The Bethlehem Star
November, 2024
Welcome, November!
I feel like I say this every month, but can you believe it is already November? This school year is moving right along. November is Family Engagement Month, and we are thrilled to invite our AMAZING families into the school for some learning activities. Our teachers look forward to hosting you! This newsletter is full of information regarding several key dates in November. We hope that you find it helpful!
Mrs. Reid
November's Character Trait: Empathy
Our Character Strong trait of the month is empathy. We all experience conflict in life. Whether we are frustrated with a friend or in an argument with a family member, we need tools to help us navigate conflict successfully and keep our relationships healthy. This month, we invite you to join the conversation with your child. Here are some conversation starters that might be helpful.
- Can you share or show what Strong Listening means?
- Why do you think it is important to use Strong Listening when practicing Empathy?
In addition, we will be focusing on the following lifeskills this month:
- Listening
- Accepting "no"
- Asking permission
Veterans Day Program: November 11
We are thrilled to celebrate Veterans! Our fourth-grade classes will be performing a patriotic tribute on Monday, November 11 at 8:30 AM. You are welcome to join us in the Gym as we celebrate our heroes!
World Kindness Day: November 13
Please join us in celebrating World Kindness Day on November 13! It's always a great day to be kind, but we are happy that it gets its own special day to raise awareness. If you'd like more information on WKD or some ideas, please visit: https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/world-kindness-day
Field Trips
November 8: 2nd Grade Visits Yellow River Sanctuary
November 20: 4th Grade Visits the William Harris Homestead
Author Visit
Family Engagement Month Activities: November 19 & 20
We are excited about our upcoming Family Engagement Days on November 19-20! Please see the schedule below. Teachers are planning some engaging activities that you will be able to participate in with your child. We hope to see you there!
Read-A-Thon: November 22
We are proud to support our community partners at Adult Literacy Barrow each year with a fundraiser. Our goal is to raise $1000 to support the BES scholarship. Our students and staff always enjoy this service project that involves pajamas and books! Please see the information below. Thank you in advance for your contribution!
Thanksgiving Break: November 25-29
We hope you all enjoy your Thanksgiving Break! We are certainly thankful for all of you!
November Calendar at a Glance
4: Digital Learning Day
5: Teacher Planning Day
6: Severe Weather Drill
8: 2nd Grade Field Trip
11: Veterans Day--Wear patriotic attire; 4th Grade Program at 8:30 AM
13: World Kindness Day
14: Author Visit--Laurel Snyder
19-20: Family Engagement Events
20: 4th Grade Field Trip
22: Adult Literacy Read-a-thon--Wear pajamas
25-29: Thanksgiving Break
Watch Us Grow! Middle-of-the-Year MAP Assessments
MAP: Measures of Academic Progress--Coming Soon!
We always look forward to the mid-year assessments as they show how much our students have grown from August to December. Students set goals based on their August assessments, and we can't wait to see how many of them reach those goals! Here is the tentative schedule of assessments.
- December 3: 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Reading
- December 4: 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Language Arts
- December 5: 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Math
- December 9: KDG (Hunter/Ducato), 1st, and 2nd Reading
- December 10: KDG (Roberts/Phillips) Reading
- December 11: KDG (Borron) Reading; and KDG (Hunter), 1st, and 2nd Math
- December 12: KDG (Ducato/Roberts) Math
- December 13: KDG (Phillips/Borron) Math
Literacy Night: Save the Date
BES will be hosting a holiday/winter-themed literacy night event on December 5. Be on the lookout for a flyer with more details!
Holiday Parties: Save the Dates
Wednesday, December 18: PK, Kindergarten, 4th & 5th Grade (Times to be announced.)
Thursday, December 19: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade (Times to be announced.)