Thundercat Weekly
#TPND Thunder Pride Never Dies
Two Thunder Claps: 7th Grader Zachary Kalmus
Zachary was one of the students in the Houston Round of The World Scholars cup who earned 2 gold medals at the competition and also qualified to go to the World Cup round. There were many teams there who competed but not every team qualifies and not every person gets a medal. Way to go Zachary !
Yearbook Distribution
Yearbooks will be distributed on May 25 and 26 during all lunches to students who pre-ordered them online. Books for virtual students will be available at the front office starting on May 27. All purchasers received an email from advisor Susanna Jakubik this week with this information.
If there are extra books available for purchase, they will be sold first-come, first-served at a later date.
RTMS Student Council Meeting
Contact Coach Barger or Mr. Davis if have any questions.
Coming to the Lair...
New NJHS Member News
NJHS 2021-2022 Schoology Page?
If your child is a new member of the National Junior Honor Society, they have been added to the 2021-2022 NJHS Schoology Page.
When is the Induction Ceremony?
Induction Ceremony will be Virtual and can be viewed on the NJHS Schoology page beginning Saturday, May 22, 2021.
What do we do after viewing the ceremony?
After viewing the virtual ceremony, complete the google form that is located on the NJHS Schoology Page to receive credit.
Drive Thru Ceremony?
A drive thru ceremony for the newly inducted members will be held on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 from 5:00-6:30.
Lost & Found
What's Up for Summer: Summer Learning Resources
Clinic News
Parents: If you have medication in school clinic, please come between 5/24/21 to 6/2/21 during school hour (8:20am – 4:20pm) to pick up your medication. Medications that are not picked up by end of 6/2/21 will all be discarded.
If your child goes to 7th grade in next semester year, your child needs two more vaccines in order to be compliant with Texas law. You can email the record to Chengfang.zhao@fortbendisd.com or drop it at the school clinic. Please be mindful that students who are not compliance with immunizations required by Texas laws must be excluded from school unless exemption (signed in accordance with the provisions of the law) is provided.
Tdap – 1 dose
Meningococcal – 1 dose
Thanks for your cooperation in the care of your child.
May is National Mental Health Month !!!
Mental Health Month raises awareness of trauma and impacts the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of children, families, and communities. Mental Health Month was established in 1949 to increase awareness of the importance of mental health and wellness and to celebrate recovery from mental illness. Would you recognize the symptoms of mental health struggles in yourself or a friend? And if you did recognize them, would you feel comfortable speaking up about it?
Mental health is essential for a person's overall health and wellness. Prevention works, treatment is effective, and people can recover from mental disorders and live full and productive lives! However, the most important thing that we want you to remember is that you are not alone! Here at RTMS, we want the entire Thundercat family to know that we are here to support you in every way. Also, students, please check Naviance every Monday for weekly information concerning mental health awareness. You can access your Naviance account via 1Link.
Starting Friday, April 23rd, there are vaccination opportunities for teens (16 years and older) every Friday evening and Saturday until the end of the school year. The “Vaccine for Teen” events are being held at Katy Mills Mall and HCC Missouri City. See the attached flyers for more information and to sign up for an appointment.
Safety Reminder
- Follow the designated traffic flow at arrival and dismissal
- Do not park at Leonetti Elementary for student pick up
Community Advisory Team
Dear Students:
Be the voice that your community needs! Apply to serve on a Community Advisory Team (CAT) to share feedback on District topics and your campus community. This is a great opportunity to build your student resume and gain leadership skills in preparation for college applications! CATs will meet four times per year and the District truly needs student support.
Thank you!
Application: Fort Bend ISD Community Advisory Teams 2021-2022 Application
RTMS Athletics: Get Your Physical
Attention ALL FUTURE THUNDERCAT ATHLETES for the upcoming 2021-22 School year.
- Get a physical completed by a doctor. Turn the original in to Coach Alexander or Coach Dobbins ASAP or by July 1st 2021.
- Fill out Online Rank One Forms found. (Place a 0 in front of your ID number)
Don't Forget Your Water Bottles
RTMS Parent Information
Possible Quarantine Scenarios:
1. Student is exposed or tests positive, parent contacts school nurse and completes wellness survey. Student goes into quarantine. Student immediately goes on “on-line Classroom Guest” status.
2. Student assessed by school nurse/clinic, has symptoms consistent with COVID and is sent home. The student has three days to obtain a doctor’s note with a diagnosis.
a. Obtains a written diagnosis from the doctor:
· Positive for COVID – contact tracing occurs and the student does not return to school.
· Negative for COVID – student returns to school after three days.
b. Student does not go to the doctor for a medical diagnosis:
· Student will be quarantined for 10-14 days.
· Student will become a “Classroom Guest” at day four.
Work Flow Steps for COVID:
1. If the student will be out for more than three days, the student will become a “Classroom Guest.” To maintain Schoology systems, the student will receive links to an online teacher while out. However, they will continue to do the work of their F2F teacher.
2. AP will follow-up to ensure the student received links as a “Classroom Guest.”
3. Counselor will notify teachers when the student is expected back on campus to resume regular F2F instruction.
**Classroom Guest – term for new online learners who transitioned to online learning from F2F due to quarantine or medical reason.