Oregon ACTE Newsletter
Fall 2022
Monday Mingles: New CTE Teacher Series
Hi, New CTE Teachers!
You are invited to Oregon ACTE’s Monday Mingle for NEW CTE TEACHERS. This is a 4 session series with our first session focused on surviving the first term with students!
Calendar of Sessions:
October 3 – 4:00-5:00 pm
Register for Session 1 below:
https://imesdmeet.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYrfumurD0pEtM_uscper8HCriAtIkqrDOcAfter registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
October 17 – 4:00-5:00 pm
Register for Session 2 below:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
November 7– 4:00-5:00 pm
Register for Session 3 below:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
November 14 – 4:00-5:00 pm
Register for Session 4 below:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
If you have any questions, please email Caitlin Russell. PDF with information attached to send out as well!
Monday Mingles: Industry Specific, Beginning October 24
Monday Mingles are a virtual professional development opportunity for career-specific educators/stakeholders from around the state of Oregon to come together to learn, share and collaborate. This Monday Mingle is focused on:
Monday, October 24, 2022
Featured Presenters:
Meg Kilmer, High School Outreach Coordinator-Pacific Northwest Carpenters Institute (PNCI), offices in Portland, Redmond and Tangent
"Help Your Students Stand Out in Their Application for Apprenticeship"
Joseph Hull, Vice President-McCormack Construction, Pendleton
"Construction Company Basics-Overview, Careers, Challenges"
Beyond the presenters, educators/stakeholders will have an opportunity to meet in small groups and share about their work. This will be a great opportunity to meet colleagues/partners across Oregon.
Cost: Free
Register here: https://bit.ly/MMRegConst
Questions: Contact Lisa Klingsporn at lklingsporn@pps.net
Brought to you from Oregon ACTE in partnership with McCormack Construction and Pacific Northwest Carpenters Institute
ACTE Awards
Nominees can be made at this site:
In Oregon, we are focusing on the following awards for the 2022-23 year:
- CTE Teacher of the Year
- Counselor and Career Development Professional Award
- Postsecondary CTE Professional of the Year
- CTE New Teacher of the Year
We want to be sure to recognize amazing individuals in our state, so if you have someone to nominate, please do so. Nominations should be entered by February 1.
ASPIRE Fall Conferences
The 2022 ASPIRE Fall Conference is back in person this year. The ASPIRE Fall Conference includes a variety of topics to help practitioners expand their knowledge of career and college readiness. This year’s conference features workshops on- financial aid, supporting career and technical education, understanding apprenticeships, and more. The conference also includes opportunities to network with other ASPIRE sites and share best practices. The ASPIRE Fall Conference is open to current ASPIRE coordinators, ASPIRE volunteers/mentors, and other college access professionals in the state.
- Date: September 30th at Eastern Oregon University
Additional information including event registration can be found on our website here.
CTE In The News
Lane County Schools building transitional housing
Hillsboro High School Semiconductor Apprenticeship
COCC receives $750K tech-sector grant to recruit, fund underserved students
Report: Paid Internships Benefit Community College Students
- Alan Kirby, President, North Santiam SD, CTE/Pathways Coordinator
- Caitlin Russell, VP, IMESD, CTE Regional Coordinator
- Lisa Klingsporn, Secretary, PPS, Strategic Business Partnerships Manager
- Lee Kounovsky, ECCO High School (Eugene)
- Kristin Gunson, former Oregon ACTE president
- Luis Juarez, Higher Education Coordinating Commission
- Regine Childs, Administrator at Sheldon HS, Eugene, OR
- Robin Taylor, Chemeketa Community College Dean
- Art Witkowski, ODE
- Toni Zikmund, Business Technology Teacher, Baker City
- Tom Goodhue, Executive Director (contact, tgoodhue@ocweb.com)