Principal's Weekly Update
A Message from Mr. Ferrari, Apprentice Principal
It is with great excitement and enthusiasm that I greet you as we continue onto the second half of the academic year. I want to begin by expressing my gratitude to each of you for making St. Mary's the school that it is. Each family and student plays a unique and unrepeatable role which makes our school so special. In addition, I have learned so much from the talented staff and faculty, and I can't thank them enough for all the countless hours and late nights spent ensuring these students receive the best education.
It's a privilege to be a part of such a beautiful and powerful common mission: the education of tomorrow's generation. Thank you also for permitting me to be a part of this community. I'm continually struck by your generosity and welcoming spirit.
Finally, I want to express my gratitude to all the students for making all of this work worthwhile. I can't express how many times I am inspired by each of you and your desire to learn and grow. Please know that you will continue to be in my prayers as we continue this school year and feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.
Looking Ahead
February 12th:
Boston Winter Walk - Copley Plaza from 9 - 11 am
February 13th:
Extra Band Day, Band students in K2-8 must bring their instruments
February 16th:
Pizza Thursday or Home Lunch, no Brookline Lunches Served
February 17th:
Carnival Breakfast Party for Lunchtime
February 20th-24th:
No School- February Vacation
February 27th:
March Matching Challenge begins
March 1st:
Middle School Family Meeting (Field Trip Zoom)
March 10th:
Admissions Open House 9 am
March 13th:
Extra Band Day, Band students in K2-8 must bring their instruments
March 16th:
Pizza Thursday or Home Lunch, no Brookline Lunches Served
March 17th:
No School - Pastor’s Day
A Message from Nurse Catherine
Hi St. Mary's families I am happy to report 0 covid cases!
Enjoy your weekend!
A message of Renalyn Te, Director of Admissions
Thank you to all families who have already completed their 2023-2024 re-enrollment packets. Please note that if the re-enrollment packet is not submitted by April 1st, your family's enrollment status will be considered withdrawn for the 2023-2024 academic year. If there are any extenuating circumstances regarding your family's decision to re-enroll, please make us aware as soon as you are able.
Pre- K
Pre-K Buddies
Pre-K met with their 4th-grade buddies for a fun friendship bracelet-making activity! The fourth graders are great helpers and role models to our Pre-K friends and we love seeing their friendships grow as we build our strong school community!
Pre-K is also focusing on letter and color recognition and participated in fun sorting activities this week as we matched the colors and first letters of each of our friends' names with different classroom manipulatives!
K1 started our Artist Unit this week in conjunction with the Letter Oo from Handwriting without Tears, and the circle theme from Building Blocks.
Students learned about the abstract artist, Wassily Kandinsky Concentric Circles and Elmer the Elephant and Kandinsky. We then created Elmer the Elephant meets Kandinsky!!
Pre K - K2 Spanish
Grade 1
Grade 2 Religion
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 7 and 8
Grade 8 Religion
Grade 8 Science
Music and Movement en Espanol
Girls Basketball Practice
In K1 they created candy heart-inspired valentines day heart paintings. They worked together and had a great time collaborating and drawing.
Student Council Announcements
Boston's Healthcare for the Homeless and Community Fridge
A Message from Mr. Eddie, Facilities Manager
In accordance with the 40 CFR Part 763 (enacted by Congress in 1986) of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). Section 763.93 pertaining to the Asbestos in School Identification and Notification Rule, insert school name here hereby notifies all parties of the Asbestos Management Plan availability. The Asbestos Management Plan is available for review at the administrative office during regular campus operating hours. For additional information about AHERA or any specific questions regarding the Asbestos Management Plan, you may contact the main office.
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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/st-mary-of-the-assumption-school
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stmaryschoolbrooklinema
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stmaryschoolbrookline/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/stmarybrookline