Madina Academy
June 2023
Principal's Message
As salaam Alaikum,
As the 2022-2023 academic year has drawn to a close, we would like to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to every one of you for being a part of the Madina Academy family. It has been a remarkable journey filled with growth, achievements, and memorable experiences. We are genuinely proud of what we have accomplished together!
The past year at Madina Academy has been nothing short of extraordinary. Our students have demonstrated remarkable dedication, resilience, and enthusiasm in pursuing knowledge and personal development. From their outstanding academic achievements to their active participation in extracurricular activities, our students have consistently displayed a passion for learning and a commitment to excellence.
None of this would have been possible without your unwavering support, encouragement, and partnership. As parents, you have played an integral role in fostering a nurturing environment that enables our students to thrive. Your involvement in their education and continuous support has been invaluable to their success. We extend our most profound appreciation to you for entrusting us with your children's education and for being active participants in their growth.
We also eagerly look toward the future as we bid farewell to this school year. Our commitment to providing an exceptional educational experience remains unwavering. We are constantly exploring ways to enhance our curriculum, improve teaching methodologies, and create an inclusive and enriching environment for our students. The feedback and suggestions we have received from parents throughout the year have been instrumental in shaping our plans for the upcoming academic year.
In the spirit of continuous improvement, we will utilize the summer break to reflect on our accomplishments, evaluate areas for enhancement, and strategize innovative initiatives to enhance the educational experience at Madina Academy further. We are excited about the possibilities and are confident that next year will bring even more outstanding achievements and opportunities for our students.
Once again, we extend our deepest gratitude to all of you for your unwavering support throughout the year. We will continue to nurture and empower our students at Madina Academy to become compassionate, knowledgeable, and well-rounded individuals.
May you all have a wonderful Eid and a fun summer filled with joy, relaxation, and quality time with your loved ones. We look forward to welcoming you back for another fantastic year at Madina Academy.
Wishing you all the best,
Dr. Ray Cooper
School Accomplishments!
Our students participated in the National History Day competition! After a successful run in the regional competitions, Madina students made it to the National Competitions. They not only represented Connecticut, but also received Honorable Mentions!
A photo of Madina students with our Senators Chris Murphy and Richard Blumenthal in D.C.
Congratulations to our graduating classes this year. May Allah protect you all and help you reach success in your future endeavors.
School Events
By: Zainah Khaliq Grade 9
Excitement and laughter filled the air as students from Madina Academy gathered for a memorable Field Day event. The annual celebration, held on June 2nd, was a remarkable day of outdoor fun and engaging activities, leaving everyone with cherished memories to last a lifetime.
From the moment the students arrived, they were greeted with a vibrant array of games and challenges. The event kicked off with a bouncy house, where children eagerly bounced. With every jump, they embraced a carefree spirit, leaving behind the worries of schoolwork and embracing the soon to come summer break.
Throughout the day, a multitude of activities were on offer, appealing to various interests and skill sets. Students showcased their dexterity and teamwork in games like hacky sack, where nimble footwork and quick reflexes were the keys to success. The sponge relay race tested their agility and coordination, as they maneuvered while carrying a soaked sponge, creating a refreshing splash with each step.
Friendly competition took center stage as students formed teams for the classic tug of war. The collective cheers and determined tugs of each side created an electric atmosphere, showcasing the spirit of unity and healthy rivalry among peers. Similarly, the volleyball, basketball, and soccer matches brought out the best in the students' sportsmanship and athleticism, as they displayed impressive skills and cheered on their teammates.
Lunchtime arrived, and the students were treated to a delightful spread provided by the amazing PTS.
With the temperature rising, water games became the highlight of the day. The splashing and squeals of delight created a symphony of joy, reminding everyone of the simple pleasures of childhood and the importance of embracing carefree moments.
With the success of this year's Field Day, students eagerly anticipate next year's event, already dreaming of the new games, challenges, and memories that lie ahead.
After hard work and dedication, the 2022-2023 school year is finally over. As we move on, we will continue to remember all the memorable moments, successes, and changes. Alhamduillah Madina Academy students competed in multiple regional, state, and even national competitions, successfully representing our school. They have worked hard participating in UConn Model United Nations, leadership conferences, journalism conferences, and had fun in school clubs and activities.
Advice Column by Salma Mahmoud Grade 10
Question: How do I overcome negative thoughts about myself?
A lot of negative self-talk stems from high expectations and comparison to other people. This can be caused by a variety of things, including social media, parents, or other authority figures. Of course, setting expectations for yourself is a good thing -- we should all have ambition and strive to do our best. Unfortunately, these expectations can become a bar that is a bit too high for us. That is when the negative self-talk comes in. We tend to be overly critical of the things we do because we know they did not reach that unrealistic standard. It’s a very normal thing to do -- but how do we overcome it?
The most important thing to do is to change the way you talk to yourself. Instead of talking to yourself harshly, it is better to talk to yourself like you would talk to a friend. If your friend messed up, you would tell them kindly and with constructive criticism. Why should you be any different? Another thing you can do is to take time to appreciate the things you have accomplished. It’s so easy to get lost in the things we haven’t done, that we forget about all our small successes. You got an A on that essay? Celebrate! By breaking up the self-criticism with feelings of pride and satisfaction, your overall self esteem is bound to increase, which in turn decreases feelings of negativity.
I hope this helped, and have a good summer vacation!
This year, in high school, we really focused on extra curricular activities and job shadowing:
In August 2022, Seniors took school based workshops to help them with college applications. These were scheduled during the summer to give students enough time to write their essays and create an outstanding application:
- CommonApp Workshop
- College Essay Workshop
In the fall we prepared for our UCMUN trip through Model UN clubs. We learned the structure of model united Nations, to write our research paper, practiced writing speeches and advocating for our assigned countries. Salma Mahmoud received the 'Best Delegate' Award!
We had numerous speakers visit Madina Academy this year to talk about their careers and jobs. Among them were:
- Ayah Galal (Journalist/News Anchor)
- Tasneem Khedr ( Student of Law)
- Dr. Khurram (Medical Practitioner)
- Representative from Hospital for Special Care
- UConn healthcare advocates from UConn health
- A Panel of Community Members in the engineering, business, and medical field
Our High School Students were coordinated to job shadow in various areas. These experiences gave students solid content to write about in their college essays and applications, especially if their experience is related to the major they are applying for, or it is in their field of interest. Madina students shadowed professionals at the following places:
Many of our students shadowed Judicial branch employees, such as the Probation Officer, Clerks Assistant, Bail Commissioner, Family Relations Counselor, Judicial Marshals, and Victim's Advocate. The aim is for students to explore careers in the legal field.
- The UConn School of Medicine High School Mentoring Research Program:
This summer, our qualifying students will have a hands-on opportunity to
supplement their formal education and gain practical work experience by
participating in a specialized independent unpaid internship. They will be involved in active research work experience.
- AI Engineering: Students shadowed engineers at the company in Meriden.
- Doctor's Office: This helped our students understand the different roles in health care. Students develop a perspective on a typical day in a practitioner's life.
-Summer Teen Employment Program (STEP) in theTown of Windsor: Our students will be spending some summer time working for a paid internship. They are tasked with small building projects, landscape maintenance, and special projects throughout the town.
Students are consistently encouraged to seek and engage in activities and of their interests and choice of career fields. The following are some activities our HS students are involved in:
- UConn Virtual Biomedical Engineering Discovery Program:
Through hands on projects, our students were guided by health professionals and educators to explore careers in health care and engage in exploration of biomedical application, such as designing a prosthetic leg.
- CCSU National Summer Transportation Institute (NSTI) program for high school students: Awareness for careers in Transportation and improvement of STEM.
- Journalism Workshop at Southern CT State University
- Al Muntaha Tutoring:
What a great way to give back! This organization offers FREE online tutoring to students in the Middle Eastern countries. Our students volunteered their time tutoring Egyptian and Palestinian children in English and provided help with their homework
- CPR Certified:
We always look for resources within our community. We were thankful that a Madina Academy mom was able to certify almost every one of the high school students with an emergency procedure that can help save someone's life should they stop breathing or their heart stops.
- National Honor Society:
A selective number of students inducted into the Al Qalam Chapter of NHS. They will continue next year.
- Newsletter Club
- Jumuah Khutbah:
-Many of our high school students prepare and lead the Jumuah Khutbah.
- PSAT/NMSQT in 10th &11th grades:
Students took the Fall and Spring Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. This is an excellent opportunity for students to practice for their SATs.
- Senior trip fundraisers
Regular emails going out about extra curricular opportunity that are available in the community, such as CSCU Cybersecurity Summer Camp, Bank Of America Leadership Program.
Our Kindergarten Readiness Program in Preschool
Short Story: Unexpected Visitor
By:Ahella Bedir Grade: 11
I stood there silently as someone finally approached my so-called grave. I immediately classify them as just another stranger coming to curse at my grave once again. I sighed and leaned against the tree which I was hiding behind. I lifted my hand to check the time on my watch, it was getting late and I had been here for way too long. Enough fun for today. I pulled on my mask and started to leave, when I heard sobbing coming from behind me, as I turned to look, the stranger who had just arrived was bent over in front of my fake grave, sobbing uncontrollably. A soft whisper escaped their lips, gradually getting louder the more they repeated it.
“I tried,” he sobbed, “I tried, I tried, I tried!”
My fun had come to an abrupt end. Who was this? The words kept repeating louder and louder, until I was shaken by the scream.
“I TRIED!” but then he stopped.
His sobbing turned into hysterical laughter. He laughed so hard that even I was scared. Me, the greatest villain of all time, scared.
“Who am I kidding?” he laughed, “if I had been trying, she wouldn’t be dead right now.”
Who was he? Why couldn’t I wrap my mind around this?
“HA!” He pushed himself up and stood up a bit slouched. “They call me a hero and I couldn’t even save a person that I cared about.” This time, the laugh turned into a sob.
He cared? Who… oh. OH.
“She didn’t do it this time, I know she didn’t. She never hurt a soul. She was witty, but not cruel. I tried- I tried to tell them. They wouldn't listen, who would?” He laughed, “They thought I had lost my mind, the hero, vouching for the villain.” his hands clutched his face, “but you didn't deserve to die, I respected you, I was amazed by every move that you pulled, each one even more brilliant than the one before. I waited impatiently for you to pull the next.” He stopped, straightened himself, “ I promise you, no, I swear to you, I will find the one who should really be underground.”
Without thinking, I pulled off my mask and stepped out from behind the tree. I started clapping as I approached him.
“Amazing show you pulled there, hero” I smirked, “I’m so very touched.”
His face went through 10 different expressions as he muttered, “You’re alive.” The shock on his face turned into a smile.
“So, how about this, instead of some delusional hero running off to find the real culprit behind this massacre, we become a team, and search together.” I stuck out my hand for him to shake it. He laughed as he took it. But then his face straightened.
“This time, I won’t ever let go.” His grip tightened around my hand.
Entertainment Page Fun Puzzles, Riddles & More!!! By: Maryam Akbar Grade: 11
Across 8. Cedric Diggory house 10. The title of the sixth Harry Potter book 11. Harry Potter's middle name 12. The title of the fifth Harry Potter book 13. The school of Witchcraft and Wizardry 14. The title of the fourth Harry Potter book 16. The title of the third Harry Potter book 18. The title of the first Harry Potter book 19. The amount of Harry Potter books 20. The amount of Harry Potter movies Down 1. The title of the last Harry Potter Book 2. The author of the Harry Potter Series 3. Harry Potter's house 4. The title of the second Harry Potter book 5. "He who must not be named" 6. Draco Malfoy's house 7. Ron's last name 8. Harry Potter's owl 9. The street that Harry Potter lives at 15. Hermonie's last name 17. Cho Chang's house
Let’s see who can solve the following Riddle Questions:
Four golfers named Mr. Black, Mr. White, Mr. Brown and Mr. Blue were competing in a tournament. The caddy didn’t know their names, so he asked them. One of them, Mr. Brown, told a lie. The 1st golfer said “The 2nd Golfer is Mr. Black.” The 2nd golfer said “I am not Mr. Blue!” The 3rd golfer said “Mr. White? That’s the 4th golfer.” And the 4th golfer remained silent. Which one of the golfers is Mr.Blue?
What goes up and never comes down?
Give me food, and I will live. Give me water, and I will die. What am I?
What can be found at the beginning of eternity the end of time and space the beginning of every end?
With shiny fangs , my bloodless bite will bring together what’s mostly white. What am I?
If you say my name i no longer exist. What am i?
If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven’t got me. What am i?
I am heavy forward but backwards I’m not. What am I?
A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven’t eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him?
Answers to previous riddles:
The past
Your body
4 – You need to count the number of closed circles
Did You Know?
Did you know it’s illegal to feed pigeons on the sidewalks and streets of San Francisco?
Did you know an astronaut was allergic to the moon?
Did you know 3 U.S. Presidents have won Grammys?
Did you know Viking men wore makeup?
Did you know a jockey once won a race after he had died?
Did you know it would cost $18.3 million to make a replica Darth Vader suit?