Wildcat Weekly
March 10, 2023
Contact Information
Website: https://www.ksb.kyschools.us
Location: 1867 Frankfort Ave, Louisville, KY 40206
Phone: (502) 897-1583
Fax: (502) 897-2850
Facebook: facebook.com/KYschoolfortheblind/
Twitter: @KSBWildcats
Principal's Message
I hope everyone has had a good week and that everyone faired well in last week's storms.
Don't forget this weekend we Spring Forward on Sunday-looking forward to those late sunsets again!
Take good care and I'll see you all next week.
Upcoming Eventsđź“…
- March 7-17-ACT Testing Window (grade 11)
- March 13-Science
- Thursday, March 30-Middle School Concert (details below)
- April 3-7-Spring Break
- April 18-19-Senior Trip A (more information to come)
- April 27-High School Concert (details below)
- May 1-2-Senior Trip B (more information to come)
- Thursday, May 4-Founder's Day
- Monday, May 8-Summative Testing Window Begins
- Thursday, May 18-Prom, 6-9pm
- Friday, May 19-Field Day (make up day May 22)
- Tuesday, May 23-8th Grade Promotion; HS Awards and Junior Ring Ceremony; Graduation
- Wednesday, May 24-Elementary Awards; LAST DAY OF SCHOOL
- May 30-June 2-KSB Elementary and Middle Summer Program
- June 5-9-Summer Program-Statewide Elementary and Middle
- June 12-16 Summer Program-Statewide High School; Summer Work Program
- June 19-23 -Summer Program KSB High School; Summer Work Program
If you have any change in phone numbers, home address, a change in bus routine or you need someone added/removed from your child’s safe pick-up list; please contact Beth or Linda in the front office.
Are you signed up for OneCall? KSB uses OneCall to send school information, including our Weekly Wildcat. If not, please contact Beth Baker at beth.baker@ksb.kyschools.us or 502-897-1583
❄️KSB Inclement Weather Scenarios❄️
- Students in the dorm and JCPS on delay
- KSB will delay the start of school, identical to JCPS.
- Students in dorm and JCPS cancels classes due to weather
- KSB will operate on a two-hour delayed schedule
- Parents responsible for transportation
- If a storm is predicted to cause a significant impact on the state, KSB will disseminate information (OneCall, Facebook, email, …) with the plan for the closure or delay of school. Students will take home devices and needed materials in anticipation of NTI learning.
Wildcats in the News đź“°
Check out the link below for the March 2, 2023 episode of News Quiz, a weekly show published by KET. News Quiz is always worth a watch, but skip forward to the 5:00 mark to see KSB's own TaMyah showing off the new Monarch tablet from APH!
Middle School 🎤
What: Recital featuring KSB middle schoolers
When: Thursday, March 30th at 1:30 PM
Where: KSB cafeteria
Attire for performers: Dress nice please!
If there are questions about the concert in general, please email Ms. Roark. If you have questions about what your child is playing or if they are going to be featured as part of a group or solo, please email Mr. Honey and/or Mr. White.
High School 🎤
What: Recital featuring KSB high schoolers who take lessons one/one or in a group format.
When: Thursday, April 27th 1:15 P.M.
Where: KSB cafeteria
Attire for performers: Dress nice please!
If there are questions about the concert in general, please email Ms. Roark. If you have questions about what your child is playing or if they are going to be featured as part of a group or solo, please email Mr. Honey and/or Mr. White.
Classroom Connectionđź““
Social Studies 🌍
Middle & High School
6th & 7th grade social studies have started learning about Ancient Rome and the large influence they had on the modern world. We are making connections to all kinds of things like architecture, technology, language and law. It’s quite fascinating the huge mark Ancient Rome left on the world from such a long time ago.
Students in U.S. History class are focusing on the “Reconstruction” of a divided nation after the Civil War. The restoration process was not easy and race relations in the South were difficult. Many things needed to be resolved in order to mend our nation back together.
Integrated Social Studies is spending time on the purpose of our government focusing on the individual branches and the powers each possess in the system of checks and balances. We will also spend time on the United States Constitution.
For World History students, we just started learning about the causes of the Great War or the War to End all Wars or more commonly known as World War I. We will begin digging deeper into the events and the devastating effects of the first modern mechanized war this month.
*Additionally high school students in U.S. and World History have selected a book on a global issue that they will read over the next month to learn about the various issues that other people around the world must face. I’m looking forward to discussing and sharing what they have learned about these people and places.
5th grade: We are continuing our unit on Economics by discussing taxes. Don’t forget that the deadline is April 18, 2023 to file your taxes! Ask your student why it isn’t the 15th this year.
2nd grade: We are talking about the types of resources used to make goods. These include renewable and non-renewable.
Music & Art 🎹🎨
KSB Music
In honor of St. Patrick’s Day this month the music department came up with a limerick for each age group.
Please put our concerts on your calendars.
Concerts coming up:
March 30th - Middle School Concert 1:30 p.m. in the Cafeteria
April 27th - KSB High Schoolers 1:15 p.m. in Cafeteria
There were some elementary school children
And in music class we drilled them
On playing a beat and notes are a treat
And learning to play music it thrilled them
As we talk about Middle School
Where the kids think that nothing’s cool
They’re learning new songs and how to get along
And how music can be used as a tool
Now on to High School we go
Where things never move slow
As they prepare to move on and play advanced songs
We try to teach them all that we know
Fun Fact: The World’s Longest Running Performance Will End in the 27th Century. A 639 year performance based on eccentric composer John Cage’s “As Slow as Possible” (ASLSP) started in September 2001 and is still playing at St. Buchard Church in Germany. The performance by an automated organ plays so slowly that visitors have to wait months for a chord change, and is scheduled to end in 2640. The performance is so slow that the organ it’s played on was not even completed before the concert began. Additional pipes were added before the notes and chords changed. A generation of musicians will need to keep the organ going!
KMAC art classes are now receiving instruction from the final KMAC artist for the year Liz Richter. We started off classes with her by designing and creating mosaic rocks and wood slices with ceramic tile pieces. Future plans will include some sculptures as well as self-portrait pieces as well as other surprises. She will be with us until April 12th and then the students will receive extra time in Arts and Humanities classes or ECC skills classes. Her short autobiography is below. We are very thankful to have her with us again!
"Artist, Muralist and Illustrator Liz Richter is a neighbor to KSB, and has been visiting as an Artist in Residence since 2013. She is known for her large public art projects around the city, especially large exterior murals in NULU, Smoketown and Hikes Point. She is planning a public art project with KSBCF for the Clifton neighborhood, with special consideration for KSB students and the B/VI community and plans to include KSB artwork in parts of the installation. The project construction has begun within the green space at Banks Commons in front of United Crescent Hill Ministries, at the corner of State Street and Frankfort Avenue. In the art classroom, Liz loves teaching students to use recycled and unusual materials, a practice she incorporated into her own work as well. Liz recently held a solo exhibition at Revelry Boutique and Gallery, where she recreated the entire gallery space, and painted objects collected from thrift stores, to create an interior scene of a home. She also sells stickers and prints in the boutique. When not covered in paint, she enjoys exploring Frankfort Avenue with her 7 year old son, Barrett. You can find her work on Facebook or Instagram @lizrichterart."
In Ms. Roark's Arts Appreciation class, we are continuing to learn about many different art forms and artists (which now will include famous women artists in celebration of women's history month), our continuation of music history by visiting "On This Day In Music History" lessons, finishing The Sound of Music musical movie, and we will begin some Spring and Easter related art projects.
Fun Fact: Leonardo da Vinci was ambidextrous.
Leonardo da Vinci was known to be able to write with one hand while simultaneously drawing with the other. Researchers were able to conclude this by observing certain writings in his works that were mirrored or written backward on one side and normal on the other.
ECC Spotlight🔦
Careers in Education
This week, the students are learning about different jobs in the education field. Students have learned about becoming teachers, paraprofessionals, professors, principals, assistant principals, guidance counselors, tutors, etc. Students had the chance to choose a position and research the job and what it takes to reach the goal of becoming that title.
Mental Health Matters đź’š
Tips for getting out of a mini-slump
Small steps for when you aren’t feeling your best
- Acknowledge your feelings.
- Acknowledge where you’re at. Name your emotions and remember that whatever you’re feeling is valid. Remember that everyone feels this way sometimes.
- Move your body.
- Moving your body changes your posture and breathing patterns, and helps release endorphins and relieve stress. Bonus points if you can get outside, too!
- Freshen up your space.
- Taking a few minutes to clean, organize, or freshen up your space can help your inner state transform, too.
- Go slowly, but don’t stop.
- When you’re not feeling your best, allow yourself to move slowly. But if you want to get out of a slump, try to keep moving forward – little by little, slow and steady.
- Do three small things for “Future You”.
- What small steps can you take that your Future Self would thank you for? Tackle any small and manageable tasks you feel up to so that you can start to build momentum forward.
Athletics 🎽
Upcoming Athletics Events 🎳🏊
- Wednesday, March 15-JV Little NC Tournament (KSB)
- Thursday, March 23- KSB Virtual Swim Meet
- Wednesday, April 12-Forensics ISBVI Virtual Day Meet
- April 14-15-ISVI Swim Invitational, Illinois
- April 25-29- Forensics NCASB Conference Championships
- April 28-29-NCASB Swimming Conference Championships, Ohio
Student Life
Due to the recent flooding in the Evans Dormitory where the school clothes closet was, we lost a substantial amount of the clothes we use for all KSB students. When going through your family’s clothes, please remember that the residential program accepts used clothing that you may have and no longer need. You may donate your used clothing, accessories, shoes, etc. to the dormitory as a tax deductible donation. You would receive a letter as a receipt of the charitable donation that can be used on your taxes. If donating, please clearly identify the items and send them to Allison Chandler, Residential Director. Please accept our gratitude in advance for any donations.
*** Please note that we need everything from 4T through Adult’s XL (Boys and Girls) and Shoes Sizes children’s size 10 through Adult Men’s size 14 and Women’s size 11**
2023 INSIGHT to be held June 3-10
Registration Deadline: March 15, 2023
The INSIGHT Post-Secondary Preparation Program is the only program in the Commonwealth of Kentucky dedicated to promoting college and career readiness for students who are blind or visually impaired. The program is open to students who have completed grades 10-12 and are interested in attending a post secondary institution after graduating from high school. INSIGHT takes place on the beautiful campus of Morehead State University in Morehead, KY during the summer. The students stay in a Morehead University dorm, eat in the cafeteria and attend a Morehead college class. INSIGHT Post-Secondary Preparation Program was designed to promote self-advocacy and independent living for students that are blind or visually impaired so that they may experience what it will be like to go to college.
For more information contact INSIGHT Coordinator.
APH Family Connect
Newsletter background shows clovers cut out in felt and construction paper in different shades of green on an off-white background.