friday, December 1st
November Menu
Nutrislice | Shelbyville Schools
Salvation Army Christmas Assistance
We Love Art Show
Time for the first annual "WE LOVE ART SHOW" at The Gallery. Artist of all ages are free to unleash their creativity on 8/10 blank canvases provide by Shelby Art Guild Association with the entry fee of $10 for one canvas or $15 for two canvases.
See the flyer for official rules.
Girls INC Volleyball Camp
For more information call 317-392-1190, visit 904 S. Miller St, Shelbyville IN, or visit to register (click programs>sports camps.
Coulston Christmas Assistance 2023
As the Holiday season approaches, we here at Coulston want to ensure that every family has access to resources needed in order to make the Holidays special for them and their children. Please feel free to contact me with any questions: (317) 398-3185 or
Coulston 4th & 5th Grade Girls Practice Schedule
Monday, November 6th 3:00 - 4:00 Tuesday, November 7th 3:00 - 4:00
Players, please make sure you come to practice with tennis shoes,
shorts and a t-shirt ready to begin.
All players will practice together for the times listed above. After the
practices listed above, there may be different practice schedules after teams are created.
Note: Due to construction that will be taking place around
Coulston, students will exit practice out of the back of the gym,
Door D1 or D2. Please pick up students in the back of the
building at the end of practice.
Coaches: Mike Bunton & Jonathan Baldwin
Questions – Coulston Front office 317-398-3185
Coulston/District School Calendar
Coulston Elementary School
Phone: (317) 398-3185
Fax: (317) 392-5721
Office Hours: 7:00am - 3:30pm
121 N Knightstown Road
Shelbyville, IN 46176