Dolphin Digest
Vol. 2 August 21 - August 25, 2023
Message from Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians:
On behalf of our entire staff I would like to welcome you and your children to the 2023-24 school year! I would like to send a special welcome to our new families joining us this year for the first time. Welcome to North Davis–it is a special place where you will quickly feel like you belong. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any and all questions you might have.
The first day of school is Tuesday, August 22, with student drop off between 8:00 am - 8:15 am. It is a regular full school day. Please check the schedule for dismissal times. AM Kinder families arrive in the Kinder yard, teachers will open doors at 8:15 am. Students in the ELO-P class should meet outside J-40. Being on time to school sets our students up for success. This is my favorite day of the year and I look forward to seeing all the smiling faces, dressed ready to learn. Our staff has been working very hard to get ready for this very special day, and I would like to take the opportunity to thank them.
See you soon!
Go Dolphins!!
Mrs. Pinto
Arrival Procedures
Students may arrive to school at 8:00 am. There is no supervision on campus until 8:00 am, so please do not drop off or have your child arrive at school earlier than that. If for some reason they arrive a little early, they may wait in the front of the school by the office, by the tables in front of the new MPR, or at the picnic benches in the northeast corner of campus near the 4th and 5th grade wing. Students who bike should park their bike in the new bike parking area, just west of the vintage MPR, and wait there until 8:00 am before coming onto campus. At 8:00 am, a bell will ring, and students will walk to their classrooms and hang their backpacks on the hooks outside their classrooms. They may then play on the playground until 8:12 am when the first bell sounds. They will then line up and teachers will meet them at their assigned line-up spots, clearly visible from the playground. School starts at 8:15 am.
Drop - off and Pick up Information
Please be mindful about where you park during drop off and pick up. Make sure you plan for this ahead of time. Being on time to school sets up a student for success.
- We strongly encourage students to walk or bike to school.
- Students riding bikes must wear a helmet. You must bring your own lock and lock your bike at the designated bike racks. All riders must dismount and remember to always walk bikes once they are on campus.
- When driving, students may be dropped off at the loading zone on 14th Street.
- Observe the loading zone and do not park or leave your car.
- Double parking is prohibited.
- Do not block the bike lane.
- The parking lot is for staff only. Please do not use the parking lot for drop-off or pick-up.
- The Catalyst parking lot should not be used for drop off and pick up.
- Always use the crosswalk.
Thank you for following the rules and keeping our students safe!
Biking to School
Students who bike to school should take the new bike path behind the new MPR to the new bike parking area just west of the old MPR. Active4me volunteers will be at the bike racks to scan as students arrive starting at 8:00 am. Students should not ride their bikes on campus. Please practice a safe biking route to school with your child.
Every school day a volunteer scans in each student as they arrive, capturing that trip. Parents are immediately notified by text (SMS), phone, or e-mail that their student has arrived at school.
Kids earn small incentives throughout the year! If you live too far away to walk or bike, you can drop off as close as a block from school (which might be easier for parents!) and walk from there!
Parent permission is required for students to sign up for Active4.me! Please register, print, sign and return the registration form to receive a student barcode tag. The PTA will have registration forms at the Back to School Picnic. Forms can be dropped off in the front office or to the scanning station near the bike racks. Permission slips are available in English, Spanish, and Simplified Chinese.
• Anyone enrolled at local Elementary can participate.
• A volunteer scans in each student each day as they arrive at school, capturing that trip.
• A text or email is sent to notify parents that the child has been “scanned” and is at school.
• This is a parent-run volunteer program that is supported by the PTA.
Visiting our School
School Supplies
In DJUSD, students are provided with all of the school supplies they need to be successful. There may be an item specific to a project or system in a class or grade level where donations from parents are requested, but not required. Teachers may also request classroom supplies as donations, but again, these are not required. We ask that every student come to school with a backpack, lunchbox (if bringing lunch), and a reusable water bottle full of water. Water fountains and water bottle filling stations will be available to fill bottles. It is highly recommended that parents write their student's name and classroom number on all personal items.
Message from our School Nurse
If your child has a serious health condition such as Diabetes, Seizure Disorder, or Severe Allergy, please contact your school nurse. The school nurse can develop an individualized health plan to support your child at school. Please refer to the DJUSD website for medication order forms and additional information: Health Services-DJUSD.
Fitness and Jump Rope Club at NDE!
We NEED volunteers to help run these activities and we CANNOT do it WITHOUT YOU!!
If you are able to volunteer, please contact Mrs. Heeren (rhymes with "Karen") at kristenmuir@sbcglobal.net for more information.
Kindergarten and TK Wednesday Fitness NEEDS Volunteers
Beginning in October we will run our PTA funded "Kids in Motion" Wednesday morning Fitness rotations with Kindergarten and TK. Classes come one at a time for a 30-minute session, indoors in the old MPR. The four sessions run throughout the morning. Students are divided into three small groups (up to eight students each) and rotate through three different activities in each 30-minute session.
1st - 3rd Grade Friday Fitness NEEDS Volunteers
Beginning mid-September we will run our PTA funded "Kids in Motion" Friday morning Fitness rotations with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades. 1st grade comes out for three sessions, one class size at a time, and sessions run throughout the morning. Students are divided into three small groups (up to eight students each) and rotate through three different activities in each 30-minute session. 2nd and 3rd grades come out as a whole grade level with three full-class groupings rotating through three activities in a 50-minute session.
Lunch Time Recess NEEDS Volunteers
Especially at the beginning of the year we NEED extra help running a variety of engaging activities during lunch recess. We will eventually have college interns who assist with lunch recess activities, but they do not begin until end of September/early October. If you have activities you want to run that's great, but is not required. Mrs. Heeren has equipment and lesson plans for a variety of activities and will be onsite to get everything set and ready to go.
Lunch recesses are 11:45-12:15 for grades 1st-3rd and 12:30-1:00 for grades 4th-6th. It is ideal if you are able to come a bit ahead of students coming out to recess (11:30/12:15) to help set up and go over the activity and stay for both recesses (11:30-1:00), but is not necessary.
Wednesday Lunch Time Jump Rope Club NEEDS Volunteers
Every Wednesday, beginning August 23rd, we run our PTA funded Jump Rope Club during lunch recess. Students can come for as little or as long as they wish each week and can come every week or just drop in from time to time. During Jump Rope Club we play music to keep the energy FUN while learning a variety of individual rope skills as well as partner rope turning and jumping skills, Double Dutch, Double Irish, Chinese Wheel and more. At the end of the year interested students perform in a whole school Jump Rope Assembly. Last year we had over 100 student performers!
Lunch recesses are 11:45-12:15 for grades 1st-3rd and 12:30-1:00 for grades 4th-6th. You can come for the whole time (11:45-1:00) or just to the recess where your student(s) is/are participating.
School Site Council
2023 NDE Spirit Wear!
How to join the PTA:
The PTA relies solely on volunteers, membership contributions, donations, and fundraising in order to raise and provide funding for academic and social programs.
You can learn more about NDE PTA at http://ndepta.com and get the latest and greatest news by following our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/NDEParents/
Join by clicking here: https://jointotem.com/ca/davis/nde-pta
Thank you so much for all your support.
Back to School Night: 8/30/23
5:45 - 6:00 School and PTA information - New MPR - Principal Pinto
6:00 - 6:45 Teacher Presentations - Grades 4 - 6
6:45 - 7:00 School and PTA information - New MPR - Principal Pinto - same presentation
7:00 - 7:45 Teacher Presentations - Grades TK - 3
Mark your calendars
8/30/23 - Back to School Night
9/04/23 - Labor Day - School Holiday
9/21/23 - Jog-a-thon
10/1/23 - Dolphin Fest
10/27/23 - Spooky Movie Night
We are a PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) school!
Connect with Rebecca Pinto
Email: rpinto@djusd.net
Website: https://northdavis.djusd.net/
Location: 555 East 14th Street, Davis, CA, USA
Phone: (530)757-5475
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/search/posts/?q=north%20davis%20elementary%20school