MCHS Community Newsletter
A few reminders...
We have added SafeArrival as means of reporting student absences. Parents/Guardians have received emails outlining the addition of SafeArrival along with guidelines on how to use the system. If you have not received the email, or if you have any questions, please let us know.
Attendance is a major priority to us and we ask for your support as we work to ensure students are in school and attending class on a regular basis.
Our school website is updated daily. You'll find our announcements, assessment calendar, communication from the School District, Guidance information, and many other resources.
District Close Out - Professional Learning Days
The District Close-Out takes place on Nov 6. There will be no school for students in our region as staffs will be engaged in Professional Learning.
On Nov. 27 MCHS will be closed to students for our first "Report Card Preparation Session". During the morning, teaching staff will be engaged in Professional Learning around Restorative Justice Practices. In the afternoon, teachers will be preparing for the release of our Term One Reports.
MCHS Remembrance Day Ceremony
Our Remembrance Day Ceremony will take place on Nov. 10. This school wide assembly is an important one for us at MCHS. We want to thank Ms. Kavanagh for her efforts in planning this ceremony and the teachers, students, and community partners who make it possible.
Breakfast Program Drive
From Oct. 30 - Nov. 13 the Health and Wellness subcommittee of the Leadership Group is holding a "Breakfast Program Drive". Slot D classes are in competition! Students and staff members are asked to donate breakfast program items if they are able. Please see the list of the District's approved items. We appreciate your support!
News and Notes...
First Term Reporting Period
Our term one report cards will be distributed on Nov. 30th. Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conferences will take place on Wednesday Dec. 6th from 1:30-4:00PM and 5:30-7:00PM. We look forward to seeing you all!
While assessment and feedback happen on a consistent basis in our classrooms, these formal reporting periods give us a chance to share a snap shot of your child's progress. As parents/guardians, you are important partners in learning. We strongly encourage effective communication between school and home. We are hopeful that you can join us for these conferences.
Wellness Activities
This year's first afternoon of wellness activities is tentatively planned for Nov. 22nd. Students will be asked to sign up for a wellness activity (or activities) of their choosing. Please note, some of the activities will require permission slips.
A Note from the Guidance Office
The following sessions are coming up for our Grade 12 students:
Memorial University information session - Nov. 2nd.
College of the North Atlantic information session - Nov. 3rd.
Canadian Armed Forces information session - Nov. 15th.
Extra-Curricular Activities
A Spooktactular Halloween!
Our School Spirit Committee planned some fun theme days leading up to Halloween. Lots of students and staff members participated in the Spooktacular Time! Teachers took part in a "punny" costume activity where students competed to guess the "pun" each teacher represented. Thanks to all staff who organized and participated!
Student Leadership
Members of our Leadership Group represented MCHS at the Student Leadership Conference at Fortune Bay Academy. A big thank you to Ms. Brushett for spending this fun day and evening with our students!
Provincial Silver Medal
Our Boys Soccer team finished 2nd at the Provincial 3A Soccer Championship in Springdale. Many thanks to Mr. Brushett for coaching the team and to our parent volunteers for their support. Congratulations boys!
Rained Out...
Unfortunately, heavy rain caused the cancelation of the Provincial boys 4A Softball Tournament that we were set to host on Oct. 20-21. We are waiting to hear about an alternate date for this tournament. We will share that information when it becomes available.
Tryouts and New Seasons
Girls Volleyball try-outs are ongoing. Thanks to Ms. Cusick for coaching the team. Boys Volleyball try-outs are happening as well. Thanks to Mr. Dominie for volunteering to coach this team. Our Girls (Ms. Cusick) and Boys (Mr. Hackett) Ice Hockey seasons are underway as well. We wish all teams good luck!
Ongoing Clubs and Activities
Art Club (Ms. Powell-Sellars), Drama Club (Ms. King, Ms. Brushett, Ms. White) ,
Dart Club (Mr. Jeff Moulton), Dungeons and Dragons Club (Ms. Inkpen), GSA (Ms. Cusick), and Leadership Group - Health and Wellness Committee (Ms. Cusick), School Spirit Committee (Ms. White and Ms. Brushett), and Sports Activities Committee (Mr. Brushett) are continuing. Many thanks to the teachers and volunteers who are leading these initiatives. If you have questions about any of these clubs, please contact the main office or the respective teacher-sponsor. Check out the daily announcements on the main page of our school website for details on extra-curricular activities.
MCHS Spirit Wear/School Clothing Order
The MCHS Fall School Clothing store is in the works. We will have some new items added this year! The store will be linked to our website soon. Orders will be shipped to MCHS for distribution.
Please note, our Graduate Hoodie/Clothing order will take place early in the new year.