Bulldog Bulletin Weekly eNews
Here's what's on top for September 13, 2023
From Your Principal
Good Evening Buena Vista Parents,
Thank you to all of the parents that attended our PTA Meeting last night and our Coffee with the principal this morning. I hope the information your received regarding our districts practices and policies around school behavior and our responses were helpful. It was great connecting with you and answering your questions. If you did not make it to either session. You can learn more by checking out our BV Parent/Student Handbook or the WCSD Discipline Handbook.
Read-a-thon Kick-off is Monday, Sept. 18!
We are so excited for WCEF’s 4th Annual Read-a-thon to read, read, read and raise funds for our school. Please look out for materials from your classroom teacher and for emails from WCEF. Our school goal is to read 100,000 minutes and raise $20,000. We can do this!
Have your child come to school with their favorite book to kick off the Read-a-thon. WCEF is our district’s fundraising partner, providing additional funding for teacher and specialist salaries, academic programs, support for our libraries, and additional classes not possible without your gifts to WCEF.
There is a Pledgestar app!! Pledgestar is how you track reading minutes and funds raised, and they have an app to make it easy. You can also customize your child’s request, translate it into 50 languages, and more. To sign up visit pledgestar.com/wcef. Complete information can be found at wcefk12.org/readathon.
September is Attendance Awareness Month
Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school - and themselves. Start building this habit so they learn that going to school on time every day is important and rewarding. Eventually, good attendance will be a skill that will help them succeed in high school and college. #ShowingUpTogether
National Hispanic Heritage Month
National Hispanic Heritage Month is September 15-October 15 and teachers will be incorporating information into their classrooms and conversations. If you would like to learn more, here are some links as a resource.
Hispanic Heritage Month- Smithsonian
School Site Council
The first School Site Council (SSC) meeting of the year is scheduled for next Wednesday, September 27 from 3:00-4:00pm. Our SSC is a representative group of staff and parents that are responsible for developing and monitoring our BV Single Plan For Student Achievement. This plan identifies academic goals, strategies, actions and/or services to address the needs of our students. These meetings are open to the BV community.
It's a Great Day to Be a Bulldog!
Angela Gramlick
Important Dates
- September 18th-September 29th-WCEF Read-a-thon
- Friday, September 22nd-PTA Outdoor Movie Night on the Field- 7:15 (when it is dark enough)
- Wednesday, September 27th-School Site Council Meeting -3:00pm
- October 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 6th-Short Day Schedule-Parent/Teacher Conferences
CAC Parent Trainings
Our Contra Costa SELPA invites parents to attend the following information sessions: CAC Parent Trainings.
Extended Learning Opportunity Program (ELOP) Available
Walnut Creek School District’s new Extended Learning Program offers student enrichment from dismissal time until 6:00 pm each day. Some families qualify for free tuition based on income. To learn more and to register, visit our ELOP website here.
Calling all actors, playwrights, performers, musicians, builders, engineers... Odyssey of the Mind at Buena Vista
Odyssey of the Mind is an educational program that provides creative problem-solving opportunities for students. Team members apply their creativity and learn how to think divergently to solve open-ended problems that range from dramatic musical performances through interpretations of literary classics to building structures and mechanical devices.
Teams of students will identify challenges and think creatively to solve a problem as a team over the next 4-5 months, and present their solution at the annual Odyssey of the Mind Regional Tournament in February.
Students in grades K-2 are given a special Primary Problem. They also present their solutions in February but do not advance to the state level of competition.
If you think your child may be interested, please join me on a Zoom Meeting Thursday, September 21st from 5:00-5:30 PM. Feel free to talk to Kirsten Choy (First Grade teacher) kchoy@walnutcreeksd.org or visit the Odyssey of the Mind website at www.odysseyofthemind.com.
Campus and Gun Safety Event: Wednesday, October 11, 7-8:30pm
All Walnut Creek parents with students in grades K-12 are invited to join an important presentation and panel discussion on campus and gun safety on Wednesday, October 11, from 7-8:30pm in the Las Lomas High School Theater.
We will hear from Walnut Creek Mayor Cindy Silva, Police Chief Jamie Knox, AUHSD Superintendent John Nickerson, WCSD Superintendent Marie Morgan, WCSD Director of Operations/Safety Committee Ruben Fernandez, and Las Lomas Principal Heather Thorner about our city’s work to keep students and families safe from gun violence. Parents will learn how they can stay informed and do their part to keep our community safe.
Let's turn BV green and yellow every Friday, starting this week! Get creative, have some fun and show off your Bulldog spirit. There may be some surprises in store. Stay tuned for our upcoming Spirit Wear webstore this Fall.
Ongoing PTA Volunteer Opportunities
Please take a look at the Sign Up Genius for ongoing volunteer opportunities. You are not required to be a PTA member to contribute. This is a great way to build community and support our students - we can't do it without you!
WCEF’s 4th Annual Readathon starts next week!
Get ready to grab your favorite books! On September 18, WCEF will launch its 4th annual Read-a-thon in support of salaries for art, music, science lab, and additional elective classes with a goal to raise $180,000. Stay tuned for more information on cool prizes and giveaways…
Real Estate Partner Spotlight: Amy Imhoff Real Estate
Whether you’re buying or selling, Amy has 20+ years of experience to put behind your real estate needs. Reach out to Amy at goamyimhoff@fastagents.com, (415) 307-9629, or visit her website.
Order Extreme Pizza and support WCEF!
September is for Extreme Pizza! Every time you order Extreme Pizza and mention WCEF, Extreme will donate 10% of the bill back to WCEF.
Throughout the month of September, you’ll be supporting 5,000 Walnut Creek public school students as well as a fantastic local business. Plus, you won’t have to make dinner! That’s called a win-win-win.
Girl Scouts NorCal
Girl Scouts NorCal is hosting a Girl Scouts exploration day for new girls and their families in Lafayette in September. BV has troops forming at all grade levels and we would love to have new members join us!
Important Links
Is your child home from school?
Parents, please remember to call the attendance line if you student will not be coming to school: (925) 944-6822 ext 3801
Thank you!
Angela Gramlick-Principal
Email: agramlick@walnutcreeksd.org
Website: https://www.walnutcreeksd.org/Subsite001
Location: 2355 San Juan Avenue, Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Twitter: @BuenaVistaWCSD