Forestville School Weekly Bulletin
September 11-15, 2023
Campus Safety
In order to keep our students safe at all times throughout the day, including at the start and ending times of school, we ask for your assistance:
Students are not to be on campus prior to 8:00 AM or after the final dismissal bell at 2:55 PM (2:00 PM on Tuesdays).
There is NO drop-off or pick up of students in the school’s front parking lot.
At the back school parking lot, please DO NOT park, double park, or vacate your vehicle along the painted “Loading Zone Only” curb.
Please help set a good example for our students by always following these safety procedures!
Join Us
We are lucky to have such a wonderful, dedicated support staff at our school. Our instructional assistants are vital to our programs and we really feel the impact when they need to be out to attend trainings or take a sick day. We need dependable substitutes who can step into their roll, sometimes on short notice.
If you, or someone you know, would like to be a regular (or semi-regular) paid substitute for classified staff members, please let us know!!
Chromebook Insurance
If you haven't purchased your students Chromebook insurance yet, please click on the link below.
Bookfair Volunteers Needed
Our Scholastic Bookfair is happening next week, Monday-Wednesday. We are looking for some volunteers to help set up and work the event. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Lindsey Oliver at loliver@forestvilleusd.org
Viking Green Tickets
Students can earn a Viking Green ticket by demonstrating KINDNESS, SAFETY and RESPONSIBILITY. Green ticket drawings will be held each Friday in a child’s classroom; winners will get a trip to the “prize box” in the main office the following Monday!
Last Week's Winners
TK- Josie, James
KA- Sole, Gus
KB- Maverick, Barron
1st- Dylan, Larry
2nd- Mateo, Marcus
3rd- Mateo, Marcus
5th- Kaylee, Alicia
Green Team:
Green Team Stewardship at lunchtime. 2nd through 5th graders will help keep the lunch area tidy and clean! Middle Schoolers will help keep their quad nice and clean.
This Week's Green Team
2nd grade- Rilo, Teddy, Ford
4th grade- June, Marshall, Colton
Middle School- Amy, Wyatt P, Max, Anastasia, Isaiah, Talya
If you have not ordered your Forestville Viking spirit wear click on the our school store link
Forestville School Breakfast and Lunch Menu September 2023
Forestville Fall Sports 🏈
* Cross Country practice- no practice at school this week, please go for a run with a family member or a friend.
Friday 9/15- Flag Football practice 3:30-4:30
Flag Football Jamboree 6th grade
Wednesday, Sep 13, 2023, 04:15 PM
Hillcrest Middle School, Bloomfield Road, Sebastopol, CA, USA
Flag Football Jamboree 7/8 grade
Thursday, Sep 14, 2023, 04:15 PM
Hillcrest Middle School, Bloomfield Road, Sebastopol, CA, USA
🌲This Month's Events🌲
Thursday 9/14- Board Meeting 6pm
Message from Superintendent Matt Dunkle
Hello, Viking Families:
As we prepare for the week ahead, please take time today to reflect on the 22nd Anniversary of the September 11 attacks in New York and Washington, DC and the thwarted attack over Pennsylvania. The lives of almost 3,000 innocent people were lost that day and approximately another 3,000 people have died due to illnesses associated with these attacks. September 11, 2001 is a tragic day in the history of our country - one we must never forget.
We are now almost a month into the new school year with routines being established and expectations being understood. One of the biggest expectations is that all students will attend school each and every day. September is Attendance Awareness Month and research demonstrates that students who miss 18 days over the entire school year are less likely to read proficiently by third grade, achieve in middle school, and graduate from high school. Let’s work together to ensure our students are successful both academically and social-emotionally. We know Covid was a significant disruptor for students and schools. We are committed to continuing our efforts to get all our students on track and able to achieve in elementary school, middle school, and beyond! If your student must miss school due to illness or other reason, please communicate with your student’s teacher to learn what was missed and contact the front office to let us know your student will be absent.
September is full of opportunities for us to grow together. September 14 is our monthly Forestville school board meeting, September 15 is the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month, September 18 is the start of the Book Fair, September September 24 is a garden work day, and much more! Have a wonderful week, and please don’t forget to pause to remember all the innocent people who lost their lives twenty-two years ago today.